10 Pretty Flower Names with Pictures, Flower Names

10 Pretty Flower names with Pictures! Flowers have always been a part of human culture. They can be used for decoration, to show love, or simply to enjoy their beauty. There are many different types of flowers, and each one has its own unique name. Here are ten pretty flowers with pictures.

10 Pretty Flower names with Pictures

Pretty Flower Names List

  1. Rose
  2. Orchids Flowers
  3. Cherry Blossom
  4. Dahlia
  5. Tulip
  6. Marigold
  7. Protia
  8. Iris
  9. Lilac
  10. Peopny

Related: 300+ List of Flowers Name with Pictures

Pretty Flower Names with Pictures


Rose 10 Pretty Flower names with Pictures

Rose is a flower. It has many different kinds of varieties and each one has its own unique name. There are two types of roses: the wild-type rose and the hybrid rose. Hybrid roses are more beautiful, but they need more maintenance than wild-type roses.

Orchids Flowers

Orchids Flowers 10 Pretty Flower names with Pictures

Orchids are flowers that grow on trees. There are over 15,000 species of orchids around the world. They are very beautiful and they have an intoxicating smell.

Cherry Blossom

Cherry Blossom 10 Pretty Flower names with Pictures

A cherry blossom is a flower that grows on cherry trees. Cherry blossom is one of the symbols of spring. They are also beautiful and have a very sweet fragrance. There are many types of cherries, but cherry blossom grows on only a few trees in Japan.


Dhalia 10 Pretty Flower names with Pictures

Dahlia is a type of flower that blooms in the winter. It is one of the symbols of winter. It has a very sweet fragrance and it looks like an angel.


Tulip 10 Pretty Flower names with Pictures

Tulips are flowers that grow on tulip trees. They are very beautiful and have a very sweet fragrance. There is only one type of tulip, but there are many varieties of tulips.


Marigold 10 Pretty Flower names with Pictures

Marigold is a type of flower that blooms in the summer. It is one of the symbols of summer. It has a very sweet fragrance, and it looks like a star.


Protia 10 Pretty Flower names with Pictures

Protia is a flower that looks like a sunflower. It blooms in the spring and has many petals. This flower has many different types of shapes, and it’s very pretty. The flowers are very beautiful, and they have various colors.


Iris 10 Pretty Flower names with Pictures

Iris is a type of flower that has a beautiful color. Iris flowers have many petals and are usually used in the garden. They bloom in the spring, and they have many different colors.


Lilac 10 Pretty Flower names with Pictures

Lilac is a kind of flower that blooms in the spring. It is very beautiful, and it usually has many petals. Lilac flowers are usually used in the garden.


Peopny 10 Pretty Flower names with Pictures

Peony is a type of flower that has many petals. These flowers are usually used in the garden. Peonies have many different colors, and they are very beautiful.

Pretty Flowers and their Names

Flowers Name Flowers Picture
Cherry Blossom Cherry Blossom
Dahlia Dhalia
Iris Iris
Lilac Lilac
Marigold Marigold
Orchids Flowers Orchids Flowers
Peony Peony
Protea Protea
Rose Rose
Tulip Tulip


  1. 15 Flowers names
  2. 5 Bouquet Flower Names
  3. 5 Small Flower Names
  4. 5 Summer Flower Names
  5. 5 Sunflower Names
  6. 5 Wild Flower Names
  7. 5 Winter Flower Names