10 Examples of Prepositions of Agent in Sentences

When it comes to the English language, prepositions can be used to describe various relationships between words. One type of preposition is a preposition of an agent, which is used to indicate the person or thing responsible for carrying out an action. In this article, we will explore 10 examples of prepositions of the agent in sentences to help you better understand how they function in context.

What is the Preposition of Agent?

The preposition of agent is a type of preposition that is used to show who or what performs the action of the verb in a passive sentence. It is typically introduced by the word “by” and is used to indicate the person, animal, or thing that is responsible for the action being performed.

For example, in the sentence “The cake was baked by my mom,” “by” is the preposition of agent, and it shows that “my mom” is the one who performed the action of baking the cake.

Related: 10 Examples of Prepositions of Manner

10 Examples of Prepositions of Agent in Sentences

Prepositions of agent are used to indicate the agent or doer of an action in a sentence. Here are 10 examples of prepositions of agent:

  1. By: The cake was baked by my sister.
  2. With: The painting was created with a paintbrush.
  3. From: The message was sent from my phone.
  4. Through: The bullet was fired through the gun.
  5. On: The report was written on a computer.
  6. In: The car was manufactured in Japan.
  7. At: The book was written at the author’s desk.
  8. Upon: The decision was made upon further investigation.
  9. About: The speech was given about climate change.
  10. Of: The invention was the work of Thomas Edison.

10 Examples of Prepositions of Agent

Preposition Of Agent Exercises With Answers

Here are some exercises on prepositions of agent with answers:

Exercise 1:

Complete the following sentences using the correct preposition of agent.

The painting was created ___ Rembrandt.

Answer: by

The book was written ___ a famous author.

Answer: by

The cake was baked ___ my mom.

Answer: by

The movie was directed ___ Steven Spielberg.

Answer: by

The song was composed ___ John Lennon.

Answer: by

Exercise 2:

Choose the correct preposition of agent to complete the following sentences.

The message was sent ___ my phone.

Answer: by

The car was stolen ___ a thief.

Answer: by

The cake was made ___ my sister.

Answer: by

The bridge was built ___ engineers.

Answer: by

The play was written ___ Shakespeare.

Answer: by

Exercise 3:

Complete the following sentences using the correct preposition of agent.

The bicycle was repaired ___ a mechanic.

Answer: by

The sculpture was carved ___ a famous artist.

Answer: by

The house was designed ___ an architect.

Answer: by

The concert was conducted ___ a famous musician.

Answer: by

The novel was published ___ a well-known publishing house.

Answer: by