10 Examples of Participial Adjectives in Sentences

10 Examples of Participial Adjectives in Sentences! Participial adjectives can be a great way to improve your writing style and make your sentences more interesting. In this article, we will explore 10 examples of participial adjectives in sentences, while also providing the definition of these types of words and their usage in a sentence. Whether you are an avid reader or an aspiring writer, understanding participial adjectives is essential if you want to improve your writing skills.

Related: 100 Examples of Participial Adjectives

10 Examples of Participial Adjectives in Sentences

10 Participial Adjectives Meaning And Examples

Participial adjectives are formed from verbs and used to describe or modify a noun. Here are 10 examples of participial adjectives and their meanings:

1. Exhausted – completely tired or worn out.

Example: After the long race, I felt exhausted.

2. Baffled – confused or puzzled.

Example: The complex math problem left me baffled.

3. Captivated – charmed or fascinated.

Example: The beautiful scenery captivated the tourists.

4. Enraged – very angry.

Example: The customer was enraged when their order was incorrect.

5. Terrified – extremely scared or frightened.

Example: The horror movie left me terrified.

6. Delighted – very happy or pleased.

Example: The children were delighted to see the ice cream truck.

7. Amused – entertained or entertained.

Example: The comedian’s jokes left the audience amused.

8. Bewildered – confused or puzzled.

Example: The directions to the new restaurant left me bewildered.

9. Surprised – taken aback or shocked.

Example: The unexpected gift from my friend surprised me.

10. Disgusted – feeling strong dislike or aversion.

Example: The spoiled food in the refrigerator disgusted me.