Vocabulary words for kids of Grade 1! Here are some basic to advance level vocabulary words for a kid of first-grader, these vocabulary words are essential for a 1st-grade child, some of these words may feel difficult but believe me these all are necessary for a kindergarten kid. They will likely pop up in your child’s books and educational TV programs.
Vocabulary Words for Kids of Grade 1
Abide | Able | Ablution | Abortion | Above |
Absolution | Abuse | Accept | Accusation | Accuse |
Acidity | Acne | Act | Actor | Actress |
Adieu | Admire | Admit | Adopt | adopted daughter |
adopted son | Advise | Afternoon | Against | Age |
Ago | Agree | Aid | Ajwain seed | Albino |
Alkanet root | Allspice | Almond | Alms | Always |
Also Check: List of Adverbs for Kids
Am | Among | Anchor | Anemia | Angle |
Aniseed | Ankle | Anorexia | Answer | Anus |
Apocalypse | Apostate | Apostle | Appear | Appear |
Apple | Apply | Area | Arise | Arm |
Arm | Armour | Armpit | Arrange | Arrest |
Arrow | Art | Asafoetida | Ascension | Ascetic |
Asthma | Atheist | Attack | Attempt | Auger |
aunt | Aunt | Author | Author | Authoress |
Authoress | Awake | Awaken | Ax | Bachelor |
Backbone | Bad | Bad cold | Bake | Ball |
Banana | Bank | Base | Basil seeds | Bay leaf |
Bear | Bear | Bear | Beard | Beat |
Beauty | Become | Bed | Beef | Beg |
Beget | Begin | Begin | Begin | Behave |
Behind | Behold | Belch | Believe | Believe |
Believer | Belly | Belong | Bend | Best |
Better | Between | Bid | Bind | Bird |
Bitch | Bite | Black | Black Cardamom | Black pepper |
Black Salt | Black cumin seed | Bladder | Blame | Blind |
Blister | Blood | Blood | Blow | Blow |
Blue | Board | Boat | Body | Boil |
Also check: Vocabulary Words with Pictures
Bolt | Bone | Book | Borrow | Bosom |
Both | Bottom | Bough | Bow | Box |
Boy | Brain | bran | Bread | Break |
Break | Break one’s fast | Breast | Breath | Bridge of the nose |
Bright | Bring | Broke | Bronchitis | Brother |
brother | Brother | brother-in-law | Brought | Brown |
Bruise | Build | Bull | Bullet | Burn |
Burn | Bury | Busy | Butter | Butter Milk |
Buttocks | Call | Camel | Cancer | Cannon |
Car | Carbage | Cardamom | Care | Carry |
Case | Cashew nut | Cashew-nut | Cat | Cataract |
Catarrh | Catch | Catridge | Cause | Cell |
Cent | Center | Century | Certain | Charge, accusation |
Chase | Check | Cheddar Cheese | Cheek | cheese |
Cherry | Chest | Child | Children | Chin |
Chisel | Cholera | Choose | Choose | Cinnamon |
Circle | Citric acid | City | Claim | Clap |
Clarified Butter | Class | Clavicle | Clean | Clear |
Cleave | Cleaver | client | Climb | Climb |
Cling | Close | Clothe | Cloud | Cloves |
Cock | Coconut | Cold | Colf | Colic pain |
Collect | Color | Common | Compass | Complete |
Complexion | Compulsory | Connect | Consist | Consonant |
Constipation | Constitution | Contain | Control | Cool |
Copy | Coriander powder | Coriander seed | corn-ear | Correct |
Cost | Cottage cheese | Cough | Count | Course |
Cousin | Cousin | Cow | Cow | Cracked mustard seeds |
Crease | Create | Cromp | Cross | Crow |
Crusade | Crush | Cry | Cue | Cumin seed |
curd | Curd | Cure | Curry Leaf | Custard |
Custard apple | customer | Cut | Dagger | Daily |
Dance | Dare | Dare | Dark | Date |
Dates | daughter | Daughter | daughter-in-law | Dawn |
Day | Deaf | Decade | Deceive | Decide |
Decimal | Declare | Deep | Defeat | Depend |
Describe | Design | Destroy | Develop | Devil |
Diabetes | Diarrhea | Dictionary | Die | Dig |
Dill | Direct | Director | Director | Directress |
Directress | Disappear | Disappoint | Discuss | Distant |
Dive | Divide | Do | Dog | Dog |
Don’t | Done | Door | Drag | Draw |
Dress | Dried fenugreek leaf | Dried ginger powder | Drill | Drink |
Drive | Drive | Drop | Drown | Dry |
Dump | Dung | During | Dysentery | Dyspepsia |
Ear | Ear | Ear drum | Early | Earn |
Ear-wax | Ease | East | Eat | Eat |
Eczema | Edge | Educate | Egg | Elbow |
Else | Emblica Gooseberry | Emperor | Emperor | Employ |
Empress | Empress | Enable | Energy | Engage |
Engine | Enlarge | Enough | Enter | Epilepsy |
Epistaxes | Equal | Equality | Equate | Escape |
Evening | Ever | Exact | Example | Except |
Excite | Excuse | Exercise | Exodus | Experiment |
Eye | Eye | Eye-ball | Eye-brow | Eye-lash |
Eye-lid | Face | Fact | Fade | Fair |
Fall | Fall | Falsa (Grewia) | False imputation | Family |
Far | Farm | Fast | Fast | Father |
Father | Feel | Feet | Fell | Felt |
Female | Fennel seed | Fenugreek | Fenugreek seeds | Fever |
Few | Field | Fig | Fight | Figure |
File | Fill | Final | Fine | Finger |
Finish | Finish | Fire | Firmness | Fish |
Fistula | Fit | Five | Flash | Flat |
Flatter | Flax seeds | Flesh | Fling | flour |
Flow | Flower | flummery | Fly | Fly |
Fold | Food-pipe | Foot | Foot | Forbear |
Force | Fore-arm | Fore-finger | Fore-head | Forest |
Forge | Forget | Forsake | Found | Four |
Fox | Fraction | Freckle | Free | Freeze |
Friend | friend | Friend | Friend | Front |
Full | Fun | Funeral | Gain | Gall |
Gamble | Game | Garam masala | Garden | Garden cress seeds |
Garlic | Gas | Gather | Gave | General |
Generous | Genuflection | Get | Giddiness | Gild |
Ginger | Gird | Girl | Girl | Give |
Vocabulary Words for Kids of Grade 1 – Worksheet
Kindergarten Worksheets (Tracing Alphabets)
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Vocabulary words for kids of grade 1 PDF
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