200+ Most Popular Spanish Dog Names (Male, Female)

When it comes to choosing an appropriate name for your new pup, it can be difficult to find one that really suits their personality. Do you want something classic or trendy? Something traditional or unique? Whatever your choice may be, if you’re looking to inject some Latin flair into the mix of potential monikers, consider these male and female Spanish dog names. Whether you’ve just brought a Chihuahua home, adopted an Alaskan Malamute puppy or rescued a German Shephard, there are plenty of perfect canine names here for your pet’s perfect personality!

Spanish Dog Names

If you’re looking for a name that pays homage to the rich culture and language of Spain, there are plenty of options to choose from. Consider names like Diego, Luna, Miguel, or Sofia, all of which have a strong connection to Spanish culture and are perfect for a furry friend. Here are the 20 Most Popular Spanish Dog names:

  1. Paco
  2. Tito
  3. Lola
  4. Bruno
  5. Chico
  6. Diego
  7. Bella
  8. Enzo
  9. Fuego
  10. Isabella
  11. Lobo
  12. Maya
  13. Nico
  14. Olé
  15. Pablo
  16. Ramona
  17. Salsa
  18. Tango
  19. Valencia
  20. Ximena

Related: Some Popular Options

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Spanish Dog Names

Spanish Dog Names for Male

When it comes to naming your male dog, there are countless options to choose from in Spanish. You could name him after a famous Spanish actor like Javier or Antonio, or after a historic Spanish figure like Francisco or Gonzalo. Other great options for Spanish dog names for males include Mateo, Carlos, and Alejandro.

  1. Diego
  2. Alejandro
  3. Bruno
  4. Cesar
  5. Dante
  6. Emilio
  7. Felipe
  8. Gordo
  9. Hugo
  10. Isidro
  11. Javier
  12. Lobo
  13. Miguel
  14. Nico
  15. Pablo
  16. Raul
  17. Santiago
  18. Teo
  19. Valentin
  20. Xavi
  21. Yago
  22. Zeus
  23. Leo
  24. Mario
  25. Nacho
  26. Omar
  27. Paco
  28. Quino
  29. Ramon
  30. Senor
  31. Tito
  32. Ugo
  33. Vega
  34. Winston
  35. Xandro
  36. Yolo
  37. Zorro
  38. Amigo
  39. Bandido
  40. Chico
  41. Domingo
  42. Esteban
  43. Fausto
  44. Gaucho
  45. Hector
  46. Inigo
  47. Javi
  48. Kiko
  49. Lander
  50. Manolo

Male Spanish Dog Names

Spanish Dog Names for Female

Spanish culture is full of beautiful, strong, and unique female names, making it the perfect source of inspiration for your female furry friend. Consider names like Catalina, Marisol, Isabella, or Paloma, all of which are not only beautiful but also carry significant meaning.

  1. Alma
  2. Bella
  3. Carmen
  4. Dulce
  5. Estrella
  6. Flora
  7. Gema
  8. Isabella
  9. Julia
  10. Lola
  11. Maria
  12. Natalia
  13. Olga
  14. Paloma
  15. Reina
  16. Salma
  17. Teresa
  18. Ursula
  19. Vega
  20. Ximena
  21. Yara
  22. Zara
  23. Alejandra
  24. Beatriz
  25. Carlota
  26. Daniela
  27. Elena
  28. Fatima
  29. Gabriela
  30. Herminia
  31. Ines
  32. Jimena
  33. Karina
  34. Lucia
  35. Marisol
  36. Noemi
  37. Olivia
  38. Paulina
  39. Querida
  40. Raquel
  41. Sofia
  42. Trini
  43. Uxue
  44. Valeria
  45. Xochitl
  46. Yolanda
  47. Zaida
  48. Anahi
  49. Belinda
  50. Carolina

Female Spanish Dog Names

Badass Spanish Dog Names

If you’re looking for a tough, badass name for your dog, there are plenty of Spanish names that fit the bill. Consider names like Diablo, Fuego, Tormenta, or Vida, all of which have a strong and powerful connotations. Other great options include Rudo, Campeón, and Cruzado.

  1. Alacran
  2. Bandido
  3. Chulo
  4. Diablo
  5. Espada
  6. Fuego
  7. Guerrero
  8. Hidalgo
  9. Indio
  10. Jaguar
  11. Kamikaze
  12. Lince
  13. Matador
  14. Nacho
  15. Oso
  16. Pistolero
  17. Quetzalcoatl
  18. Rebelde
  19. Sangre
  20. Toro
  21. Vikingo
  22. Xamán
  23. Yakuza
  24. Zorro
  25. Anarchista
  26. Brujo
  27. Conquistador
  28. Dragon
  29. Escarlata
  30. Flamenco
  31. Gaucho
  32. Halcón
  33. Infierno
  34. Jefe
  35. Kali
  36. Lucifer
  37. Molotov
  38. Navaja
  39. Onyx
  40. Perro
  41. Quemado
  42. Rayo
  43. Sangriento
  44. Tornado
  45. Último
  46. Valiente
  47. Zafiro
  48. Asesino
  49. Barracuda
  50. Cazador

Funny Spanish Dog Names

If you prefer a more light-hearted approach when it comes to naming your furry friend, you can choose a funny Spanish name. For instance, you could name your dog Perro (which simply means dog in Spanish) or name him after a popular food like Churro or Queso. Other great options include Poco Loco, Loca, and Chico.

  1. Amigo
  2. Bambino
  3. Chiquito
  4. Don Juan
  5. Elmo
  6. Frijol
  7. Gordo
  8. Hueso
  9. Isidro
  10. Jefe
  11. Kiki
  12. Lola
  13. Macho
  14. Nacho
  15. Oso
  16. Pepe
  17. Quico
  18. Rasta
  19. Simba
  20. Taco
  21. Uvas
  22. Vega
  23. Wally
  24. Xena
  25. Yoda
  26. Zapatilla
  27. Amoroso
  28. Bolillo
  29. Chiquitín
  30. Dino
  31. Enano
  32. Fideo
  33. Galleta
  34. Helado
  35. Itchy
  36. Jirafa
  37. Koko
  38. Lolo
  39. Mono
  40. Nachito
  41. Osito
  42. Pelusa
  43. Queso
  44. Rolo
  45. Salsa
  46. Toto
  47. Unicornio
  48. Viento
  49. Willy
  50. Zumo

Spanish Puppy Names

Puppies are adorable, and they deserve a cute name to match. Consider naming your Spanish puppy after a flower, like Rosa or Margarita, or after a cute animal like Oso (bear) or Conejo (rabbit). Other great options for Spanish puppy names include Sol, Nieve, and Nube.

  1. Abril
  2. Bruno
  3. Coco
  4. Dulce
  5. Emilio
  6. Flor
  7. Gordo
  8. Hugo
  9. Isabella
  10. Javi
  11. Kiki
  12. Luna
  13. Milo
  14. Nacho
  15. Olga
  16. Paco
  17. Quico
  18. Rocco
  19. Simba
  20. Tito
  21. Ursula
  22. Vega
  23. Wally
  24. Xena
  25. Yogi
  26. Zeus
  27. Amor
  28. Bella
  29. Chico
  30. Dino
  31. Estrella
  32. Fideo
  33. Galleta
  34. Hueso
  35. Inés
  36. Jirafa
  37. Koko
  38. Lola
  39. Max
  40. Nachito
  41. Oso
  42. Pelusa
  43. Quim
  44. Rolo
  45. Sofia
  46. Tobi
  47. Uxue
  48. Viento
  49. Willy
  50. Xavi

Boy Spanish Puppy Names

If you’re looking for a name for your male Spanish puppy, there are plenty of options to choose from. Consider names like Paco, Tito, or Pepe, all of which are cute and easy to pronounce. Other great options include Amigo, Papi, and Hombre.

  1. Alex
  2. Bruno
  3. Coco
  4. Dante
  5. Emilio
  6. Felipe
  7. Gordo
  8. Hugo
  9. Isidro
  10. Javi
  11. Kiko
  12. Lobo
  13. Miguel
  14. Nacho
  15. Omar
  16. Paco
  17. Quino
  18. Ramon
  19. Santiago
  20. Tito
  21. Uriel
  22. Vega
  23. Winston
  24. Xandro
  25. Yago
  26. Zeus
  27. Amigo
  28. Benito
  29. Chico
  30. Domingo
  31. Esteban
  32. Fausto
  33. Gaucho
  34. Hector
  35. Inigo
  36. Jirafa
  37. Koko
  38. Lander
  39. Manolo
  40. Nachito
  41. Omar
  42. Pepe
  43. Quim
  44. Raul
  45. Senor
  46. Toto
  47. Ugo
  48. Vega
  49. Winston
  50. Xavi

Girl Spanish Puppy Names

When it comes to naming your female Spanish puppy, you have plenty of options to choose from. Consider names like Nina, Chica, or Bonita, all of which have a feminine and cute connotations. Other great options include Reina, Dulce, and Cielo.

  1. Alma
  2. Belinda
  3. Carmen
  4. Dulce
  5. Estrella
  6. Flora
  7. Gema
  8. Herminia
  9. Isabella
  10. Jimena
  11. Karina
  12. Lucia
  13. Marisol
  14. Natalia
  15. Olga
  16. Paloma
  17. Reina
  18. Salma
  19. Teresa
  20. Ursula
  21. Vega
  22. Ximena
  23. Yara
  24. Zaida
  25. Alejandra
  26. Beatriz
  27. Carlota
  28. Daniela
  29. Elena
  30. Fatima
  31. Gabriela
  32. Ines
  33. Julia
  34. Kira
  35. Lola
  36. Maria
  37. Noemi
  38. Olivia
  39. Paulina
  40. Querida
  41. Raquel
  42. Sofia
  43. Trini
  44. Uxue
  45. Valeria
  46. Xochitl
  47. Yolanda
  48. Zara
  49. Anahi
  50. Bianca

Related: Some Other Options for Naming Your Loved One

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