20 Best Similes for Began (With Meanings & Examples)

“Began” – a word signaling the start of a journey, an action, or a change. It’s a gateway to new beginnings and fresh starts. Here, we explore 20 similes that capture the various nuances of this pivotal word.

Similes for Began

1. Began like a Sunrise

Meaning: Gradual and beautiful start

Example: The project began like a sunrise, slowly illuminating new ideas.

2. As It Began, Like a Spark

Meaning: Sudden and initiating

Example: The revolution began like a spark, igniting the hearts of many.

3. Began as a Seed Sprouts

Meaning: Natural and promising growth

Example: Her understanding of the subject began as a seed sprouts, steadily growing.

4. Began like the First Note of a Symphony

Meaning: Harmonious and leading

Example: The concert began like the first note of a symphony, setting the tone.

5. As It Began, Like a Journey’s First Step

Meaning: Determined and exploratory

Example: Their adventure began like a journey’s first step, full of anticipation.

6. Began as a River’s Source

Meaning: Originating and flowing

Example: The discussion began as a river’s source, gradually gaining momentum.

7. Began like a Painter’s First Stroke

Meaning: Creative and foundational

Example: The artist’s masterpiece began like a painter’s first stroke, full of potential.

8. As It Began, Like an Opening Curtain

Meaning: Revealing and commencing

Example: The play began like an opening curtain, unveiling a new world.

9. Began as a Whisper Turns to Talk

Meaning: Quietly evolving into significance

Example: The movement began as a whisper turns to talk, eventually gaining volume.

10. Began like a Blossom Unfolds

Meaning: Delicate and revealing

Example: Their friendship began like a blossom unfolds, slowly and beautifully.

11. As It Began, Like a Dream’s Birth

Meaning: Imaginative and inspiring

Example: His ambition began like a dream’s birth, full of possibilities.

12. Began as a Story’s Opening Line

Meaning: Intriguing and introductory

Example: The novel began as a story’s opening line, captivating the reader.

13. Began like a Flame Ignites

Meaning: Energetic and initiating

Example: The campaign began like a flame ignites, spreading rapidly.

14. As It Began, Like a Child’s First Laugh

Meaning: Joyful and pure

Example: The party began like a child’s first laugh, filled with happiness.

15. Began as a Mystery Unravels

Meaning: Intriguing and unfolding

Example: The investigation began as a mystery unravels, revealing clues one by one.

16. Began like the First Drop of Rain

Meaning: Refreshing and initiating

Example: The rejuvenation of the garden began like the first drop of rain, life-giving.

17. As It Began, Like a New Chapter

Meaning: Fresh and hopeful

Example: His career in the city began like a new chapter, full of new opportunities.

18. Began as a Dance’s First Step

Meaning: Rhythmic and initiating

Example: Their romance began as a dance’s first step, graceful and coordinated.

19. Began like an Eagle’s Flight

Meaning: Majestic and aspiring

Example: Her ascent to fame began like an eagle’s flight, soaring and impressive.

20. As It Began, Like a Seedling Reaches for the Sun

Meaning: Aspiring and growing

Example: His passion for art began like a seedling reaches for the sun, constantly growing.


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