20 Best Similes for Bad Smells

Bad smells, often unwelcome yet undeniably potent, have the ability to transport us to different places and times, evoking strong reactions and memories. In this piece, we delve into 20 similes that vividly describe the nature of bad smells, each one painting a picture of their unmistakable and often overpowering presence.

Similes for Bad Smells

1. As Pungent as Rotten Eggs

Meaning: Strong and unpleasant

Example: The old cellar was as pungent as rotten eggs, a scent that wrinkled noses.

2. Like a Cloud of Exhaust Fumes

Meaning: Overpowering and toxic

Example: The factory air was like a cloud of exhaust fumes, choking and dense.

3. As Stifling as a Musty Closet

Meaning: Suffocating and old

Example: The attic room was as stifling as a musty closet, filled with the smell of forgotten things.

4. Like Garbage in the Sun

Meaning: Intense and decaying

Example: The alleyway reeked, like garbage in the sun, baking and festering.

5. As Sour as Spoiled Milk

Meaning: Unpleasantly acidic

Example: The fridge emitted a smell as sour as spoiled milk, turning stomachs.

6. Like a Swamp in Summer

Meaning: Damp and heavy

Example: The basement was damp, smelling like a swamp in summer, thick and earthy.

7. As Stagnant as Stale Water

Meaning: Old and unmoving

Example: The puddle on the street was as stagnant as stale water, a breeding ground for foul odors.

8. Like Burnt Rubber on Asphalt

Meaning: Harsh and acrid

Example: The air after the car skidded was like burnt rubber on asphalt, sharp and lingering.

9. As Repugnant as a Sewer

Meaning: Deeply unpleasant

Example: The drain outside was as repugnant as a sewer, a waft of unpleasantries with each breeze.

10. Like a Fish Market at Noon

Meaning: Fishy and strong

Example: The kitchen after cooking was like a fish market at noon, overwhelming and pungent.

11. As Choking as Smog

Meaning: Dense and suffocating

Example: The air pollution in the city was as choking as smog, filling the lungs with a foul taste.

12. Like Mildew in a Closed Room

Meaning: Musty and damp

Example: The old house smelled like mildew in a closed room, a lingering scent of dampness.

13. As Sickening as Spoiled Meat

Meaning: Revolting and nauseating

Example: The abandoned fridge was as sickening as spoiled meat, a smell that hit the stomach hard.

14. Like a Damp Dog in the Rain

Meaning: Wet and animal-like

Example: The wet carpet smelled like a damp dog in the rain, musky and strong.

15. As Overwhelming as Ammonia

Meaning: Sharp and penetrating

Example: The cleaning closet was as overwhelming as ammonia, a scent that stung the eyes.

16. Like Old Cheese in a Locker

Meaning: Pungent and lingering

Example: The gym bag was forgotten, now smelling like old cheese in a locker, strong and sour.

17. As Unpleasant as Rancid Butter

Meaning: Offensively stale

Example: The old pantry was as unpleasant as rancid butter, a scent of times gone bad.

18. Like a Skunk in the Night

Meaning: Distinct and potent

Example: The backyard was hit with a smell like a skunk in the night, unmistakable and sharp.

19. As Nauseating as Garbage Juice

Meaning: Deeply repulsive

Example: The dumpster leaked a scent as nauseating as garbage juice, a stomach-turning aroma.

20. Like Rotting Vegetables in a Bin

Meaning: Decomposing and organic

Example: The compost heap reeked like rotting vegetables in a bin, with a natural yet unpleasant odor.


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Similes for Bad Smells