100 Science Words that Start With H

Hold on to your hats as we hop into the heap of science words beginning with H! Heat, habitats, and the human body, H covers a host of topics.

Our straightforward guide will help you hang onto every word, providing clear definitions. It’s a hassle-free way to heighten your science vocabulary!

Science Words That Start With H

Here is the list of common science words with H;

  • Hydrogen
  • Hypothesis
  • Habitat
  • Heat
  • Helium
  • Heredity
  • Hormone
  • Holography
  • Hydraulics
  • Hemoglobin
  • Humidity
  • Hydrology
  • Hypothalamus
  • Hybrid
  • Herbivore
  • Hibernation
  • Haplotype
  • Hydrocarbon
  • Homeostasis
  • Hypoxia
  • Hydroelectric
  • Heliocentric
  • Halogen
  • Histology
  • Hematology
  • Hyperthermia
  • Hydroponics
  • Homozygous
  • Hyperglycemia
  • Hydrosphere
  • Heterogeneous
  • Hydrodynamics
  • Habitat destruction
  • Hydrogen bond
  • Hominid
  • Hydrothermal
  • Herbicide
  • Hypertension
  • Histamine
  • Hygiene
  • Hydrological cycle
  • Hydrophilic
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Homeopathy
  • Hybridization
  • Histopathology
  • Hemiplegia
  • Helix
  • Halophile
  • Hyperplasia
  • Hydrophobic
  • Heterozygous
  • Haplodiploidy
  • Hypotenuse
  • Hydrometer
  • Hypochlorite
  • Hemorrhage
  • Hydrolysis
  • Homeobox
  • Heterotroph
  • Hemoglobinopathy
  • Heliotherapy
  • Hydrochloric acid
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Hydrophobia
  • Homologous chromosomes
  • Hemocoel
  • Heterotrophic bacteria
  • Hydrolytic enzymes
  • Hypothalamic-pituitary axis
  • Hydrothermal vent
  • Hereditary disease
  • Hibernation cycle
  • Halophyte
  • Histone
  • Holistic medicine
  • Homozygosity
  • Hydrostatic pressure
  • Hybrid vigor
  • Hydrogenation
  • Hydroxyl group
  • Hydrometeorology
  • Hyphenation
  • Holocene epoch
  • Hemolysis
  • Hyperbaric
  • Hydrocarbon combustion
  • Helical structure
  • Heliostat
  • Hydroelectric power
  • Hydroponic system
  • Hereditary trait
  • Hematopoiesis
  • Hypothetical
  • Hyperopia
  • Host-parasite interaction
  • Hyperactive
  • Histopathological examination
  • Hydrostatic equilibrium

Related: Science Words A to Z

science words that start with h

Explore More Science Words:


Science Words With H (By Grade)

4th Grade Science Words With H:

  • Habitat
  • Hail
  • Herbivore
  • Hibernate
  • Humidity
  • Hurricane
  • Hygiene
  • Hibernation
  • Humus
  • Heat
  • Herb
  • Hive
  • Hoof
  • Horn
  • Host
  • Hydrate
  • Hydrogen
  • Hyena
  • Hypothesis
  • Hemisphere

5th Grade Science Words With H:

  • Herbaceous
  • Heterotroph
  • Humus
  • Hydrology
  • Hypothesis
  • Hydrosphere
  • Halogen
  • Hardness
  • Herbivory
  • Heterogeneous
  • Homogeneous
  • Hormone
  • Hydraulics
  • Hydrocarbon
  • Hydroelectric
  • Hydrophobic
  • Hydrotropism
  • Hyperbole
  • Hypertonic
  • Hyperventilation

6th Grade Science Words With H:

  • Habitat Fragmentation
  • Halophyte
  • Hemoglobin
  • Heterozygous
  • Homeostasis
  • Homozygous
  • Hydrodynamics
  • Hydrometer
  • Hydrophilic
  • Hydroponics
  • Hypotenuse
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Hypogeal
  • Hypoxia
  • Heliocentric
  • Hemispheric
  • Heredity
  • Heterogeneous Mixture
  • Histology
  • Hormonal

7th Grade Science Words With H:

  • Halogenated
  • Haploid
  • Heavy Water
  • Herbicide
  • Herpetology
  • Heterogeneous Catalyst
  • Homologous Structures
  • Hydrolysis
  • Hygrometer
  • Hyperbolic
  • Hypertrophy
  • Hypotonic
  • Hypothesis Testing
  • Heliograph
  • Hematology
  • Herbivorous
  • Heterotroph
  • Homologous Series
  • Hydrophilicity
  • Hyperthermia

8th Grade Science Words With H:

  • Half-life
  • Hess’s Law
  • Heterochromatin
  • Holography
  • Homeopathic
  • Hormesis
  • Hydrostatics
  • Hypermutation
  • Hypersonic
  • Hyphae
  • Heliopause
  • Helminthology
  • Hemostasis
  • Heterogeneous Equilibrium
  • Holistic
  • Hormone Receptor
  • Hydrolyzate
  • Hyetograph
  • Hygrometry
  • Hyperopia

Science Words Starting With H (By Subject)

Physics Words That Start With H:

  • Harmonic
  • Heat
  • Hertz
  • Hooke’s Law
  • Horizon
  • Hydraulic
  • Hydrodynamics
  • Hydrosphere
  • Hypercharge
  • Hypothesis
  • Hadron
  • Hall Effect
  • Heat Capacity
  • Helicity
  • Heterodyne
  • Hologram
  • Homogeneity
  • Horizon Problem
  • Huygens’ Principle
  • Hydrostatic

Chemistry Words That Start With H:

  • Halide
  • Halogen
  • Heat of Vaporization
  • Hess’s Law
  • Homogeneous Mixture
  • Hydrate
  • Hydrocarbon
  • Hydrogen Bond
  • Hydrolysis
  • Hypergolic
  • Halite
  • Hard Water
  • Heptane
  • Hexane
  • Homolytic Cleavage
  • Hydration
  • Hydrochloric Acid
  • Hydrogenation
  • Hydronium
  • Hydroxide

Biology Words That Start With H:

  • Habitat
  • Haploid
  • Herbivore
  • Heterozygous
  • Homozygous
  • Hormones
  • Host
  • Hybrid
  • Hydrophilic
  • Hypertonic
  • Halophile
  • Heme
  • Hemoglobin
  • Heredity
  • Heterotroph
  • Homeostasis
  • Humus
  • Hyphae
  • Hypodermis
  • Hypothalamus

Math Words That Start With H:

  • Height
  • Hexagon
  • Histogram
  • Horizontal
  • Hyperbola
  • Hypotenuse
  • Hectare
  • Heptagon
  • Hilbert Space
  • Homothety
  • Hyperbolic Function
  • Hypothesis Testing
  • Holographic Principle
  • Homogeneous Coordinates
  • Homomorphism
  • Hypergeometric Distribution
  • Hypotenuse Leg Theorem
  • Homogeneous Equation
  • Homogeneous Polynomial
  • Hyperplane

Physical Science Words With H:

  • Halogen
  • Heat
  • Heterogeneous
  • Humidity
  • Hydraulics
  • Hydrogen
  • Hydrostatic Pressure
  • Hygrometer
  • Hyperbolic Trajectory
  • Hypothesis
  • Half-life
  • Heat Transfer
  • Helix
  • Homogeneous Mixture
  • Hydrology
  • Hydrosphere
  • Hydrophilic
  • Hyperthermia
  • Hysteresis
  • Halocline
  • Heat Exchanger
  • Helium
  • Homogenization
  • Hydroelectric Energy
  • Hypobaric

Scientific Words With H:

  • Habitat
  • Heliocentric
  • Heredity
  • Homozygous
  • Hydrophobic
  • Hypothesis
  • Hemoglobin
  • Hepatology
  • Herbivorous
  • Heterozygous
  • Homologous
  • Hydrodynamics
  • Hypertrophy
  • Hybridization
  • Halogenation
  • Haploid
  • Homeostasis
  • Humoral
  • Hydrometer
  • Hyperplasia
  • Hydrosphere
  • Heliostat
  • Hemicellulose
  • Herpetology
  • Hyperbole

Forensic Words with H:

  • Homicide
  • Hair Analysis
  • Handwriting Analysis
  • Hemorrhage
  • Heteroplasmy
  • Human Remains
  • Hypostasis
  • Hearsay
  • Hematology
  • Haptoglobin
  • Heterozygote
  • High-velocity Impact Spatter
  • Histopathology
  • Hypodermic
  • Harassment
  • Hazardous Material
  • Helix Angle
  • Herbology
  • Heterogeneous Material
  • Holography
  • Homogenized Sample
  • Homicidal
  • Hostage
  • Hydrocarbon
  • Hyperthermic

Science Words with H and Their Meanings:

  1. Habitat: Natural home of an organism.
  2. Halogen: Group 17 element, reactive nonmetal.
  3. Hemisphere: Half of a spherical object.
  4. Heterogeneous: Composed of different kinds.
  5. Homogeneous: Uniform in composition.
  6. Hydrogen: Lightest chemical element, gas.
  7. Hypothesis: Proposed explanation for a phenomenon.
  8. Herbivore: Animal that eats plants.
  9. Hormone: Chemical messenger in organisms.
  10. Hydraulics: Science of liquids in motion.
  11. Hydrocarbon: Compound of hydrogen and carbon.
  12. Hydrology: Study of water movement.
  13. Hypertonic: Higher osmotic pressure than another solution.
  14. Hypotonic: Lower osmotic pressure than another solution.
  15. Homeostasis: Maintaining stable internal conditions.
  16. Halide: Compound with a halogen.
  17. Helix: Spiral shape.
  18. Heliocentric: Sun-centered model.
  19. Hematology: Study of blood.
  20. Hereditary: Genetic transmission of characteristics.
  21. Hydrophilic: Water-attracting.
  22. Hydrophobic: Water-repelling.
  23. Hydrolysis: Chemical breakdown with water.
  24. Hyperbolic: Exaggerated, mathematically defined curve.
  25. Hypersonic: Speeds over five times the speed of sound.
  26. Hysteresis: Lag in response to forces.
  27. Hydrosphere: All water on Earth’s surface.
  28. Heliology: Study of the sun.
  29. Holocene: Current geological epoch.
  30. Hygrometer: Instrument measuring humidity.