Rabbit Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Rabbits are cute, and they’re also part of some fun sayings we use in English. Let’s learn about these sayings called idioms that involve rabbits!

Rabbit Idioms

Here are 20 rabbit idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

Pull a rabbit out of a hat

Meaning: Do something surprising
Example: He managed to pull a rabbit out of a hat with his solution.

Breed like rabbits

Meaning: Multiply rapidly
Example: Their savings started to breed like rabbits.

Quick like a rabbit

Meaning: Very fast
Example: She ran quick like a rabbit to catch the bus.

Rabbit on

Meaning: To talk for too long
Example: He tends to rabbit on during meetings.

Down the rabbit hole

Meaning: Into a bizarre situation
Example: This discussion is going down the rabbit hole.

Run rabbit, run

Meaning: Urging someone to flee
Example: When trouble started, it was run rabbit, run!

Have rabbit ears

Meaning: Be sensitive to criticism
Example: Don’t tease him; he has rabbit ears.

Like a rabbit caught in headlights

Meaning: To be very frightened
Example: She looked like a rabbit caught in headlights during the presentation.

Rabbit’s foot

Meaning: An item for good luck
Example: He carries a rabbit’s foot for luck.

Rabbit punch

Meaning: A strong, quick punch
Example: That was quite the rabbit punch he threw!

As mad as a March hare

Meaning: Completely crazy
Example: He’s as mad as a March hare today.

Snug as a bunny

Meaning: Very cozy and comfortable
Example: She was snug as a bunny in her new bed.

White rabbit

Meaning: A call for good luck
Example: Say white rabbit for luck on the first of the month.

Bunny boiler

Meaning: An obsessive and dangerous female
Example: Avoid her; she’s a bit of a bunny boiler.

Rabbit food

Meaning: Light, healthy food
Example: I’m just having some rabbit food for lunch.

Bunny hop

Meaning: A small jump
Example: The kids did a bunny hop during the game.

The rabbit died

Meaning: An outdated way to say pregnant
Example: She announced the rabbit died; it’s a boy!

Follow the white rabbit

Meaning: Pursue an intriguing opportunity
Example: He decided to follow the white rabbit and moved abroad.

Bunny hug

Meaning: A warm, tight embrace
Example: She gave him a comforting bunny hug.

Bunny slope

Meaning: A beginner’s slope in skiing
Example: Start on the bunny slope if you’re new to skiing.

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