Queen Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun exploration of words! Today, we’re learning about ‘queen’ idioms—special phrases that use the word “queen” to mean interesting things. Let’s dive in!

Queen Idioms

Here are 20 queen idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

Drama queen

Meaning: Someone who reacts overly emotionally
Example: She became a drama queen over the spilled milk.

Queen bee

Meaning: The most important or dominant woman
Example: In our group, she’s the queen bee.

Queen’s English

Meaning: Standard, formal British English
Example: He always speaks the Queen’s English.

Queen of hearts

Meaning: A kind, loving woman
Example: She is the queen of hearts among her friends.

Queen’s ransom

Meaning: A very large amount of money
Example: That necklace costs a queen’s ransom.

Queen of the night

Meaning: A woman active during the night
Example: She is known as the queen of the night at the club.

Queen’s counsel

Meaning: A senior barrister in Britain
Example: He was appointed as the Queen’s counsel last year.

Queen’s weather

Meaning: Perfect, sunny weather
Example: We enjoyed the Queen’s weather at the beach.

Queen’s peace

Meaning: State of peace enforced by the state
Example: Everyone must respect the Queen’s peace.

Beauty queen

Meaning: A woman who wins a beauty contest
Example: She was crowned the beauty queen last night.

Homecoming queen

Meaning: A popular girl chosen at a school event
Example: She was voted the homecoming queen.

Queen mother

Meaning: Mother of a reigning monarch
Example: The queen mother attended the ceremony.

Drag queen

Meaning: A man who dresses in women’s clothes
Example: He performed brilliantly as a drag queen.

Ice queen

Meaning: A cold and reserved woman
Example: She is known as the ice queen in the office.

Queen Anne’s lace

Meaning: A type of flowering plant
Example: The field is full of Queen Anne’s lace.

Queen’s Navy

Meaning: The British naval force
Example: He served in the Queen’s Navy.

Disco queen

Meaning: A woman known for disco dancing
Example: She was the undisputed disco queen of the 70s.

Queen’s Bench

Meaning: A division of the High Court in England
Example: The case was heard at the Queen’s Bench.

Queen of clubs

Meaning: A playing card in the deck
Example: He drew the queen of clubs.

Screech queen

Meaning: A woman known for a loud, piercing voice
Example: She’s quite the screech queen during debates.

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Queen Idioms