Welcome to our simple guide on breath idioms! Even young readers can easily understand these phrases that use the word “breath” to express different feelings or situations.
Breath Idioms
Here are 20 breath idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.
1. Catch one’s breath
Meaning: Pause to rest and breathe normally
Example: After running, I needed to catch my breath.
2. Waste one’s breath
Meaning: Speak without being listened to
Example: Don’t waste your breath arguing with him.
3. Take one’s breath away
Meaning: Amaze or astonish someone
Example: The view took my breath away.
4. Under one’s breath
Meaning: Speak softly or quietly
Example: She muttered under her breath.
5. Save one’s breath
Meaning: Keep from speaking (because it’s useless)
Example: Save your breath; she won’t agree.
6. A breath of fresh air
Meaning: Something refreshing or new
Example: His ideas were a breath of fresh air.
7. Breath of life
Meaning: Essential, life-giving force
Example: Music is the breath of life for him.
8. Out of breath
Meaning: Too breathless to speak
Example: She arrived out of breath.
9. Hold one’s breath
Meaning: Wait in anticipation
Example: I’m holding my breath for good news.
10. Don’t hold your breath
Meaning: Don’t wait expectantly
Example: Don’t hold your breath for his help.
11. Breath of wind
Meaning: A very light breeze
Example: A breath of wind cooled the room.
12. In the same breath
Meaning: Say contradictory things simultaneously
Example: He criticized and praised in the same breath.
13. Bated breath
Meaning: Hold breath due to suspense
Example: We awaited her reply with bated breath.
14. Breath of heaven
Meaning: Something supremely beautiful or soothing
Example: This garden is like a breath of heaven.
15. Last breath
Meaning: The moment before dying
Example: He fought for justice to his last breath.
16. Breathless with anticipation
Meaning: Very excited
Example: She was breathless with anticipation.
17. Breath to spare
Meaning: Having excess energy even after exertion
Example: He finished the marathon with breath to spare.
18. Like a breath of fresh air
Meaning: Refreshingly different
Example: Her approach was like a breath of fresh air.
19. Catch a second breath
Meaning: Gain energy after tiring
Example: After resting, I caught a second breath.
20. Not a breath of air
Meaning: No wind at all
Example: There was not a breath of air today.