Price Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun guide on price idioms! These phrases use the word “price” or relate to it in different ways. They make talking and writing more interesting. Let’s dive into some of the most common ones!

Price Idioms

Here are 20 price idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

Pay the price

Meaning: Suffer consequences

Example: He cheated in the game and had to pay the price.

Worth its weight in gold

Meaning: Extremely valuable

Example: Good advice is often worth its weight in gold.

Price out of the market

Meaning: Too expensive to compete

Example: High costs have priced out of the market many buyers.

Price on one’s head

Meaning: A reward for capturing someone

Example: The fugitive had a large price on his head.

At any price

Meaning: No matter the cost

Example: She wanted the role at any price.

A steep price to pay

Meaning: A high cost for something

Example: It was a steep price to pay for fame.

Beyond price

Meaning: Priceless

Example: The painting is truly beyond price.

Price oneself out of the market

Meaning: Set one’s price too high

Example: They’ve priced themselves out of the market with high fees.

Asking price

Meaning: Price requested by the seller

Example: The asking price was too high for us.

That’s the price you pay

Meaning: Expected negative outcome

Example: Missing the concert is the price you pay for not planning.

Name your price

Meaning: State the payment you want

Example: For such a job, just name your price.

The price of success

Meaning: What one must endure to succeed

Example: Hard work is often the price of success.

Price of admission

Meaning: Cost to enter

Example: The price of admission includes access to all exhibits.

Pay a high price

Meaning: Suffer a lot for something

Example: He paid a high price for his actions.

The price is right

Meaning: The cost is reasonable

Example: We’ll buy it if the price is right.


Meaning: Reduced price

Example: They bought their new sofa at a cut-price.

Fixed price

Meaning: Price that cannot change

Example: The store only sells items at a fixed price.


Meaning: 50% off

Example: I got these shoes at half-price.

Price drop

Meaning: Reduction in price

Example: There was a significant price drop on smartphones.

Price point

Meaning: Specific price

Example: This model hits the perfect price point for budget buyers.

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