Power Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our simple guide on idioms! Idioms are phrases that don’t mean what the words say but have a special meaning to native speakers. They can make language colorful and expressive. Let’s learn some interesting ones about power!

Power Idioms

Here are 20 power idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Hold the power

Meaning: To have control or authority.

Example: He definitely holds the power in their relationship.

2. Power behind the throne

Meaning: Someone with influence but not official authority.

Example: She’s the real power behind the throne in that company.

3. Power trip

Meaning: To exert authority in a domineering way.

Example: He went on a power trip as soon as he was promoted.

4. Power up

Meaning: To gain or increase strength or energy.

Example: He needs to power up before the big game.

5. Power play

Meaning: A strategic move to gain advantage.

Example: It was a clear power play by the management.

6. Power broker

Meaning: A person who influences decisions.

Example: She is known as a power broker in political circles.

7. Power couple

Meaning: A couple both of whom are influential or successful.

Example: They are considered the power couple of Hollywood.

8. Power down

Meaning: To shut off or decommission.

Example: It’s time to power down the machines for the day.

9. Powerhouse

Meaning: A person or thing of great energy or strength.

Example: Their team is a real powerhouse this season.

10. More power to you

Meaning: A phrase of encouragement.

Example: You’re learning to paint? More power to you!

11. Power vacuum

Meaning: A situation where there is no clear leadership.

Example: After he resigned, a power vacuum ensued.

12. Power struggle

Meaning: A fight for authority or control.

Example: There’s a constant power struggle in their office.

13. Power base

Meaning: The source of a person’s strength or support.

Example: He built his power base through years of hard work.

14. Power dressing

Meaning: Dressing in a way that shows authority.

Example: She engaged in power dressing for the interview.

15. Power surge

Meaning: A sudden increase in power or activity.

Example: There was a power surge that knocked out the lights.

16. Power user

Meaning: A user of technology with advanced skills.

Example: He’s considered a power user of the software.

17. Power shift

Meaning: A significant change in how power is distributed.

Example: There’s been a noticeable power shift in the industry.

18. Flower power

Meaning: The peace movement of the 1960s.

Example: They embraced flower power during the protest.

19. Knowledge is power

Meaning: Being informed increases one’s potential.

Example: Remember, knowledge is power when negotiating.

20. Balance of power

Meaning: Distribution of power among several entities.

Example: They work to maintain a balance of power globally.

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