Poor Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

In this post, we’re going to learn about idioms! Idioms are phrases that have a special meaning different from the words that make them up. They make language fun and colorful. Let’s explore some interesting ones!

Poor Idioms

Here are 20 poor idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

Poor as a church mouse

Meaning: Extremely poor

Example: He’s as poor as a church mouse.

Not have two pennies to rub together

Meaning: Very poor

Example: They don’t have two pennies to rub together.

Tighten one’s belt

Meaning: Spend less money due to necessity

Example: After losing his job, he had to tighten his belt.

Live hand to mouth

Meaning: Barely have enough to survive

Example: They’ve been living hand to mouth since the layoff.

On the breadline

Meaning: Very poor, in extreme poverty

Example: Many families found themselves on the breadline during the crisis.

Below the poverty line

Meaning: Living with insufficient income

Example: Over 20% of the population lives below the poverty line.

Poor man’s something

Meaning: A cheaper alternative to something else

Example: This gadget is the poor man’s version of the latest smartphone.

Beggar belief

Meaning: Too extraordinary to be believed

Example: His sudden wealth beggars belief.

Beggars can’t be choosers

Meaning: People with no other options must be content with what is offered

Example: We’ll have to take this old car—beggars can’t be choosers.

Nickel and dime

Meaning: Charge small amounts for many things

Example: He feels nickel and dimed by all these fees.

Dirt poor

Meaning: Extremely poor

Example: He grew up dirt poor but made a fortune later.

Skid row

Meaning: A poor area of a city where people live in very bad conditions

Example: He started his business in skid row and built it from the ground up.

The poor man’s version

Meaning: A less expensive substitute

Example: This car is the poor man’s luxury model.


Meaning: Severely poor

Example: The poverty-stricken areas need more governmental aid.


Meaning: A state of severe poverty

Example: If we’re not careful with our spending, we’ll end up in the poorhouse.


Meaning: Extremely frugal, especially because of necessity

Example: They resorted to penny-pinching to survive the tough times.

Down and out

Meaning: Without money, a job, or a place to live

Example: He was down and out after the business failed.

To be on your uppers

Meaning: To be in reduced circumstances, particularly financial

Example: After years of luxury, they were suddenly on their uppers.


Meaning: Poor; worn out

Example: His clothes are threadbare, but he can’t afford new ones right now.

Steal from the poor box

Meaning: To do something unethical, especially to those who are less fortunate

Example: Charging excessive fees is like stealing from the poor box.

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Poor Idioms