10 Short Poems About Trusting God In Hard Times

Life often presents us with challenges that test our strength and resilience. In those moments of uncertainty and hardship, turning to our faith can provide solace and guidance. These ten short poems beautifully capture the essence of trusting God during difficult times, offering a glimpse of the unwavering hope that can carry us through even the darkest moments. Join us on a poetic journey of inspiration and renewal as we explore the power of faith in adversity.

Short Poems About Trusting God in Hard Times

Below are 10 short poems about trusting god in hard times:

1. Faith in The Storm

When skies are gray and hopes are few,

I turn my eyes, O Lord, to You.

You calm the waves and soothe my soul,

With You in charge, I’m fully whole.


Though I may doubt and fear may win,

I know You’re there, outside and in.

A lighthouse in my darkest night,

With You, O God, I find my light.


In trials tough, when spirits break,

It’s then I learn from my mistake.

For in my flaws, You guide me still,

With faith in You, my soul is filled.

Poems for Trusting God In Hard Times

2. The Rock That Stands

When life is hard, and days are long,

I find my strength in God so strong.

A rock that stands when tides are high,

His love’s my guide, I won’t deny.


No problem big, no issue small,

He hears my voice, when I do call.

He lifts me up when I am down,

In Him, a refuge I have found.


I trust in Him, come what may,

For God knows best, in every way.

Through trials hard and mountains tall,

With God, I know I’ll conquer all.

3. Guiding Light

In deepest dark, I fear I’m lost,

I seek Your light, no matter the cost.

You shine Your love, You light my way,

With You, God, I won’t go astray.


For in hard times, I see Your hand,

Guiding me toward Your loving plan.

When faith runs low and hope seems dim,

I find my trust, when I seek Him.


A parent’s love, a shepherd’s care,

In every storm, I know You’re there.

God, You’re my lamp, my guiding light,

With You, the future’s always bright.

4. Unseen Hands

When heavy burdens weigh me down,

I look to God, no need to frown.

Though I can’t see, I still believe,

His unseen hands my pain relieve.


He takes my woes, He bears my yoke,

He heals my soul, His love’s no joke.

And when I stumble, fall or stray,

He’s there for me, both night and day.


In God I trust, come what may come,

With Him, I know I’ll overcome.

Through life’s hard tests and trials grand,

I’m safe and sound in His great hands.

5. The Anchor Holds

In raging seas and fears untold,

An anchor holds, its grip is bold.

And so with God, through trials faced,

His sturdy love I can’t replace.


Though winds may howl, and skies look bleak,

It’s God’s own voice I long to seek.

He whispers peace into my ear,

And suddenly, my path is clear.


My trust in Him forever holds,

Through stories yet to be told.

With God as anchor, strong and true,

There’s nothing that I cannot do.

6. The Potter’s Hand

Life’s clay is tough, its mold unsure,

But in God’s hands, I am secure.

He shapes my form with love and care,

A masterpiece beyond compare.


The cracks and flaws, He smooths away,

With each new trial, day by day.

He spins the wheel, His plans unfold,

In His great hands, my story’s told.


So when life’s hard, and things look grim,

I trust the Potter, not the whim.

For God knows best, His work’s divine,

In His great hands, I’m doing fine.

7. Walk By Faith

In God I trust, not what I see,

For faith’s the key to set me free.

Through storms and drought, through joy and pain,

In every loss, there’s still to gain.


I may not know the path ahead,

But God knows best, so I’m led.

One step at time, through dark or light,

With Him, I know I’ll be alright.


He’s my compass, my guiding star,

With Him, my dreams are never far.

In God I trust, by faith I stand,

I’m safe and sound, in His strong hand.

8. Heavenly Hymn

Songs may fade, and cheers may wane,

But God’s love always will remain.

In hard times when I’m feeling low,

His heavenly hymn soothes my woe.


He sings to me a lullaby,

That wipes each tear from every eye.

His melody, both pure and sweet,

Makes even hardest trials feel fleet.


So when I’m down and need a lift,

To God I turn, His gift so swift.

With trust in Him, my fears dispel,

In His embrace, all things are well.

9. The Gardener’s Care

Like a gardener tending sprout,

God knows what life is all about.

He trims my leaves, enriches soil,

His love’s the sun that ends my toil.


In arid times, He’s there with rain,

He soothes my roots, eases my pain.

When weeds grow near, He pulls them out,

His care and love I’ll never doubt.


Though seasons change, His love stays true,

With trust in Him, I’m born anew.

Through every trial, big and small,

In God, I find my all in all.


10. Sailing Through

When waters roughen, waves grow high,

I trust in God, no need to shy.

He’s my Captain, my helm and sail,

With Him, I know I cannot fail.


Through darkest storm and deepest night,

He steers my course, He makes it right.

With compass true, and maps in hand,

He leads me to the promised land.


My trust in Him, my vessel’s keel,

With God, my worries start to heal.

So come what may, in ocean’s blue,

With trust in God, I’m sailing through.

Inspirational Poems About Trusting God In Hard Times

Below are 2 inspirational poems about trusting god in hard times:

1. Trusting God’s Path

In trials deep, when shadows fall,

God’s guiding hand, the greatest call.

Though paths unknown, I’ll journey on,

Trusting His light till the dawn.


Storms may rage, and winds may blow,

Yet in His arms, I’m free to grow.

With every step, faith finds its way,

In God’s embrace, fears decay.


Through valleys low and mountains high,

His grace sustains, lifts me to the sky.

In hardship’s grasp, I’ll firmly stand,

Trusting God’s plan, hand in hand.

2. Faith in the Storm

When life’s tempest fiercely roars,

And despair knocks on my doors,

I’ll anchor my soul in God’s embrace,

Trusting His love, a boundless grace.


Darkness may envelop my way,

Yet His light turns night to day.

In every trial, His strength I’ll find,

Guiding my heart, my fears unwind.


Though struggles persist, I won’t sway,

For God walks with me every day.

With steadfast hope, I’ll endure,

Trusting His promises, secure.


In the midst of hardships, I’ll believe,

God’s presence is all I need to achieve.

Through the storm, I’ll rise above,

Trusting His mercy, unwavering love.

Christian Poems About Trusting God In Hard Times

Below are 2 Christian poems about trusting god in hard times:

1. Rest in His Arms

When trials come and shadows fall,

On knees I’ll bend, on Him I’ll call.

In hardest hours, I’ll find my rest,

In God’s embrace, I am blessed.


Though storms may rage and doubts arise,

His faithfulness becomes my prize.

Through every trial, His love shines bright,

Guiding me with His holy light.


In tears and pain, I’ll stand strong,

For in His presence, I belong.

Trusting His plan, no matter the cost,

In Him, I find hope, I’m never lost.

2. Faith’s Unwavering Flame

In the midst of trials, I’ll remain,

Trusting God’s promise, I won’t wane.

When troubles surge and fears increase,

His steadfast love brings inner peace.


Though valleys deep and mountains steep,

His presence is a treasure to keep.

With each step taken, faith anew,

He guides my path, He makes me true.


When doubts assail and hopes decline,

I’ll hold on to His word divine.

For in the furnace, my faith’s refined,

Trusting His grace, His love defined.


Through every challenge, I’ll endure,

Trusting God’s guidance, ever sure.

In hard times, my spirit’s flame,

Burns bright with trust in Jesus’ name.

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