Origin Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Curious about the phrases people use every day? This blog post dives into the fascinating world of idioms that include the word “origin” or have a theme of “origin”. These expressions are like little pieces of history, telling stories about where things come from in a fun way. Let’s explore some of these interesting idioms that are easy enough for anyone to understand!

Origin Idioms

Here are 20 origin idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Back to square one

Meaning: Starting over again
Example: After the project failed, it was back to square one.

2. From scratch

Meaning: Starting from the beginning
Example: She built her business from scratch.

3. Ground zero

Meaning: The starting point
Example: The old mill is ground zero for the festival.

4. In the beginning

Meaning: At the start
Example: In the beginning, they were great friends.

5. Jumping-off point

Meaning: The starting point for discussion
Example: This idea is our jumping-off point.

6. Lay the foundation

Meaning: Establish a basis
Example: He laid the foundation for future studies.

7. Make a clean sweep

Meaning: Start afresh by removing all
Example: They made a clean sweep in the office.

8. New blood

Meaning: Fresh and energetic newcomers
Example: The team needs some new blood.

9. On the drawing board

Meaning: In the planning phase
Example: Our next project is still on the drawing board.

10. Point of departure

Meaning: The starting point
Example: His thesis was the point of departure.

11. Set the stage

Meaning: Prepare the setting
Example: They set the stage for negotiations.

12. Square one

Meaning: The beginning
Example: We’re back at square one with this issue.

13. Starting gun

Meaning: Signal to begin
Example: The starting gun has sounded for the race.

14. Starting line

Meaning: Place where one begins
Example: They were all at the starting line at dawn.

15. Tabula rasa

Meaning: Clean slate for new ideas
Example: They approached the design with a tabula rasa.

16. Turn over a new leaf

Meaning: Begin anew
Example: He turned over a new leaf this year.

17. Under the auspices

Meaning: With support or endorsement
Example: The event was held under the auspices of the mayor.

18. Up and running

Meaning: Fully operational
Example: The new website is up and running.

19. Zero hour

Meaning: The scheduled start time
Example: It was zero hour for the launch.

20. Zero in on

Meaning: Focus closely
Example: She zeroed in on the main problem.

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Slang for Original

Origin Idioms