Orange Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our colorful exploration of “orange” idioms! These phrases are fun ways to spice up your conversations. Even if you’re a kid or a beginner in English, you’ll find these expressions easy to understand and enjoyable to use. Let’s dive into the world of idioms that bring a slice of orange into the language!

Orange Idioms

Here are 20 orange idioms in English with the meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Apples and oranges

Meaning: Very different from each other
Example: Comparing cats and dogs is like apples and oranges.

2. Orange you glad

Meaning: Pleased or satisfied with something
Example: Orange you glad it didn’t rain today?

3. To peel like an orange

Meaning: To remove someone’s defenses
Example: He opened up and peeled like an orange.

4. Squeeze an orange

Meaning: To obtain all possible advantages
Example: He likes to squeeze an orange from his investments.

5. Orange alert

Meaning: High alert, often in security contexts
Example: The airport was on orange alert yesterday.

6. Go orange

Meaning: To support anti-violence initiatives (related to wearing orange)
Example: The whole school decided to go orange.

7. Orange crush

Meaning: Intense attraction or enthusiasm
Example: She has an orange crush on that movie star.

8. Orange day

Meaning: A day promoting specific causes like anti-bullying
Example: They wore orange on Orange Day at school.

9. Orange peel

Meaning: The skin of an orange, used metaphorically
Example: His rough hands felt like orange peel.

10. Bitter orange

Meaning: Something appealing that has drawbacks
Example: That car is a bitter orange with its high cost.

11. Like comparing oranges and tangerines

Meaning: Comparing very similar items
Example: It’s like comparing oranges and tangerines.

12. Orange wave

Meaning: A significant movement or trend
Example: The election was swept by an orange wave.

13. Burnt orange

Meaning: A deep orange color, often associated with autumn
Example: She loves her burnt orange scarf.

14. Orange glow

Meaning: A warm, comforting light
Example: The room was bathed in an orange glow.

15. Orange is the new black

Meaning: Something newly popular or fashionable
Example: Podcasts are orange is the new black.

16. In the orange zone

Meaning: In a place or situation with moderate risk
Example: We are just in the orange zone of safety.

17. To give the orange

Meaning: To cheat or deceive
Example: He felt that the salesman had given him the orange.

18. Orange-lined

Meaning: Detailed with orange, signifying importance
Example: The document was orange-lined for emphasis.

19. Orange fever

Meaning: Extreme enthusiasm for something
Example: The city caught orange fever during the festival.

20. To turn orange

Meaning: To become unusual or interesting
Example: The sky turned orange at sunset.

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