100 Night Animals Name (Nocturnal Animals)

What are the night animals? Night animals, or nocturnal animals, are species that are active predominantly during the night, like owls and bats.

Must Read: Animals Name (Complete List)

100 Night Animals Name

Most Common Night Animals

Below are the most common night animals name with pictures.

Owls Owl 1
Badgers Badger
Moths Moth
Hedgehogs Hedgehog
Bats Bat
Foxes Fox

Night Animals Name

Other Nocturnal Animals

  1. Python regius
  2. Cheetah
  3. Genet (animal)
  4. Koala
  5. Owl
  6. Firefly
  7. Sugar glider
  8. Lion
  9. Margay
  10. Great white shark
  11. Leopard Gecko
  12. Honey badger
  13. Aye-aye
  14. Bat-eared fox
  15. Black rhinoceros
  16. Pangolin
  17. Nine-banded armadillo
  18. Hermit crab
  19. Puma
  20. Flying squirrel
  21. Lynx
  22. Slow loris
  23. Galago (bushbaby)
  24. Caracal
  25. Jaguar
  26. Hyena
  27. Civet
  28. Skunk
  29. Spectacled bear
  30. Quoll
  31. White-tailed deer
  32. Iranian jerboa
  33. Otter
  34. Aardvark
  35. Bobcat
  36. Gray wolf
  37. Cat
  38. Brown rat
  39. Great grey slug
  40. Slender loris
  41. Tiger
  42. Scorpion
  43. Tarsier
  44. Polar bear
  45. Mouse
  46. Giraffe
  47. Cacomistle
  48. Cougar
  49. Porcupine
  50. Binturong
  51. Ocelot
  52. Raccoon
  53. Ringtail
  54. Cyprus spiny mouse
  55. Gerbil
  56. Bandicoot
  57. Mole
  58. Bat
  59. Paradoxical frog
  60. Western woolly lemur
  61. Cockroach
  62. Hippopotamus
  63. Badger
  64. Oncilla
  65. Hamster
  66. Sportive lemur
  67. White-faced storm petrel
  68. Cricket
  69. Nightjar
  70. Leopard
  71. Panamanian night monkey
  72. Eastern woolly lemur
  73. Capybara
  74. Beaver
  75. Black rat
  76. Rabbit rat
  77. Tarantula
  78. Red fox
  79. Bilby
  80. Platypus
  81. Kangaroo
  82. Kinkajou
  83. African elephant
  84. Coyote
  85. Pacarana
  86. American black bear
  87. Opossum
  88. Dingo
  89. Octodon
  90. Hedgehog
  91. Red-eyed tree frog
  92. Tasmanian devil
  93. Kit fox
  94. Orca
  95. Onychophora
  96. Possum
  97. Tapeti
  98. Chinchilla
  99. Catfish
  100. Bush rat
  101. Hoffmann’s two-toed sloth
  102. Mink
  103. Owl monkey
  104. Black-footed cat
  105. Nightingale
  106. Wombat
  107. Dwarf crocodile
  108. Whip-poor-will
  109. Dog

10 Animals That Are Active At Night And Sleep During The Day

Here’s a list of 20 animals that are primarily active at night and sleep during the day:

  1. Owl
  2. Bat
  3. Raccoon
  4. Hedgehog
  5. Firefly
  6. Moth
  7. Fox
  8. Gecko
  9. Opossum
  10. Mole

These animals have adapted to nocturnal lifestyles, having enhanced senses and adaptations that allow them to navigate and hunt in low-light conditions. Keep in mind that some of these animals, while predominantly active at night, may exhibit varying activity levels during the day depending on factors such as food availability, environmental conditions, and predator avoidance.

13 Animals That Hunt At Night

There are numerous animals that have adapted to hunt primarily at night, taking advantage of the darkness and their enhanced nocturnal senses. Some examples of animals that hunt at night include:

  1. Bats
  2. Owls
  3. Leopards
  4. Badgers
  5. Red Kangaroo
  6. Tasmanian Devil
  7. Foxes
  8. Loris
  9. Opossum
  10. Skunks
  11. Raccoons
  12. Black-Footed Ferrets
  13. Hyena

10 Facts About Nocturnal Animals

Below are 10 facts about nocturnal animals.

  1. Nocturnal animals are most active during the night.
  2. They have adapted special senses to navigate in darkness.
  3. Owls are nocturnal birds known for their exceptional hearing.
  4. Bats are the only mammals that can truly fly.
  5. Many nocturnal animals have large eyes to gather more light.
  6. The slow loris is a nocturnal primate with toxic bites.
  7. Fireflies use bioluminescence to communicate and attract mates.
  8. Hedgehogs are nocturnal creatures known for their spiky appearance.
  9. Some nocturnal animals, like foxes, have excellent night vision.
  10. Nocturnal animals often have specialized diets, such as insectivores.

Read More:

  1. Diurnal Animals
  2. Decomposer Animals Name
  3. Black And White Animal Names
  4. Small Animals Name