Prepositions Errors: 100+ Common Mistakes with Prepositions

Common Mistakes with Prepositions PDF!

Mistakes Related to English Grammar Prepositions are giving in this short lesson, go through this lesson and ask your queries in the comments.

What are Prepositions?

preposition is a word or group of words used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships, or to introduce an object.

Common Mistakes With Prepositions

Below are some common grammar mistakes related to Prepositions:

Grammar mistakes in english in the use of Preposition PDF

Incorrect   I shall not be there before ten months.
Correct   I shall not be there for ten months.
Incorrect   He has gone to the clinic for doing his work.
Correct He has gone to the clinic to do his work.
Incorrect   Do not worry for the difficulties you are facing in life.
Correct   Do not worry about the difficulties you are facing in life.
Incorrect   He should be more careful in his behavior.
Correct   He should be more careful about his behavior.
Incorrect   The incident happened at the eve of his departure for London.
Correct   The incident happened on the eve of his departure for London.
Incorrect   They set the building to fire.
Correct   They set the building on fire.
Incorrect   She went to Huawei for seeing her mother.
Correct   She went to Huawei to see her mother.
Incorrect   He was successful to get the appointment.
Correct   He was successful in getting the appointment.
Incorrect   We should not persist to do evil.
Correct   We should not persist in doing evil.
Incorrect   l do not rely your word.
Correct   I do not rely upon your word.
Incorrect   He disallowed his brother from accompanying him.
Correct   He disallowed his brother to accompany him.
Incorrect   His friends sided him.
Correct   His friends sided with him.
Incorrect   You cannot blame him of theft.
Correct   You cannot blame him for theft.

Common Mistakes with Prepositions

Related: Grammar Mistakes Related Verbs

Grammar Mistakes with Prepositions

Incorrect   She was playing in company with her friends.
Correct   She was playing in the company of her friends.
Incorrect   She burst in tears.
Correct   She burst into tears.
Incorrect   The divers tried to save the boy, but of no purpose.
Correct   The divers tried to save the boy, but to no purpose.
Incorrect   I took leave from my friends and departed.
Correct   I took leave of my friends and departed.
Incorrect   He was hale and hearty before a fortnight.
Correct   He was hale and hearty a fortnight ago.
Incorrect   She died from cancer.
Correct   She died of cancer.
Incorrect   We discovered about this matter in the meeting.
Correct   We discovered this matter in the meeting.
Incorrect   He died from hunger.
Correct   He died of hunger.
Incorrect   She parted with her friends.
Correct   She parted from her friends.
Incorrect   She does not part from money.
Correct   She does not part with money.
Incorrect   The robbers attacked on them.
Correct   The robbers attacked them.
Incorrect   She does not lack in wealth.
Correct   She does not lack wealth.
Incorrect   She met me in the way.
Correct   She met me on the way.
Incorrect   Certificates are attached here with.
Correct   Certificates are enclosed here with.
Incorrect   There is another side of the question.
Correct   There is another side to the question.
Incorrect   She ordered for a cup of coffee.
Correct   She ordered a cup of coffee.
Incorrect   She has enough of money.
Correct   She has enough money.

Infographics (Grammar mistakes in English in the use of Preposition)

Common Mistakes with Prepositions

Grammar mistakes in English in the use of Preposition PDF