Medical Abbreviations with V

Medical Abbreviations with V

medical abbreviations with v

As a medical student, you will become very familiar with medical abbreviations. These are acronyms that stand for medical terms and can be used in both written and spoken form. Learning these abbreviations will help you to communicate effectively with other health professionals. This blog post provides an overview of some of the most common medical abbreviations.

VSD ventricular septal defect
VH visual hallucinations
V ventilation
VDRL Venereal Diseases Research Laboratory
VWD ventral wall defect
VZIG varicella zoster immune globulin
VIR Vascular Interventional Radiology
VOD volume of distribution
VPAP variable positive airway pressure
VDRF ventilator-dependent respiratory failure
VAMP vesicle-associated membrane protein
VAD ventricular assist device
VZV varicella zoster virus
VEE Venezuelan equine encephalitis
VPC ventricular premature contraction
VSR ventricular septal rupture
VED Vacuum Erection Device
VAS vibroacoustic stimulation
VTEC verotoxin-producing Escherichia coli
VPA valproic acid
V/Q ventilation/perfusion scan
VE vaginal examination
VFSS videofluoroscopic swallow study
VA visual acuity
VAC vincristine, actinomycin D, and cyclophosphamide
VMA vanillylmandelic acid
VT ventricular tachycardia
VBAC vaginal birth after caesarean
VIP vasoactive intestinal peptide
VO verbal order
VHL Von Hippel–Lindau disease
VCUG voiding cystourethrogram
VLDL very-low-density lipoprotein
VC vital capacity
VF ventricular fibrillation
VPI Velopharyngeal insufficiency
VS vital signs
VSS vital signs stable
VOC vaso-occlusive crisis
VPB ventricular premature beats
VCTC voluntary counselling and testing centers
VWF Von Willebrand factor
Vag vaginal
VUR vesicoureteral reflux
VIN vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia
VTE venous thromboembolism
vCJD variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
VNPI Van Nuys prognostic scoring index
VRE vancomycin-resistant enterococcus
VEB ventricular ectopic beat
VAI cincristine, actinomycin D, and ifosfamide
VD vaginal delivery
VBG venous blood gases
VRSA vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus