Medical Abbreviations with Q

Medical Abbreviations with Q

medical abbreviations with q

Medical abbreviations can be confusing, especially when you are just starting to learn about them. Q is one abbreviation that can be particularly puzzling. What does it stand for? In this blog post, we will explore the medical abbreviations with Q.

Medical Abbreviations with Q

q.v. which see
q each, every
q.n. every night
q.m.t. every month
QALY quality-adjusted life year
q6h once every 6 hours
q.o.h. every other hour
QOF Quality and Outcomes Framework
q.AM every day before noon
QNS quantity not sufficient
qt quart
q15 every 15 minute
q2wk once every 2 weeks
q.d.s. four times each day
q.wk. Per week
QIDS Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptoms
q.h. each hour
q.s. as much as suffices
q.h.s. every bedtime
qAc Before every meal
q.i.d. four times each day
q.o.d. every other day
q.a.d. every other day
q.l. as much as you like
q.d. every day