Leave Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun and easy guide on idioms that include the word “leave”! Idioms are phrases that don’t mean exactly what the words say. They use colorful language to express a different or hidden meaning. Even if you are just starting to learn English, this list will help you understand and use these common expressions in your everyday conversations.

Leave Idioms

Here are 20 leave idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Leave no stone unturned

Meaning: Try every possible course of action.

Example: She left no stone unturned to find her lost cat.

2. Leave someone high and dry

Meaning: To abandon someone.

Example: His ride left him high and dry.

3. Leave it at that

Meaning: Stop discussing or doing something.

Example: They agreed to leave it at that.

4. Leave much to be desired

Meaning: To be inadequate or unsatisfactory.

Example: His manners leave much to be desired.

5. Take it or leave it

Meaning: Accept or refuse the offer completely.

Example: The deal was a take it or leave it.

6. Leave well enough alone

Meaning: Avoid trying to improve something that’s already good.

Example: Just leave well enough alone.

7. Leave in the lurch

Meaning: To abandon someone in a difficult situation.

Example: She was left in the lurch at work.

8. Leave someone in the dust

Meaning: Outdo someone significantly.

Example: He left his competitors in the dust.

9. Leave one’s mark

Meaning: Have a lasting influence.

Example: He really left his mark on the company.

10. Leave no room for doubt

Meaning: Make something clear and unquestionable.

Example: Her performance left no room for doubt.

11. Leave the door open

Meaning: Allow for further action or discussion.

Example: She left the door open for future talks.

12. Leave to one’s own devices

Meaning: Let someone do as they wish without guidance.

Example: He was left to his own devices all afternoon.

13. Leave a bad taste in one’s mouth

Meaning: Give a bad impression.

Example: The argument left a bad taste in my mouth.

14. Leave someone cold

Meaning: Not affect someone; fail to impress.

Example: His excuses left her cold.

15. Leave out in the cold

Meaning: Exclude someone.

Example: They left me out in the cold during the meeting.

16. Leave for dead

Meaning: Abandon someone as if they were dead.

Example: The hero was left for dead.

17. Leave no trace

Meaning: Leave no evidence or signs of one’s presence.

Example: Campers should leave no trace.

18. Leave off

Meaning: Stop doing something.

Example: You can leave off now, thanks.

19. Leave alone

Meaning: Not bother or disturb.

Example: Just leave the cat alone.

20. Leave at odds

Meaning: Cause to be in disagreement.

Example: The decision left them at odds.

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Slang for Leave

Leave Idioms