Legs Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

In this blog, we’ll explore fun phrases called idioms that use the word “legs.” Even kids will find these easy to understand! Each idiom helps express ideas in a playful and imaginative way. Let’s jump right in and learn some “legs” idioms!

Legs Idioms

Here are 20 legs idioms in English.

1. Break a leg

Meaning: Good luck!
Example: You have a big test today? Break a leg!

2. Have legs

Meaning: Have endurance, last long
Example: This rumor sure has legs.

3. Pull someone’s leg

Meaning: Joke with someone
Example: I’m just pulling your leg!

4. Leg up

Meaning: An advantage
Example: This tip gave me a leg up.

5. Leg it

Meaning: Run fast
Example: We had to leg it to catch the bus.

6. Shake a leg

Meaning: Hurry up
Example: Shake a leg, or we’ll be late!

7. On its last legs

Meaning: Nearly at the end
Example: My car is on its last legs.

8. Stretch your legs

Meaning: Take a short walk
Example: Let’s stretch our legs a bit.

9. Not have a leg to stand on

Meaning: Lack support for your argument
Example: He doesn’t have a leg to stand on.

10. Cost an arm and a leg

Meaning: Be very expensive
Example: That dress cost an arm and a leg!

11. Legs eleven

Meaning: Number 11 in bingo
Example: Next number, legs eleven!

12. Show a leg

Meaning: Get out of bed
Example: Time to show a leg!

13. A leg to stand on

Meaning: A valid point
Example: She finally has a leg to stand on.

14. Make your legs your wheels

Meaning: Go by foot, walk
Example: No bus? Make your legs your wheels.

15. One leg over the fence

Meaning: Almost complete a task
Example: We’re one leg over the fence with this project.

16. Talk the leg off an iron pot

Meaning: Talk excessively
Example: He can talk the leg off an iron pot.

17. With one leg tied

Meaning: With a handicap
Example: He won the race with one leg tied.

18. To give legs to

Meaning: Support or promote something
Example: This funding will give legs to our project.

19. Two left legs

Meaning: Clumsy
Example: I have two left legs when dancing.

20. With both legs

Meaning: With all effort
Example: Jump in with both legs.

LEG Idioms