200+ Idiomatic Expressions List and Meaning PDF

Idiomatic Expressions List and Meaning PDF!

Learn the big list of idiomatic expressions with their meaning and example sentences, these idiomatic expressions are for IELTS and also British idiomatic expressions also get a quiz of idiomatic expressions.

Idiomatic Expressions List and Meaning Examples

Expressions Meanings Examples
A bad quarter of an hour  uncomfortable time He spent a bad quarter of an hour with the board of directors
A blue-eyed- boy   a favorite Beware of him, he is the blue-eyed-boy of the principal
(To) affect ignorance   to pretend not to know He affects the ignorance of any plan to dismantle the house
A Fish out of water   a person who feels uncomfortable in his present surroundings He is a fish out of the water  He cannot stay here for long
A Flash in the pan  Something that lasts only for a short time It proved to be a flash in the pan  All his efforts have ended in smoke
A Freudian slip   unintentional mistake revealing true thoughts He made one mistake during his entire speech and it proves to be a Freudian slip
A friend at court   an influential friend The most important factor of success these days is a friend at court
A going concern   successful business This project is a lame-duck  It needs courage and application to make it a going concert
A hot potato   an issue that is embarrassing to deal with Do not bring up this subject for discussion in the meeting  It is a hot potato

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Idiomatic Expressions List and Meaning PDF – Image 1

Idiomatic Expressions List and Meaning PDF
A lame-duck   an enterprise that is not a success This project is a lame-duck  It needs courage and application to make it a going concern
A long way out   Inaccurate Your assessment of the situation is a long way out
An eagle-eye   a very quick eye It is very difficult to work beneath his eagle-eye
A passing fancy   temporary liking It was a passing fancy  He does not want to see any longer
Apple pie order  in perfect order She set everything in the house in apple-pie order within a week of her Arrival
Pretty kettle of fish   state of confusion, a mix-up It is a pretty kettle of fish you are in  Am sorry I cannot help you out
A pretty penny   quite a lot of money This house must have cost a pretty penny to build
A random shot   a wild guess It was a random shot but it has come out to be true
A ready pen   someone who can write easily and quickly A ready pen and will write this article for you within the stipulated period of time
A ruling passion   a passion that dominates a person’s life The desire for popularity is his ruling passion and he will do everything to achieve it

British Idiomatic Expression – Image 2

Idiomatic Expressions List and Meaning PDF
A skeleton in the cupboard   something embarrassing or shameful There is a skeleton in every cupboard, we had better not probe into the matter
Snake in the grass   a deceitful person You should trust your secretory he is a snake in the grass
As good as one’s word   to keep promise He promised me to send me a watch and he was as good as his words
A Thumb-nail sketch  a brief description or a small scale drawing You must give me the thumbnail sketch on the man before I go to the meeting
 Tower of strength   a person who can be relied upon for help in time of need He is a tower of strength for me
At the first blush   at first glance The project does not appeal at the first blush
Willing horse   a willing worker   I want only willing horses for my office
(to) be at a loss for words   to be so surprised that one does not know what to say  
(to) be at cross purposes   to misunderstand someone   He is at a cross purpose with his father but I hope that they will soon end their differences
 (to) be at one’s best   to be most able   John is at his best when he is working under pressure
(to) be at one’s ease  to feel comfortable   He is at his ease in the absence of his boss
(to) be hard-pressed for something   to be under pressure   I am hard-pressed for time  Please leave me alone for a while
(to) be hard put to do something   to have difficulty in doing something   He was hard put to give a convincing answer to my question
(to) be in a flutter   to be in a state of nervous excitement   He was in a flutter when he saw that the car had a flat tire
(to) be in keeping with something   to correspond   Jealousy is not in keeping with his character
(to) be in one’s elements   to be in agreeable circumstances   He is in his elements  Everything has worked out according to his wishes
(to) be in one’s line   to be in one’s province   Singing is not in my line
(to) be in the bag   to be certain   John is sure that the contract is in the bag already
(to) be in tune   to be in a happy frame of mind, he is in tune. You can talk to him about anything in the world
(to) be of a piece with   in keeping with   The latest letter is of a piece with her usual conduct
(to) be one too many   to be better than   John is one too many for Shaun at chess
(to) butter someone up   to flatter   You will have to butter him up to get something from him

English Idiomatic Expression – Image 3

List of idiom expression
(to) catch someone napping   to discover someone not doing what one should be doing   The manager caught some workers napping when he visited the factory
(to) clip someone’s wings   to slow down someone’s progress   The bank manager clipped his wings when he refused to advance the required loan
(to) cool one’s heels   to wait   I was left in the car to cool my heels for about half an hour
Crossed in love   disappointed in love   He has been crossed in love a number of times
(to) drop a line   to write   She dropped a line to thank me for the birthday gift
Every inch   completely, entirely   Shylock was every Inch a Jew
Eye-wash   deceit   All this sweet talk is eye-wash  In fact he does not like me
(to) feel someone’s pulse   to find out the secret opinion   In his conversation yesterday, he tried to feel my pulse about the new project
Feet of clay   to be weak or cowardly   He has feet of Clay  You cannot depend on him
(to) fight shy of something   to avoid   Why do you fight shy of writing articles for literary magazines? I am you can do it
(to) Fly off the handle   to become furious   He flew handle when she accused him of double
French leave   leave without permission   He goes French leave so often that sometimes it becomes difficult for me to provide him necessary cover
(to) get a word in edgeways   to get a chance to speak   I could hardly get a word in edgeways  It was khan who Spoke all the time
Give a dog a bad name and kill him   to attribute fault and dismiss   He was given a dog name and killed only because he did not carry out the evil wish of the landlord
(to) go flat out   to do with all one’s power   Imran Khan went flat out and captured three wickets in one spell of five overs
(to) go grey   to become grey-haired   He is going grey even at 3
(to) go into black   to mourn   She went into black for her husband
(to) go red   to blush   His unbridled praise for her physical charms made her go red
Good at heart   kind   I could not care less about what He has said  I know he is good at heart
(to) hand a bouquet   to pay compliments   The retiring Principal was handed a bouquet worthy of his services to the College
(to) handle someone with kid gloves   to treat very Carefully   She is a very sensitive lady  You will have to handle her with kid gloves
(to) hang on to something   retain, not to part with   Old Jeopardy should have retired long ago, but he is hanging on to his job

Idiomatic Expressions List and Meaning PDF – Image 4

british idiomatic expressions pdf

Also Check: List of Common Idioms

(to) have a bee in one’s bonnet   to be slightly unbalanced mentally   His actions are erratic because he has a bee in his bonnet
(to) have a bone in the leg   to be tired   I cannot walk in his place  I have a bone in the leg
(to) have a bone to pick   to have a cause of complaint she has a bone to pick with him about the quarrel they had yesterday
(to) have a way with one   to have some pleasing Characteristic   She is not a charming girl but she has a way with her that is appealing
(to) have the gift of the gab   to have the talent for speaking   The only thing he has is the gift of the gab
(to) hold water   to be sound   This argument does not hold water
In good time   with time to spare   He finished his work in good time
In the pink   good in health   I am very happy to learn that you are in the pink
Iron something out   resolve   You can iron out your differences only if you sit down and talk
(to) join forces with someone   to cooperate   I appealed to him to join forces with me to restore the prestige of the family
To keep one’s fingers crossed   to hope for the best   He is very unpredicted  We can only keep our fingers crossed
To kick up a row   to make fuss   She kicked up such a big row over nothing
To knuckle under   to give way   He knuckled under after putting up some resistance
Let someone off   forgive   The principal let the student off with a warning
To live by one’s wits   to live by deceit or fraud   I suspect your friend lives by his wits
(to) look green   to look sick You do look green  Is anything the matter?
(to) lose one’s head   to lose the presence of mind   He lost his head as soon as he read the charge-sheet
(to) meet someone halfway   to make a compromise   I am prepared to meet him halfway  You can tell him so on my behalf
(to) mind one’s p’s and q’s   to be very polite   Yesterday you made a very bad impression  You must mind your p’s and q’s in polite society
Neck or nothing   every risk must be taken   There was no choice  It was a case of neck or nothing with us
On the square   above board   I am sure, they will succeed in their business  There dealings are on the square
Other fish to try  other business to do   She can’t come to see you daily, she has other fish to try
Out of character  not typical   He was not his usual self today  His conversation was completely out of character
(to) pat someone on the back  to congratulate someone on something You deserve a pat on the back for the excellent job you have done
Idiomatic Expressions List and Meaning PDF
(to) pay through the nose  to pay dearly   She is paying through the nose for her faults
(to) pick holes in something   to find fault with something Don’t pick holes in everything that other people do
(to) play fast and loose   to say one thing and do another   He always plays fast and lose it has become his second nature
(to) pluck at someones heart strings   to try to arouse sympathy   Do not pluck at everyone’s heart strings by narrating your tale of woe
(to) plumb the depths of something   to try to find out the truth wish to plumb the depths of the problem she is facing  She is really leading a miserable life
(to) put your best foot forward   to make effort   You won’t be able to complete this work before the end of the month unless you put your best foot forward
(to) run in the blood   characteristic of the members of a family   Gallantry runs in the blood of Indians
(to) set her cap at   to pay attention to   In my opinion, Sana has set her cap at Joe
Settle for something   be prepared to accept   I am not prepared to settle for a second-rate job
Shake someone up   upset   The news of his father’s death has shaken him up badly
(to) sit on the fence   not to take sides the policy of sitting on the fence does not always pay
(to) spill the beans   to tell a secret   Why can’t you be careful  You have spilled the beans
(to) stick to one’s colors   to be faithful to the cause   The Principal advised the students to stick to their colors
Stir something up   revoke He is trying to stir up trouble again, but he would not succeed this time
(to) take a firm line  to deal decisively you will have to take a firm line with those employees who do not pull their weight
(to) take with a grain of salt  to doubt   I take his Statements with a grain of salt
(to) talk shop  to talk exclusively about one’s professional affairs   He always talks shop  That is why so many Persons shun his company
(to) talk through one’s hat  to talk nonsense   He is talking through his hat when he says that he is going to help you in time or need
Tell a person straight   to speak frankly   Told her straight that I meant business
The olive branch   offer of peace   America holds out the olive branch to all its neighbors

Idiomatic Expression for Ielts – Image 5

briskish idioms expressions
The backbone   chief support   He is the backbone of the family
The finger of fate   destiny   The finger of fate has always guided him to success
The fourth estate   the press the fourth estate plays an important role in a democratic set-up
The pick of the bunch   boss of all   Rose is the pick of the bunch among flowers
The skin of one’s teeth   just manage to escape  we escaped from falling into the river by the skin of our teeth
The underdog   a person at a disadvantage   She always sympathizes with the underdog
Till the cows come home   a long time to wait   He is prepared to wait for her till the cows come home
(to) tighten one’s belt   to spend less money   We must tighten our belts to pull through this crisis
Touch bottom   to sink very low   He cannot sink any lower  He has already touched bottom
Tongue in cheek   to say one thing and mean another G  B  Shaw often writes with his tongue in his cheek
Up with the lark   to rise very early   You must get up with the lark and go for a walk if you want to improve your health
Walkout on someone  abandon   When reconciliation failed she walked out on her husband
(to) wear the breeches   to be the controlling force in the house   He is only a figurehead  It is his wife who wears the breaches
With the tail between the legs   with a beaten look   He retired from the ring with his tail between the legs
Win one’s spurs   to make one’s reputation   He won his spurs as a statesman in the parliament
Win the palm   to win a prize I hope your daughter wins the palm by topping the 1st of successful candidates this year
Wreathed in smiles   smiling broadly   Her face was wreathed in smiles when she saw her fiancé

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