In this blog post, we’re going to explore some fun sayings called idioms that use the word “honest” or are about being honest. Idioms are phrases that don’t mean exactly what the words say but have a special meaning that people understand. Even kids can learn these!
Honest Idioms
Here are 20 honest idioms in English.
1. Honest as the day is long
Meaning: Very honest
Example: He’s as honest as the day is long.
2. Honest to God
Meaning: Truly or really
Example: Honest to God, I didn’t take it.
3. Make an honest buck
Meaning: Earn money honestly
Example: He just wants to make an honest buck.
4. An honest mistake
Meaning: A genuine mistake
Example: It was an honest mistake.
5. Honest to goodness
Meaning: Really, truly
Example: That was an honest to goodness shock.
6. In all honesty
Meaning: Being completely truthful
Example: In all honesty, I disliked the movie.
7. Keep an honest shop
Meaning: Run a business honestly
Example: She keeps an honest shop.
8. Honest broker
Meaning: A fair mediator
Example: He is known as an honest broker.
9. Lead an honest life
Meaning: Live in a truthful and upright way
Example: He tries to lead an honest life.
10. On my honest word
Meaning: I promise or swear
Example: On my honest word, I’ll help.
11. Plead honest
Meaning: Claim innocence honestly
Example: He pled honest at the trial.
12. By honest means
Meaning: Without cheating
Example: He wins by honest means.
13. Die an honest death
Meaning: Die honorably
Example: He died an honest death.
14. Honest work
Meaning: Genuine, respectable work
Example: He’s looking for honest work.
15. Earn an honest living
Meaning: Make money legally and ethically
Example: She earns an honest living.
16. Honest mistake
Meaning: A genuine error
Example: It was just an honest mistake.
17. Your honest opinion
Meaning: What you truly think
Example: Give me your honest opinion.
18. Have an honest face
Meaning: Look trustworthy
Example: He has an honest face.
19. Count on your honest effort
Meaning: Rely on your sincere attempt
Example: We count on your honest effort.
20. A penny for your honest thoughts
Meaning: Tell me what you’re really thinking
Example: A penny for your honest thoughts?