30 Funny Ways to Say Going To The Bathroom

30 Funny Ways to Say Going To The Bathroom

Below are 30 Funny Ways to Say Going To The Bathroom:

  1. Dropping the kids off at the pool.
  2. Seeing a man about a horse.
  3. Taking the Browns to the Super Bowl.
  4. Visiting the porcelain throne.
  5. Releasing the chocolate hostages.
  6. Making a deposit in the porcelain bank.
  7. Draining the main vein. (typically male-oriented)
  8. Going to see the wizard.
  9. Hitting up the little boys’/girls’ room.
  10. Downloading some software.
  11. Tending to some paperwork.
  12. Letting the weasels out.
  13. Making a splash landing.
  14. Taking a wee time-out.
  15. Checking out the plumbing.
  16. Going on a short vacation.
  17. Communing with nature (especially if outdoors!).
  18. Freeing Willy. (typically male-oriented)
  19. Releasing the Kraken.
  20. Parting the Red Sea.
  21. Squeezing the lemon.
  22. Watering the flowers.
  23. Attending the private conference.
  24. Listening to the call of nature.
  25. Tinkling the ivories (even if you’re not at a piano).
  26. Doing a liquid audit.
  27. Checking my email (in the restroom).
  28. Answering nature’s pager.
  29. Casting a liquid vote.
  30. Offloading some cargo.


Funny Ways to Say Bathroom

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Funny Ways to Say Going To The Bathroom