30 Funny Ways to Say Cocaine

Funny Ways to Say Cocaine

Below are Funny Ways to Say Cocaine:

  1. Snowy delight
  2. Nose candy
  3. Disco dust
  4. Bolivian marching powder
  5. Fairy dust
  6. Skiing on the white slopes
  7. Hollywood sugar
  8. Sherlock’s energy enhancer
  9. Yayo
  10. Powdered confidence
  11. Upgraded espresso
  12. Charlie Sheen’s secret stash
  13. Pearly gates’ booster
  14. Wall Street’s best friend
  15. Pablo’s party favor
  16. Tony’s table salt
  17. Sniffy McSnortface
  18. Sneeze-inducing glitter
  19. Sparkling motivation
  20. Snowflakes for the soul
  21. Euphoria enhancer
  22. Elevator to extra energy
  23. High-speed powdered donut
  24. Bling bling brain boost
  25. Caffeine’s glamorous cousin
  26. Sudden inspiration sprinkles
  27. Muse in a baggie
  28. Confidence condiment
  29. Mind-melting sprinkles
  30. Creative chaos in a packet


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Funny Ways to Say Cocaine