Navigating through life’s complexities often requires sound advice and direction. This blog post explores twenty valuable expressions related to guidance, offering insights into their meanings and practical usage through illustrative examples.
1. Show the ropes
Meaning: Teach the basics
Example: I’ll show the ropes on how to use this software.
2. Point in the right direction
Meaning: Offer useful guidance
Example: She pointed me in the right direction to find resources.
3. Lead the way
Meaning: Guide by example
Example: He led the way in adopting new technologies.
4. Light the way
Meaning: Inspire or guide clearly
Example: Her innovations light the way for budding entrepreneurs.
5. Steer clear of
Meaning: Avoid something bad
Example: Steer clear of dubious investment offers.
6. Take under one’s wing
Meaning: Mentor or protect
Example: The manager took the new hire under her wing.
7. Put on the right track
Meaning: Correct someone’s path
Example: Her advice put me on the right track again.
8. Throw someone a lifeline
Meaning: Offer help in difficulty
Example: He threw me a lifeline during my financial crisis.
9. Keep on the straight and narrow
Meaning: Stay honest or moral
Example: He keeps on the straight and narrow at work.
10. Give a heads up
Meaning: Provide advance warning
Example: Give a heads up before the new policy takes effect.
11. Lay down the law
Meaning: Establish firm rules
Example: She laid down the law to maintain discipline.
12. Set the pace
Meaning: Establish a standard to follow
Example: Our team leader sets the pace for our project deadlines.
13. Pave the way
Meaning: Create opportunities
Example: His research paved the way for further discoveries.
14. Follow suit
Meaning: Do as someone else did
Example: After his success, many followed suit.
15. Go by the book
Meaning: Follow the rules strictly
Example: She always goes by the book in her procedures.
16. Take the reins
Meaning: Assume control
Example: He took the reins during the crisis.
17. Break new ground
Meaning: Do something innovative
Example: Their team is breaking new ground in solar energy.
18. Chart a course
Meaning: Plan a way forward
Example: Chart a course for the company’s expansion.
19. Cut corners
Meaning: Do something the easiest way
Example: Cutting corners can lead to shoddy work.
20. Pass the torch
Meaning: Transfer responsibility
Example: She passed the torch to her successor smoothly.