Exercises for Active and Passive Voice – Download PDF

Active and passive voice are two different ways to structure a sentence, and each can have a significant impact on how a sentence is understood. The active voice focuses on the subject of the sentence performing the action, while the passive voice shifts the focus to the object receiving the action. Being able to recognize and use active and passive voice can greatly improve your writing skills, as it allows you to vary your sentence structure and create more effective and engaging prose.

In this exercise, we will provide examples of both active and passive voice and ask you to identify which one is being used. We will also ask you to practice rewriting sentences from one voice to the other, helping you to become more comfortable with both styles.

Compare these two active and passive voice sentences.

  1. Rama beats Harry.
  2. Harry is beaten by Rama.

It will be seen that these two sentences express the same meaning.

But in sentence 1, the form of the Verb shows that the person denoted by the subject does something.

  • Rama (the person denoted by the subject) does something.
  • The Verb beats are said to be in the Active

In sentence 2, the form of the Verb shows that something is done to the person denoted by the Subject.

  • Something is done to Hari (the person denoted by the Subject )
  • The Verb beaten is said to be in the Passive Voice

What is the Active Voice?

A verb is in the Active Voice when its form shows (as in sentence 1) that the person or thing denoted by the Subject does something; or, in other words, is the doer of the action.

The Active Voice is so called because of the person denoted by the Subject acts. 

What is Passive Voice?

A Verb is in the Passive Voice when its form shows (as in sentence 2) that something is done to the person or thing denoted by the Subject.

The Passive Voice is so called because the person or thing denoted by the Subject is not active but passive, that is, suffers or receives some action.

Exercises for Active and Passive Voice

Note the change from the Active Voice to the Passive Voice in the following sentences :

Solved exercises for Active and Passive Voice

Active voice

Passive Voice

1. Ayesha loves Ali.

1. Ali is loved by Ayesha.

2. The mason is building the wall.

2. The wall is being built by the meson.

3. The peon opened the gate.

3. The gate was opened by the peon.

4. Some boys were helping the wounded man.

4. The wounded man was being helped by some boys.

5. He will finish the work in a fortnight.

5. The work will be finished by him in a fortnight.

6. Who did this?

6. By whom was this done?

7. Why did your brother write such a letter?

7. Why was such a letter written by your brother?

Practice Exercises for Active and Passive

Exercise 1: Change the following sentences into Passive Voice

  1. The cat kitted the mouse.
  2. We compelled the enemy to surrender.
  3. The boy was bitten by a dog.
  4. The thief was caught.
  5. The boy made a kite.
  6. The ship was burned.
  7. The young man made a disturbance at the meeting.
  8. The captive was bound to a tree.
  9. The bird was killed by a cruel boy.
  10. The sudden noise frightened the horse.
  11. He is loved by all.
  12. The exhibition was opened by the Governor.
  13. I see a dark cloud. 
  14. His command was promptly obeyed.
  15. Some of the cargo had been damaged by the seawater.
  16. Nothing will be gained by hurry.
  17. The dog chased the sheep.
  18. This letter was posted last night.
  19. The field is plowed.
  20. The dog was teased by the boy.
  21. The cat drank all the milk.
  22. A stone struck me on the head.
  23. The old gentleman takes snuff.
  24. The money was lost.
  25. The letter has just been posted.

Exercise 2: Change the following sentences into Passive Voice

  1. The man cut down the tree.
  2. Columbus discovered America
  3. His teacher praised him.
  4. The boy teased the dog.
  5. The syce feeds the horse every day.
  6. The police arrested him.
  7. Rama was making a kite.
  8. The boy caught the ball.
  9. My father will write a letter.
  10. I will conquer him.
  11. He kept me waiting.
  12. The hunter shot the lion.
  13. Hart opened the door.
  14. A policeman caught the thief.
  15. Sohrab threw the ball.
  16. He scored twenty runs.
  17. Your behavior vexes me.
  18. He made a remarkable discovery.
  19. Everyone loves him.
  20. My cousin has drawn this picture.
  21. We expect good news.
  22. The farmer gathers the harvest.
  23. His own brother swindled him.
  24. The recitation pleased the inspector.
  25. Somebody has put out the light.
  26. The enemy has defeated our army.
  27. I have sold my bicycle.

Exercise 3: Change the following sentences into Passive Voice

  1. We saw you and him. 
  2. They asked me my name.
  3. We refused them admission.
  4. I bought the baby a doll.
  5. They found him guilty of murder.
  6. A thunderstorm often turns milk sour.
  7. You cannot pump the ocean dry.
  8. He keeps me waiting.
  9. They painted the house red.
  10. He told me to leave the room.
  11. He promised me a present.
  12. I shall order the carriage.
  13. The boy is climbing the cliff.
  14. One may accomplish many things with a little effort.
  15. I am watching you very carefully.

Exercise 4: Change the following sentences into Passive Voice

  1. He was praised by his father.
  2. The first railway was built by George Stephenson.
  3. The horse was frightened by the noise.
  4. Not a word was spoken by Latif.
  5. The teacher was pleased with the boy’s work.
  6. He was taken to the hospital by his friends.
  7. The town was destroyed by an earthquake
  8. The road was lined With people.
  9. The President was welcomed by the people.
  10. Shakuntala was written by Kalidas.
  11. The building was damaged by the fire.

Active And Passive Voice Exercises All Tenses

Here are some exercises to practice active and passive voice in all tenses:

Present Simple Tense:

Change the following active sentences to passive ones:

a) The cat chases the mouse.

b) The teacher explains the lesson.

c) John sends the email.

Change the following passive sentences to active:

a) The cake was baked by my mom.

b) The movie was watched by the children.

c) The book was written by J.K. Rowling.

Present Continuous Tense:

Change the following active sentences to passive:

a) The chef is preparing the dinner.

b) The students are studying for the exam.

c) The company is launching a new product.

Change the following passive sentences to active:

a) The meeting is being attended by the team members.

b) The project is being completed by the interns.

c) The house is being cleaned by the maid.

Past Simple Tense:

Change the following active sentences to passive:

a) The company launched a new product.

b) John wrote a letter to his friend.

c) The dog chased the cat.

Change the following passive sentences to active:

a) The book was written by Shakespeare.

b) The car was repaired by the mechanic.

c) The letter was received by Sarah.

Past Continuous Tense:

Change the following active sentences to passive:

a) The students were studying for the exam.

b) The company was developing a new product.

c) John was writing a letter to his friend.

Change the following passive sentences to active:

a) The cake was being baked by my mom.

b) The movie was being watched by the children.

c) The letter was being written by Sarah.

Present Perfect Tense:

Change the following active sentences to passive:

a) The company has launched a new product.

b) John has sent the email.

c) The teacher has explained the lesson.

Change the following passive sentences to active:

a) The project has been completed by the interns.

b) The book has been written by J.K. Rowling.

c) The letter has been received by Sarah.

Past Perfect Tense:

Change the following active sentences to passive:

a) John had sent the email before he left.

b) The company had launched a new product before the competition.

c) The teacher had explained the lesson before the students arrived.

Change the following passive sentences to active:

a) The project had been completed by the interns before the deadline.

b) The book had been written by J.K. Rowling before the movie adaptation.

c) The letter had been received by Sarah before she left for vacation.

Future Simple Tense:

Change the following active sentences to passive ones:

a) The company will launch a new product.

b) John will send the email.

c) The teacher will explain the lesson.

Change the following passive sentences to active:

a) The concert will be attended by thousands of fans.

b) The cake will be baked by my mom for my birthday.

c) The movie will be watched by the children at the theater.

Future Continuous Tense:

Change the following active sentences to passive ones:

a) The company will be launching a new product next month.

b) John will be sending the email while he’s on vacation.

c) The students will be studying for the exam all week.

Change the following passive sentences to active:

a) The cake will be being baked by my mom while I’m at school.

b) The movie will be being watched by the children at the theater tonight.

c) The letter will be being written by Sarah during her lunch break.

Active And Passive Voice Difficult Exercises With Answers

Here are 10 difficult exercises on active and passive voice with answers:

1. Change the following sentence into the passive voice: “The dog bit the postman.”

Answer: The postman was bitten by the dog.

2. Change the following sentence into the active voice: “The car was driven by John.”

Answer: John drove the car.

3. Change the following sentence into the passive voice: “The teacher gave the students a difficult test.”

Answer: A difficult test was given to the students by the teacher.

4. Change the following sentence into the active voice: “The cake was baked by my mother.”

Answer: My mother baked the cake.

5. Change the following sentence into the passive voice: “The storm destroyed the old building.”

Answer: The old building was destroyed by the storm.

6. Change the following sentence into the active voice: “The letter was written by Susan.”

Answer: Susan wrote the letter.

7. Change the following sentence into the passive voice: “The company will offer a new product next month.”

Answer: A new product will be offered by the company next month.

8. Change the following sentence into the active voice: “The report was submitted by the team leader.”

Answer: The team leader submitted the report.

9. Change the following sentence into the passive voice: “The manager praised the employee for his hard work.”

Answer: The employee was praised by the manager for his hard work.

10. Change the following sentence into the active voice: “The room was cleaned by the maid.”

Answer: The maid cleaned the room.

Read More:

  1. 100 Examples of Active and Passive Voice
  2. 25 Active and Passive Voice Examples with Answers
  3. 20 Examples of Active and Passive Voice

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