14 Different times of the day – What are Different Parts of the Day Called?

14 different times of the day. Normally we divide the day in four parts that are morning, afternoon, evening and night. So, it becomes difficult to understand the exact time of the day when someone tell us about one of the four time of the day mentioned above.

Here I have divided the day into almost 14 parts these parts of the day help us to understand event the time of the day.

Times of the Day – What are Different Parts of the Day Called?

2:00 a.m. to 5:59 a.m. Early morning Good morning
around sunrise Dawn Good morning
6:00 a.m to 8:59 a.m Morning Good morning
9:00 a.m to 11:59 a.m Late morning Good morning
12:00 p.m. Noon/ midday Good afternoon
12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Afternoon Good afternoon
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Late afternoon Good afternoon
5:01 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Early evening Good evening
around sunset Dusk Good evening
5:01 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Evening Good evening
9:01 p.m. to 10:59 p.m. Late evening Good evening
11:00 p.m. till sunrise Night Good night
12:00 till 2:00a.m. Midnight Good Night

Times of the Day – Different Parts of the Day image 1

Times of the Day – Different Parts of the Day image 1

Times of the Day – Different Parts of the Day image 2

Times of the Day – Different Parts of the Day image 2

Is good night is a welcome salutation?

No, the good night is not a welcome salutation. Although you can use good evening as a welcome saltation. Good night is only used when you are about to leave someone to go for bed.

Different Times of the Day with examples

Early Morning

It starts from 2 am and remains before the sunrise.


  • Norma wake up early in the morning to complete her project.
  • Ali went to catch his flight early in the morning.
  • The doctor suggested here to wake up in the early morning.
  • She used to workout in early morning.


The time when the sun rises is known as dawn. It remains between 5: 30 to 6 am.


  • This morning the dawn was very cold.
  • At dawn I wake up for prayer.
  • The drive took rest at the break of dawn.
  • I have to reach there before dawn.
  • The water fall looks amazing at the time of dawn.


It starts after the sunrise. It starts at 6 am and remains till 9 am.


  • Minha goes to college in the morning.
  • I was expecting her to reach home in the morning.
  • She was in park this morning.
  • He goes to gym in the morning.
  • She called me on Sunday morning.
  • I will go there this morning.

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Late morning

The late morning start at the 9am and remains till 11:59 pm.


  • Aisha reached office late morning.
  • I attended the class late morning.
  • It was hot in the late morning.
  • They started their journey late morning.
  • We will arrive there Sunday late morning.

Noon/ midday

  • It is at 12 Pm. This is also known as midday.
  • I was hungry at noon.
  • She left office at noon.
  • Neha was eating ice cream at noon.
  • My brother was standing outside my office at noon.
  • We will visit the bazar at noon.
  • This shop will open at noon.
  • They went out just after midday.


The time between 12:30 and 4 PM is known as afternoon.


  • I came to home for meal at afternoon.
  • This afternoon I will come to you.
  • Ayesha will solve go this afternoon.
  • It was very cold outside I was in my bed till afternoon.
  • This afternoon is going to be special for her wife.
  • Neelam gave a gift this afternoon.

Late afternoon

It is from 4 pm to 5 pm.


  • I was if cafe till late afternoon.
  • She was with me at late afternoon.
  • When the disaster came it was late afternoon.
  • We were playing football at late afternoon.
  • I will receive her from bazar late afternoon.
  • It was late afternoon and the natural scenery was going to amazing.
  • She was afraid due to late afternoon.
  • I have to go home before late afternoon.
  • He can’t stay with us late afternoon.

Early evening

It is from 5 pm to 6: 30 pm.


  • I have to come back before early evening.
  • She was at the point of shooting in the early evening.
  • It was early evening when he hug her.
  • She was feeling unsecure with him due to early evening.
  • I want to go there but unfortunately it was early evening.


It is around the sunset.


  • I went to mosque at dusk.
  • The scene was very lovely at dusk.
  • At dusk we pack up out eatables and clothes.
  • I was awkward for me at the dusk with him.
  • I will not work with you till dusk.


It is from 5 pm to 9 pm.


  • Moni want to stay there this evening.
  • This evening we will work hard to complete this task.
  • I’m not going with you this evening.
  • Her boyfriend will make this evening special for her.
  • I am going for abroad this evening.
  • I do not want to spend this evening with you.
  • You make this evening special by coming there.

Late evening

It is from 9 pm to 10: 59.


  • It was late evening when you came there.
  • I think you should stay there its late evening.
  • When I reached there it was late evening and shops were shuttered.



It is form 9 pm to sunrise.


  • I used to work there at night.
  • This place is not safe at night.
  • This night is going to be special for me.
  • She was with me at night.
  • Girls should not stay night outside.



Midnight is from 12 am to 3 am.


  • I was very hungry last midnight.
  • You cannot ask him to go there midnight.
  • I was lucky you came here to help me at midnight.