30+ Creative Ways to Say Yes To A Date Over Text

Creative Ways to Say Yes To A Date Over Text!

1- I’m totally down for that.

2- Sounds great to me!

3- Absolutely, that sounds perfect.

4- Sure thing!

5- Let’s do it!

6- Yes please!

7- I’m in!

8- That works for me.

9- I’d love to.

10- Count me in.

11- You can definitely count on me.

12- I’m so there.

13- I can’t wait!

14- Let’s make it happen.

15- That sounds like a plan.

16- Absolutely yes!

17- Yes, without a doubt!

18- You got it.

19- Of course!

20- Most definitely.

21- Most certainly yes!

22- I’m all yours.

23- Absolutely, let’s go for it.

24- Let’s do this thing.

25- Yes – that sounds amazing!

26- Definitely, sign me up!

27- You betcha!

28- Yep, I’m in.

29- Yes – just tell me when and where!

30- I can’t wait – let’s get it started!

Read Also: 120+ Cute Ways to Say Yes To A Date Over Text

Creative Ways to Say Yes To A Date Over Text 1

creative ways to say yes to a date over text

  • Our date is going to be amazing!
  • I’m excited for our upcoming date!
  • I’m really looking forward to our date night!
  • Sounds great, let me know what day and time works for you!
  • I’m looking forward to our date!
  • I’d love to go out with you!
  • Let’s get together soon for a romantic date night!
  • Looking forward to going out with you!
  • Count me in, I’d love to go on a date with you!
  • Sounds like a date!
  • Can’t wait to have some one-on-one time with you!
  • So excited to go on our date!
  • Can’t wait to spend time with my favorite person, YOU!
  • When and where should we meet up?
  • I can’t wait to see what the night has in store for us!
  • I’d love to go on a date with you!
  • I’d love to see you soon!
  • We are going to have so much fun on our date!
  • Can’t wait to spend time with you, let’s make a date!
  • I can’t wait to see you, let’s make a date!