Conditional Sentences Pdf and Its All Types

Conditional Sentences PDF 

Conditional sentences pdf is here! A conditional sentence is often made up of two parts, that is, the if-part and the main part. A conditional sentence is a sentence that expresses a condition. A condition is something that can only happen if something else occurs. Conditional sentences pdf .

  • If you come, we shall welcome you.

“If you come” is the if-part and “we shall welcome you” is the main part.

  • If you come, we shall welcome you. 
  • We shall welcome you if you come. 

There are five types of conditional sentences:

  • Zero Conditional
  • First Conditional 
  • Second Conditional
  • Third Conditional
  • Mixed Conditional

1..Zero Conditional sentences PDF

The sentences in which both the parts of the sentence are present simple are zero conditional sentences. You can Download Conditional sentences pdf.

Structure: If + present simple, …. present simple.


Some of the best examples which show zero conditional states are given below.

  • When it rains, the grass gets wet.
  • Ice melts when you heat it
  • If people eat too much, they get fat.
  • If you touch a fire, you get burned.
  • If people eat too much, they get
  • People die if they don’t eat.
  • Ice melts if you heat it
  • You get water if you mix hydrogen and oxygen.
  • Snakes bite if they are scared.
  • If babies are hungry, they cry.
  • If you heat ice, it melts.
  • The trees get wet when it rains
  • If it rains, the grass gets wet.

Zero conditional sentences PDF

Conditional sentences pdf 

2.. 1st Conditional sentences PDF

In this case of sentences

Structure: If + Present Simple and will + Infinitive


  • If it rains, I won’t go to the park.
  • If I study today, I’ll go to the party tonight.
  • If I have enough money, I’ll buy some new shoes.
  • She’ll be late if the train is delayed.
  • She’ll miss the bus if she doesn’t leave soon.
  • If I see her, I’ll tell her.
  • I will stay home if it rains tomorrow.
  • I will be sad if my football team loses the match.
  • If I save money, I will buy a new bike by November.
  • I I train hard, I will be in better shape for the marathon
  • If you play video games all night long, you will be exhausted tomorrow.
  • If you put pineapple, the pizza will taste so much better.
  • If he wins the lottery, his mom will be able to pay her debts.

1st conditional sentences PDF

Conditional sentences pdf 

3.. 2nd Conditional sentences

Structure: If + Past Simple,  conditional (Would + Infinitive)


  • If it rained, you would get wet.
  • If she fell, she would hurt herself.
  • She would hurt herself if she fell.
  • You would get wet if it rained.
  • If you went to bed earlier you wouldn’t be so tired.
  • You wouldn’t be so tired if you went to bed earlier.
  • If it rained, I would go to the park.

2nd conditional sentences PDF

Conditional sentences pdf 

4.. 3rd Conditional Sentences PDF

Structure: if + past perfect and would + have + past participle


  • If she had studied, she would have passed the exam (but, really we know she didn’t study and so she didn’t pass)
  • If I hadn’t eaten so much, I wouldn’t have felt sick (but I did eat a lot, and so I did feel sick).
  • If we had taken a taxi, we wouldn’t have missed the plane
  • He would have been on time for the interview if he had left the house at nine
  • She wouldn’t have been tired if she had gone to bed earlier
  • She would have become a teacher if she had gone to university
  • If you hadn’t lied to me before, I would have believed you.
  • I would have passed the exams if I had studied.

5.. Mixed conditional sentences PDF

Mixed conditionals are conditionals where the tense in the main clause is different from the tense in the conditional-clause. Things that did or did not happen in the past have results that continue or are still important in the present.

We can emphasize this by using if with a past perfect verb, and would in the main clause

Pattern: Past and Present

  • If I hadn’t met Charles, I wouldn’t be here now.
  • If I had won the lottery, I would be

Pattern: Past and Future

  • If she had signed up last week, she would be joining us tomorrow.
  • If Darren hadn’t wasted his bonus, he would go to Mexico with us next month

Pattern: Present and Past

  • f I were rich, I would have bought that Ferrari we saw
  • If I didn’t have to work so much, I would have gone to the party last night.

Pattern: Present and Future

  • If Cindy were more creative, the company would send her to New York

Pattern: Future and Past

  • If my parents weren’t coming this weekend, I would have planned a nice trip

Pattern: Future and Present

If I were going to that concert tonight, I would be very excited.

Conditional Sentences Examples PDF

  • If she comes, we shall go with her.
  • If she comes, shall we go with her?
  • If you read this book, you will pass the explanation.
  • If they went there, they would be in trouble.
  • They would be in trouble if they went there.
  • Would they be in trouble if they went there?
  • If we met, we should talk.
  • If you had called him, he would have come.
  • Had you called him, he would have come.
  • Would he have come if you had called him?
  • If we had gone there, could we not have met them?
  • If she had been busy, we could not have met her.
  • My friend might have bought that diamond ring if he had been a multimillionaire.
  • It is possible my friend would have bought the diamond ring if ……

Conditional Sentences Examples PDF

  • If we had traveled to Kuwait by plane, we would have reached there early
  • If we had travelled to Kuwait by ship, we would have reached there quite late.
  • If we had been greeted by our neighbors, we would have answered them in great joy.
  • The students might have been promoted if they had passed two of their subjects.
  • I must have been in a hurry if I had been with you.
  • If you are told about this secret, you will be surprised.
  • If I were in your place, I could pass.
  • If I had been in your place, I would have passed.
  • If I had met him, I must I have talked to him.
  • If they had a TV, they could have seen this news.
  • If she had been invited, the party would have been more colorful.
  • Our society would have been better if the leaders had been wise.
  • wouldn’t the party have been more colorful if she had been invited to the party?
  • If Ali had won the match, he would have been given a Prize. (….would he have been given a prize?)
  • One thing depending on another use of “unless.”
  • I shall not pass unless you teach me.
  • If I were in your place, I could pass.
  • If I had been in your place, I would have passed.
  • If I had met him, I must have talked to him.
  • Unless you teach me I shall not pass.
  • If I had been with you, you could have been saved from your enemies. (Preposition. “with” used)
  • Would he have come if you had called him?
  • If you had called him, would he have come?
  • If we had gone there, could we not have met them?
  • If I were in your place, could I do this?
  • Could have had a talk with her if I had met her?

Conditional Sentences Examples PDF

  • If the Pak-India war had continued in 1965, could Kashmir have been annexed (joined) to Pakistan?
  • If she had been invited, the party would have been more colorful.
  • Our society would have been better if the leaders had been wise.
  • wouldn’t the party have been more colorful if she had been invited to the party?
  • If Ali had won the match, he would have been given a Prize. (….would he have been given a prize?)
  • One thing depending on another use of “unless.”
  • I shall not pass unless you teach me.
  • Unless you teach me I shall not pass. Conditional sentences pdf 
  • She will buy a useless watch unless you stop her.
  • Wish or feeling for the future and past.
  • We wish we could travel around the world. Conditional sentences pdf 
  • I wish I were in control of the affairs of the country.
  • Would that we could travel around the world!
  • It is high time they all started living together.

Conditional Sentences Examples PDF

  • If only our country had enough oil!
  • I wish I had not wasted my time with them.
  • Would that Pakistan had progressed like South Korea after independence!
  • If only Arbs had lived in unity!
  • I shall not pass unless you teach me.
  • Unless you teach me I shall not pass.
  • She will buy a useless watch unless you stop her.
  • Wish or feeling for the future and past.
  • We wish we could travel around the world.
  • I wish I were in control of the affairs of the country.
  • Would that we could travel around the world!
  • It is high time they all started living together.
  • We wish China were a superpower in the 21 century.
  • We wish china had been a superpower in the 20th (Wish for the past)

Try our conditional sentences exercise

  1. If they come we ——–be very happy indeed.
  2. She would (do) her work if she —– able to do so.
  3. If you ——— in mu place, you too ———- in trouble.
  4. If I ———- there I would answer the questions.
  5. Ali could ——- written this essay if she —— give a chance.
  6. Would I not ——— come if you —— asked me?
  7. Could I solved this problem if I ———– asked?
  8. They would ——— helped him if they —– seen him in trouble.
  9. ——— You buy this book, read it very carefully.
  10. We shall all be in much trouble ——— war break out next week.
  11. You should not ——— bought this worthless watch.
  12. If I had ———— enough knowledge, I would ——– done my papers well.
  13. Could you build a big house if you ———– rich?
  14. The crop ——— be very fine if it rains.
  15. If she missed these classes she —— be in trouble.
  16. If I —— been present there I ——- have heard the news.
  17. ——— They visited us we —— have welcomed them.
  18. If the teacher ——- busy, we could not —— met her.
  19. If the weather ——- fine, we could ——- started on foot.
  20. Would you not have ——— more satisfied if you ———– poorer?
  21. They would ——— helped him if they —– seen him in trouble.
  22. ——— You buy this book, read it very carefully.
  23. We shall all be in much trouble ——— war break out next week.
  24. You should not ——— bought this worthless watch.
  25. If I had ———— enough knowledge, I would ——– done my papers well.

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