Call Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun guide on call idioms! Idioms are phrases that don’t mean exactly what the words say but have a special meaning to people. We will explore different “call” idioms used in English, explaining what they mean and how you can use them in sentences. It’s easy to understand, even for kids!

Call Idiom

Here are 20 call idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Call it a day

Meaning: Decide to stop working.

Example: We were tired, so we called it a day.

2. Call the shots

Meaning: To make the important decisions.

Example: He likes to call the shots at work.

3. Call off the dogs

Meaning: Stop criticizing or harassing.

Example: Let’s call off the dogs for now.

4. Call someone’s bluff

Meaning: To challenge someone’s claim.

Example: She called his bluff during the game.

5. Call into question

Meaning: Express doubts about.

Example: His honesty was called into question.

6. Call for

Meaning: Require or need.

Example: This job calls for patience.

7. Call to arms

Meaning: Mobilize for a common cause.

Example: The leader issued a call to arms.

8. Call the tune

Meaning: Control how something is done.

Example: He always calls the tune at meetings.

9. Call a spade a spade

Meaning: Speak bluntly and directly.

Example: She always calls a spade a spade.

10. Call on

Meaning: Ask for an answer or opinion.

Example: The teacher called on me today.

11. Call forth

Meaning: To bring into action.

Example: The crisis called forth great courage.

12. Call in sick

Meaning: Report you are ill and cannot work.

Example: He called in sick yesterday.

13. Call to mind

Meaning: Remember or recall.

Example: That song calls to mind my childhood.

14. Call up

Meaning: Summon for military service.

Example: He was called up during the war.

15. Call upon

Meaning: Formally request or summon.

Example: We were called upon to help.

16. Call out

Meaning: Criticize someone publicly.

Example: She called him out for lying.

17. Call it quits

Meaning: Stop working or give up.

Example: They called it quits after five years.

18. Call the roll

Meaning: Check who is present.

Example: The teacher called the roll.

19. Call back

Meaning: Return a phone call.

Example: Please call me back later.

20. Call ahead

Meaning: Notify of one’s arrival in advance.

Example: Always call ahead for reservations.

Call Idioms