Shark Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Sharks are fascinating and so are idioms about them! This post explains 20 shark-related phrases, each with their meanings and examples.

Shark Idioms

Here are 20 shark idioms in English with meaning and example sentences for each.

1. Swim with sharks

Meaning: To be in a dangerous situation

Example: He loves to swim with sharks in business.

2. Shark-infested waters

Meaning: Very dangerous circumstances

Example: Entering that market is like going into shark-infested waters.

3. Loan shark

Meaning: Someone who lends money at high rates

Example: Avoid borrowing money from a loan shark.

4. Jump the shark

Meaning: Something declining in quality

Example: The show really jumped the shark last season.

5. Shark bait

Meaning: An easy target

Example: New interns are often considered shark bait.

6. Smell blood like a shark

Meaning: Detect weakness or vulnerability

Example: He can smell blood like a shark in negotiations.

7. Card shark

Meaning: Skilled card player, sometimes dishonest

Example: He’s a known card shark at casinos.

8. Shark tank

Meaning: A tough, competitive environment

Example: The board meeting felt like a shark tank.

9. Shark attack

Meaning: Sudden aggressive action

Example: The lawsuit was like a shark attack.

10. Shark smile

Meaning: A dangerous, deceptive smile

Example: Never trust his shark smile.

11. Circle like sharks

Meaning: Move around someone in anticipation

Example: Reporters circled like sharks after the scandal.

12. Shark repellent

Meaning: Something that deters hostile actions

Example: The new policy acts as a shark repellent.

13. Land shark

Meaning: A person who exploits others

Example: Watch out for the land shark in sales.

14. Throw to the sharks

Meaning: Abandon someone to danger

Example: He was thrown to the sharks by his peers.

15. Shark’s fin

Meaning: Peak of success or danger

Example: He’s riding the shark’s fin of his career.

16. Shark’s appetite

Meaning: Huge, insatiable hunger

Example: He has a shark’s appetite for knowledge.

17. Nurse shark

Meaning: Someone who helps recover health

Example: She’s the nurse shark of our hospital ward.

18. Shark watcher

Meaning: Someone who predicts dangerous outcomes

Example: He’s the shark watcher of the stock market.

19. Shark’s territory

Meaning: Area controlled by a powerful entity

Example: This is definitely the shark’s territory.

20. Play the shark

Meaning: Act cunningly or ruthlessly

Example: He knows how to play the shark in negotiations.

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