Rock Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

In this blog, we’ll explore some fun English phrases called idioms that use the word “rock.” You’ll learn what these phrases mean and see examples of how to use them in sentences.

Rock Idioms

Here are 20 rock idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

Hit Rock Bottom

Meaning: Reach the lowest point
Example: He hit rock bottom after losing his job.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Meaning: In a difficult situation
Example: I was between a rock and a hard place choosing between two jobs.

Rock the Boat

Meaning: Cause trouble
Example: Don’t rock the boat during the meeting.

Rock Solid

Meaning: Very strong or reliable
Example: Their friendship is rock solid.

On the Rocks

Meaning: In trouble or failing
Example: Their marriage is on the rocks.

Rock Star

Meaning: A standout performer
Example: She’s a rock star in marketing.

Take for Granite

Meaning: To assume something incorrectly
Example: He took for granite her agreement.

Solid as a Rock

Meaning: Extremely solid or stable
Example: His alibi was solid as a rock.

Rock the Cradle

Meaning: To handle very carefully
Example: He knows how to rock the cradle with new clients.

Rock and Roll

Meaning: To start something enthusiastically
Example: Let’s rock and roll on this project!

As Dumb as a Box of Rocks

Meaning: Very stupid
Example: He’s as dumb as a box of rocks sometimes.

Rocks in Your Head

Meaning: To think irrationally
Example: You must have rocks in your head to jump off the roof.

Get Blood from a Stone

Meaning: Attempt something impossible
Example: Getting him to agree is like trying to get blood from a stone.

Sink Like a Rock

Meaning: Fail completely
Example: His new business idea sank like a rock.

Like Getting Blood out of a Stone

Meaning: Very difficult task
Example: Asking her to apologize was like getting blood out of a stone.

Build on Rock, Not Sand

Meaning: Build on a solid foundation
Example: Always build on rock, not sand for lasting results.

The Rock of the Family

Meaning: The strong, dependable family member
Example: My grandmother is the rock of the family.

Rocks Off

Meaning: To enjoy greatly
Example: They really got their rocks off at the concert.

Live under a Rock

Meaning: Be unaware of basic information
Example: Do you live under a rock? Everyone knows that!

Kick Rocks

Meaning: Go away, leave me alone
Example: He told the annoying salesperson to kick rocks.

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Rock Idioms