Blind Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our exploration of blind idioms! In everyday language, we often use special phrases called idioms that have a meaning different from the words they’re made of. This post will guide you through some common idioms related to the word “blind,” explaining what they mean and how to use them in sentences.

Blind Idioms

Here are 20 blind idioms in English with meaning and example sentences for each.

1. Blind as a bat

Meaning: Very poor eyesight.

Example: He’s blind as a bat without his glasses.

2. Turn a blind eye

Meaning: Ignore on purpose.

Example: She turned a blind eye to the chaos.

3. Blind leading the blind

Meaning: Inexperienced person guiding others.

Example: It’s the blind leading the blind in that group.

4. Flying blind

Meaning: Doing something without guidance.

Example: We were flying blind in that meeting.

5. Blind spot

Meaning: Area of unawareness.

Example: Everyone has a personal blind spot.

6. Love is blind

Meaning: Love overlooks flaws.

Example: He’s so in love, truly love is blind.

7. Blinded by the light

Meaning: Dazzled or overwhelmed.

Example: I was blinded by the light of fame.

8. Blind alley

Meaning: No future or outcome.

Example: That idea was a blind alley.

9. Blind ambition

Meaning: Ambition without morals.

Example: His blind ambition ruined friendships.

10. Go in blind

Meaning: Start something unprepared.

Example: We had to go in blind at the start.

11. Blind faith

Meaning: Belief without evidence.

Example: She followed him with blind faith.

12. In the blind

Meaning: Uninformed, unaware.

Example: They kept us in the blind about the deal.

13. Blind rage

Meaning: Uncontrollable anger.

Example: He exploded in a blind rage.

14. Blind-sided

Meaning: Taken by surprise.

Example: I was completely blind-sided by the news.

15. Blind date

Meaning: Meeting a stranger for a date.

Example: She was nervous about her blind date.

16. Rob someone blind

Meaning: Steal a lot from someone.

Example: The contractor robbed us blind.

17. Blind copy

Meaning: Secretly include someone in email.

Example: I blind copied you on the email.

18. Blind man’s bluff

Meaning: A guessing game.

Example: Kids love playing blind man’s bluff.

19. Bat blind

Meaning: Completely blind.

Example: In the dark, I was bat blind.

20. Blind drunk

Meaning: Extremely drunk.

Example: He was blind drunk at the party.

Blind Idioms