Bike Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun guide on bike idioms! Idioms are phrases that have a different meaning than the individual words might suggest. In this post, we’ll explore common English idioms that use the word “bike.” These are perfect for kids and beginners to learn because they are simple and interesting.

Bike Idioms

Here are 20 bike idioms in English with meaning and example sentences for each.

1. On your bike!

Meaning: Go away; leave immediately.

Example: When he started being rude, I told him, “On your bike!”

2. Like riding a bike

Meaning: Easy to remember how to do it.

Example: Don’t worry, driving is like riding a bike.

3. Spin one’s wheels

Meaning: Waste effort; make no progress.

Example: He’s just spinning his wheels in that job.

4. Get back in the saddle

Meaning: Resume something after stopping.

Example: He got back in the saddle after his vacation.

5. Freewheeling

Meaning: Operating without restrictions.

Example: We spent a freewheeling summer abroad.

6. Chain reaction

Meaning: A series of events caused by an initial event.

Example: The new policy started a chain reaction.

7. Pump the brakes

Meaning: Slow down or be cautious.

Example: Let’s pump the brakes on this project.

8. Shift gears

Meaning: Change what you are doing.

Example: We need to shift gears to succeed.

9. Backpedal

Meaning: Reverse one’s opinion or decision.

Example: He had to backpedal on his promise.

10. Handle something with kid gloves

Meaning: Deal with very carefully.

Example: They handled the vase with kid gloves.

11. Kickstand support

Meaning: Provides support or stability.

Example: His advice was a kickstand support.

12. Training wheels

Meaning: Support for a beginner.

Example: This program is like training wheels.

13. Hit the road

Meaning: Start a journey; leave.

Example: It’s late, let’s hit the road.

14. Road rage

Meaning: Anger caused by driving stress.

Example: He’s really suffering from road rage.

15. Take for a ride

Meaning: Deceive or cheat someone.

Example: She was taken for a ride by scammers.

16. Wheel and deal

Meaning: Engage in complex dealings.

Example: He loves to wheel and deal in stocks.

17. Reinvent the wheel

Meaning: Duplicate a basic method.

Example: We don’t need to reinvent the wheel here.

18. Wheels in motion

Meaning: Begin a process.

Example: Let’s get the wheels in motion now.

19. A fifth wheel

Meaning: Superfluous person or thing.

Example: I felt like a fifth wheel at the party.

20. Grease the wheels

Meaning: Make things run smoothly.

Bike Idioms