Point Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our simple guide on idioms! Idioms are phrases with meanings that aren’t obvious from the words alone. Today, we’ll explore idioms that include the word “point.” These phrases are fun to learn and can help you sound like a native speaker!

Point Idioms

Here are 20 point idioms in English with meanings and example sentences for each.

On Point

Meaning: Exactly right or appropriate.
Example: Her comments were on point during the meeting.

At Point-Blank Range

Meaning: Very close to something.
Example: He stood at point-blank range to the target.

To the Point

Meaning: Direct and relevant.
Example: Please keep your arguments to the point.

Tipping Point

Meaning: The critical point in a situation.
Example: The debate reached a tipping point.

Point of No Return

Meaning: A moment beyond which one cannot go back.
Example: They reached the point of no return on their project.

Point of View

Meaning: An opinion or perspective.
Example: From my point of view, it’s a bad idea.

Point Out

Meaning: To indicate or specify.
Example: She pointed out the main issues.

Sticking Point

Meaning: A point of disagreement.
Example: The contract has one major sticking point.

Breaking Point

Meaning: The limit of one’s endurance.
Example: He was near his breaking point after the long shift.

Flash Point

Meaning: A point of intense conflict or confrontation.
Example: The argument reached a flash point quickly.

Focal Point

Meaning: The center of interest or activity.
Example: The sculpture is the focal point of the lobby.

Point Blank

Meaning: Direct or straightforward.
Example: He asked her point blank if she was leaving.

Boiling Point

Meaning: The moment of greatest intensity.
Example: The crowd reached its boiling point.

Pressure Point

Meaning: A critical or sensitive area.
Example: Massage the pressure point to relieve pain.

Point of Honor

Meaning: A matter of pride or principle.
Example: It was a point of honor for him to finish the race.

Point of Departure

Meaning: A starting point.
Example: This theory is our point of departure for the research.

Talking Point

Meaning: A notable topic of discussion.
Example: His promotion became a major talking point in the office.

High Point

Meaning: The most positive part of something.
Example: The concert was the high point of our trip.

Point of Contact

Meaning: A person through whom information is communicated.
Example: She is our main point of contact at the firm.

Point of Interest

Meaning: An interesting or important place or thing.
Example: The museum is a major point of interest in the city.

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Point Idioms