Plant Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our blog! Today, we’re going to explore some fun sayings about plants that people use in everyday talk. These sayings are called “idioms.” Let’s learn some together!

Plant Idioms

Here are 25 plant idioms in English.

Plant the seed

Meaning: Start something that will develop or grow.

Example: She planted the seed for the new community garden project.

Plant roots

Meaning: Settle down in a place or situation.

Example: They decided to plant roots in the quaint coastal town.

Plant oneself

Meaning: Situate oneself firmly in a specific place.

Example: He planted himself in the corner with a good book.

Money doesn’t grow on plants

Meaning: Wealth requires effort to earn, it’s not easily found.

Example: Remember, money doesn’t grow on plants; you have to work for it.

Plant a kiss

Meaning: Give a kiss, usually in a very deliberate or obvious manner.

Example: She planted a kiss on his cheek before he left.

Beat around the bush

Meaning: Avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortable.

Example: Beat around the bush instead of answering directly.

Nip it in the bud

Meaning: Stop something at an early stage.

Example: He decided to nip it in the bud before things got worse.

Grass is always greener on the other side

Meaning: Other people’s situations always seem better than your own.

Example: He always thinks the grass is greener on the other side.

Bloom where you are planted

Meaning: Thrive in whatever situation you are in.

Example: She learned to bloom where she was planted in her new school.

Turn over a new leaf

Meaning: Start anew, change behavior for the better.

Example: This year, he promised to turn over a new leaf.

Let the grass grow under your feet

Meaning: Delay in acting or moving.

Example: Don’t let the grass grow under your feet while others are busy.

Shake like a leaf

Meaning: Tremble with fear or nervousness.

Example: She was shaking like a leaf during the speech.

Barking up the wrong tree

Meaning: Mistaken, looking in the wrong place.

Example: He was barking up the wrong tree by blaming me.

As fresh as a daisy

Meaning: Very fresh, rested.

Example: After that nap, I felt as fresh as a daisy.

Pushing up daisies

Meaning: Euphemism for being dead.

Example: If I don’t slow down, I’ll be pushing up daisies!

Up a tree

Meaning: In a difficult or challenging situation.

Example: I was really up a tree when I lost my notes.

Branch out

Meaning: Expand or extend one’s interests.

Example: She decided to branch out into new areas of study.

In the weeds

Meaning: Overwhelmed or deeply involved in difficulties.

Example: He’s so in the weeds with his project right now.

Like a tree and leave

Meaning: Play on words; essentially means “go away.”

Example: Oh, just like a tree and leave me alone!

Sow wild oats

Meaning: Behave recklessly for a period in one’s youth.

Example: He spent his twenties sowing wild oats.

Sprout wings

Meaning: Begin to act independently, grow up.

Example: It’s time you sprouted wings and made your own choices.

Go to seed

Meaning: Deteriorate physically and mentally with age.

Example: Without exercise, one may quickly go to seed.

Seed money

Meaning: Initial capital for a business venture.

Example: They invested the seed money in tech startups.

Green thumb

Meaning: Natural talent for gardening.

Example: My mother always had a green thumb.

Be out in the sticks

Meaning: Be in a remote or rural area.

Example: We were really out in the sticks at that new campsite.

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