Bee Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Bees are fascinating creatures, and they’ve inspired many phrases we use in everyday language. This post will explore various bee-related idioms, explaining their meanings and showing how they’re used in sentences. Idioms are expressions that don’t mean exactly what the words say but have a different meaning understood by people who speak the language.

Bee Idioms

Here are 20 bee idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. The bee’s knees

Meaning: Exceptionally good

Example: This new toy is the bee’s knees among kids.

2. Make a beeline for

Meaning: Go straight towards

Example: He made a beeline for the snacks.

3. Busy as a bee

Meaning: Very busy

Example: She’s been as busy as a bee all morning.

4. Bee in her bonnet

Meaning: Obsessed with an idea

Example: She’s got a bee in her bonnet about art.

5. Have a bee in one’s bonnet

Meaning: To be preoccupied

Example: He has a bee in his bonnet about cleaning.

6. Bees and honey

Meaning: Money

Example: He’s all about his bees and honey.

7. Buzz off

Meaning: Go away

Example: She told the annoying guy to buzz off.

8. Honey trap

Meaning: A trap using allure as bait

Example: The spy used a honey trap.

9. Spelling bee

Meaning: A spelling contest

Example: She won the annual spelling bee.

10. Sting like a bee

Meaning: Hit swiftly and sharply

Example: He can sting like a bee in debates.

11. Full of bees

Meaning: Having silly ideas

Example: His head is full of bees sometimes.

12. Sweet as honey

Meaning: Very pleasant or kin

Example: His grandma is sweet as honey.

13. Like bees to honey

Meaning: Attracted to something irresistibly

Example: Kids are like bees to honey with video games.

14. Not the only bee in the hive

Meaning: Not the only one importan

Example: Remember, you’re not the only bee in the hive.

15. Put the bee on

Meaning: To request money

Example: He put the bee on me for extra rent.

16. Honey of a deal

Meaning: A very good deal

Example: That car was a honey of a deal.

17. Honeyed words

Meaning: Flattering and sweet words

Example: Her apology was full of honeyed words.

18. Bee’s milk

Meaning: Something rare or nonexistent

Example: Honest politicians are like bee’s milk.

19. Bee line

Meaning: The shortest route

Example: He took the bee line home.

20. No bees, no honey; no work, no money

Meaning: No effort, no rewards

Example: Remember, no bees, no honey; no work, no money.

Bee Idioms