+1000 Antonyms for Kids with Pictures (Opposite Words)

List of Antonyms for Kids PDF! Below is the list of antonyms for kids with infographics and PDFs. Antonyms are words with opposite meanings and antonyms are also called opposite words. These opposite words listed for kids are basically for kids of the primary standard. There are some very easy antonyms and some are a bit difficult to make this task challenging and interesting for kids.

How do you teach kids opposite words?

Opposite words are very useful for your kids, and you have to do a bit of hard work to make this task easy for your kid. I suggest you help your kid with the help of opposite word games. Some famous games on opposite words are Guess the Opposite (Available on the play store) and another one is Match opposite words.

A question arises where to use this list? Firstly if your kid has a little knowledge of the opposite, go install the game, and then when your kid going to play that game, it will create his interest in the topic, later you can provide this list of opposite words for kids to your little kid.

This list of opposite words is best for kids of grade 1 to grade 5. I have included some of the difficult words that will be a tough task for you kid, but believe me, it’s worth it.

Opposite Words with Pictures

List of Basic Antonyms for Kids

  • High – Low
  • Tidy – Messy
  • Awake – Asleep
  • Love – Hate
  • East – West
  • Short – Long
  • Laugh – Cry
  • Up – Down
  • Float – Sink
  • Sell – Buy
  • Clean – Dirty
  • Poor – Rich
  • Big – Little
  • Over – Under
  • Happy – Sad
  • Stop – Go
  • Gentle – Rough
  • Stay – Leave
  • Close – Open
  • Present – Absent
  • Fat – Skinny
  • Sour – Sweet
  • Heavy – Light
  • Teacher – Student
  • Bad – Good
  • North – South
  • Better – Worse
  • On – Off
  • Lie – Truth
  • Win – Lose
  • End – Begin
  • Quick – Slow
  • Learn – Teach
  • White – Black
  • Add – Subtract
  • Long – Short
  • Well – Sick
  • In – Out
  • True – False
  • Fail – Pass
  • Rough – Smooth
  • Less – More
  • Wild – Tame
  • After – Before
  • Lost – Found
  • Young – Old
  • Dark – Light
  • Raise – Lower
  • Hard – Soft
  • Strong – Weak
  • Day – Night
  • Right – Wrong
  • Above – Below
  • Loose – Tight
  • Wet – Dry
  • Birth – Death
  • Play – Work
  • Last – First
  • Ugly – Beautiful
  • Even – Odd
  • Rise – Sink
  • Hungry – Full
  • Start – Stop
  • Boy – Girl
  • Polite – Rude
  • False – True
  • Same – Different
  • Cold – Hot
  • Top – Bottom

Must Learn: List of Idioms for Kids

Opposite Words for Kids

antonyms for kid antonyms for kids with pictures antonyms for kids list of antonyms for kids antonyms with pictures antonyms with pictures antonyms with pictures antonyms with pictures antonyms with pictures antonyms with pictures antonyms for kids with pictures

list of opposite words with pictures

what is opposite of pull opposite of tiny is huge opposite for smooth list of opposite words with pictures list of opposite words for kids in english

List of Antonyms for Kids

Here is the list of 1000+ opposites for kids:

  • Ancestor – Descendant
  • Autumn – Spring
  • Bad – Good
  • Break – Fix
  • Cruel – Kind
  • Cruel – Human
  • Division – Unity
  • Enjoy – Hate
  • Failure – Success
  • Funny – Serious
  • High – Low
  • Intentional – Accidental
  • Laugh – Cry
  • Like – Hate
  • Native – Foreigner
  • New – Ancient
  • Outskirts – Centre
  • Rough – Gentle
  • Sorrow – Joy
  • Subtract – Add
  • Suburb – Centre
  • Trust – Suspect
  • Against – For
  • Approached – Receded
  • Bravery – Cowardice
  • Careful – Careless
  • Courage – Fear
  • Desperate – Hopeful
  • Divide – Unite
  • Early – Late
  • Female – Male
  • Go – Come
  • Hopeless – Hopeful
  • Import – Export
  • Left – Right
  • North – South
  • Notice – Ignore
  • Possible – Impossible
  • Pretty – Ugly
  • Repair – Damage
  • Shout – Whisper
  • Stand – Lie
  • Stranger – Native
  • Whole – Part
  • Allow – Forbid
  • Approval – Disapproval
  • Build – Destroy
  • Captivity – Freedom
  • Create – Destroy
  • Dangerous – Safe
  • Disease – Health
  • Emigration – Immigration
  • Foreigner – Native
  • Good – Bad
  • Hinder – Aid
  • Interesting – Uninteresting
  • Let – Forbid
  • Miss – Catch
  • Modern – Ancient
  • Prudent – Imprudent
  • Pupil – Teacher
  • Rigid – Pliable
  • Serious – Trivial
  • Stand – Sit
  • Summer – Winter
  • Water – Land
  • Abundant – Scarce
  • Accurate – Inaccurate
  • Buy – Sell
  • Centre – Outskirts
  • Comfort – Discomfort
  • Day – Night

antonyms for kids

  • Dictatorship – Republic
  • Everything – Nothing
  • Front – Rear
  • Guilty – Innocent
  • Honest – Dishonest
  • Immense – Tiny
  • Live – Die
  • Negative – Affirmative
  • Now – Then
  • Plant – Harvest
  • Presence – Absence
  • Reply – Ask
  • Silly – Intelligent
  • Sink – Rise
  • Voluntary – Compulsory
  • White – Black
  • Admit – Deny
  • Animal – Human
  • Asleep – Awake
  • Big – Small
  • Changeable – Constant
  • Compulsory – Voluntary
  • Dead – Alive
  • Emigrate – Immigrate
  • For – Against
  • Forbid – Allow
  • Harvest – Plant
  • Host – Guest
  • Loud – Quiet
  • Lower – Raise
  • Man – Woman
  • Misunderstand – Understand
  • Often – Seldom
  • Parents – Children
  • Rear – Front
  • Save – Spend
  • Strict – Gentle
  • Unity – Division
  • Advanced – Elementary
  • Antonym – Synonym
  • BadLuck – Fortune
  • Blunt – Sharp
  • Calm – Excited
  • Connect – Separate
  • Dark – Light
  • Export – Import
  • Far – Near
  • GoodLuck – Bad Luck
  • Hot – Cold
  • Ill – Healty
  • Junior – Senior
  • Lazy – Active
  • Never – Always
  • Nobody – Everybody
  • Out – In
  • Republic – Dictatorship
  • Scatter – Collect
  • Silent – Noisy
  • Start – Finish
  • Wealthy – Poor
  • Adult – Child
  • Alike – Different
  • Birth – Death
  • Boy – Girl
  • Cheap – Dear
  • Daughter – Son
  • Destroy – Build
  • Exposure – Shelter
  • Fortune – Bad Luck
  • Generous – Mean
  • Humble – Proud
  • In – Out
  • Knowledge – Ignorance
  • Lead – Follow
  • Married – Divorced
  • Narrow – Broad
  • Particular – General
  • Rural – Urban
  • Slim – Fat
  • Strange – Normal
  • Strong – Weak
  • Vertical – Horizontal
  • Ally – Enemy
  • Artificial – Natural
  • Back – In Front Of
  • Come – Go
  • Cunning – Simple
  • Dirty – Clean
  • Enemy – Friend
  • Enter – Leave
  • Forward – Backward
  • Handsome – Ugly
  • Hungry – Thirsty
  • Intentional – Accidental
  • Justice – Injustice
  • Mountain – Valley
  • NotYet – Already
  • Occasionally – Frequently
  • Over – Under
  • Receive – Send
  • Satisfy – Annoy
  • Special – General
  • Valley – Mountain
  • Well-Ill
  • Absence – Presence
  • Accidental – Intentional
  • Blame – Praise
  • Busy – Lazy
  • Child – Adult
  • Dull – Interesting
  • Dusk – Dawn
  • Equal – Different
  • Fail – Succeed
  • Guest – Host
  • Health – Disease
  • Interrupt – Continue
  • Last – First
  • Lose – Win
  • Mess – Order
  • Odd – Even
  • Protection – Attack
  • Rude – Polite
  • Satisfactory – Unsatisfactory
  • Security – Danger
  • Servant – Master
  • Visitor – Host
  • Abundance – Lack
  • After – Before
  • Agree – Refuse
  • Boring – Exciting
  • Compliment – Insult
  • Construction – Destruction
  • Distant – Near
  • End – Beginning
  • Foreground – Background
  • Form – Destroy
  • Hate – Enjoy
  • Hopeful – Desperate
  • Land – Water
  • Little – Large
  • Moderate – Extreme
  • Normal – Strange
  • Poor – Rich
  • Right – Left
  • Sad – Happy
  • Start – Stop
  • Stop – Start
  • Under – Over
  • Ancient – Modern
  • Answer – Question
  • Approximately – Exactly
  • Brave – Cowardly

a list of antonyms for kids

  • Clear – Cloudy
  • Cold – Hot
  • Damage – Repair
  • Exciting – Boring
  • Few – Many
  • Free – Arrest
  • Harmful – Harmless
  • Heavy – Light
  • Lie – Stand
  • Little – Much
  • Men – Women
  • Moon – Sun
  • Ordinary – Special
  • Refuse – Agree
  • Safety – Danger
  • Same – Different
  • Success – Failure
  • Unite – Divide
  • Accept – Refuse
  • Alive – Dead
  • Black – White
  • Careful – Rush
  • Correct – Wrong
  • Different – Alike
  • Down – Up
  • Excited – Calm
  • Friend – Enemy
  • Generous – Mean
  • Hasten – Dawdle
  • Include – Exclude
  • Less – More
  • Miss – Hit
  • Nasty – Nice
  • Part – Whole
  • Partial – Total
  • Rise – Sink
  • Sit – Stand
  • Slow – Fast
  • Up – Down
  • Wide – Narrow
  • Add – Subtract
  • Advance – Retreat
  • Background – Foreground
  • BadLuck – Good Luck
  • Continue – Interrupt
  • Deep – Shallow
  • Delicious – Awful
  • Expensive – Cheap
  • Finish – Begin
  • Gloomy – Cheerful
  • Husband – Wife
  • Increase – Reduce
  • Lady – Gentleman
  • Loser – Winner
  • Niece – Nephew
  • Open – Closed
  • Past – Future
  • Quiet – Loud
  • Separate – Connect
  • Soft – Hard
  • Son – Daughter
  • Ugliness – Beauty
  • Amuse – Bore
  • Annoy – Satisfy
  • Beautiful – Ugly
  • Constant – Changeable
  • Courteous – Discourteous
  • Divorce – Marriage
  • Exit – Entrance
  • Find – Lose
  • Foreign – Domestic
  • Healthy – Unhealthy
  • High – Deep
  • Intelligent – Silly
  • Life – Death
  • Melt – Freeze
  • Near – Distant
  • Pleasant – Awful
  • Plenty – Lack
  • Raise – Lower
  • Simple – Complicated
  • Single – Married
  • Violent – Gentle
  • Wealth – Poverty
  • Already – Not Yet
  • Attention – Inattention
  • Begin – End
  • Broad – Narrow
  • Clean – Dirty
  • Dawn – Dusk
  • Departure – Arrival
  • End – Begin
  • Frequently – Occasionally
  • Gentle – Violent
  • Huge – Tiny (Small)
  • Interior – Exterior
  • Liquid – Solid
  • Lofty – Lowly
  • Mend – Break
  • Occupied – Vacant
  • Off – On
  • Right – Wrong
  • Shallow – Deep
  • Sharp – Blunt
  • Sometimes – Often
  • Victory – Defeat
  • About – Exactly
  • Active – Lazy
  • Agree – Disagree
  • Beauty – Ugliness
  • Ceiling – Floor
  • Courage – Cowardice
  • Defeat – Victory
  • Empty – Full
  • Full – Empty
  • Future – Past
  • Hard – Easy
  • Heat – Cold
  • InFrontOf  – Back
  • Long – Short
  • Morning – Evening
  • Natural – Artificial
  • Powerful – Weak
  • Professional – Amateur
  • Remember – Forget
  • Sour – Sweet
  • South – North
  • Useless – Useful
  • Vacant – Occupied
  • Ascend – Descend

a list of antonyms for kids

  • Awake – Asleep
  • Backward – Forward
  • Behind – In Front Of
  • Children – Parents
  • Closed – Open
  • Death – Birth
  • Even – Odd
  • First – Final
  • Gentleman – Lady
  • Hunger – Thirst
  • Inside – Outside
  • Kind – Cruel
  • Lend – Borrow
  • Marry – Divorce
  • Much – Little
  • Public – Private
  • Rainy – Sunny
  • Salt – Sugar
  • Small – Big
  • Spring – Autumn
  • Upstairs – Downstairs
  • Ask – Answer
  • Attack – Defend
  • Better – Worse
  • Calm – Troubled
  • Consonant – Vowel
  • Depart – Arrive
  • Drama – Comedy
  • East – West
  • Fat – Slim
  • Give – Take
  • Here – There
  • Innocent – Guilty
  • Lack – Abundance
  • Maximum – Minimum
  • Night – Day
  • Open – Closed
  • Order – Mess
  • Reply – Question
  • Send – Receive
  • Shut – Open
  • Vowel – Consonant
  • West – East
  • Apart – Together
  • Attic – Cellar
  • Bitter – Sweet
  • Cheap – Expensive
  • Comedy – Drama
  • Descent – Ascent
  • Difficult – Easy
  • Extreme – Moderate
  • Follow – Lead
  • Giant – Dwarf
  • Hate – Love
  • Insult – Compliment
  • Large – Small
  • Monarchy – Republic
  • Nephew – Niece
  • On – Off
  • Peace – War
  • Rest – Work
  • SetFree – Arrest
  • Shelter – Exposure
  • War – Peace
  • Wedding – Divorce
  • Affirmative – Negative
  • All – None
  • Bore – Amuse
  • Complicated – Simple
  • Conceal – Reveal
  • Divorce – Marry
  • Downstairs – Upstairs
  • Evening – Morning
  • False – True
  • Gentle – Rough
  • Human – Animal
  • Ignore – Notice
  • Lazy – Industrious
  • Mean – Generous
  • Midnight – Noon
  • Polite – Rude
  • Probably – Certainly
  • Rapid – Slow
  • Satisfaction – Regret
  • Soul – Body
  • Sour – Sweet
  • Useful – Useless
  • Arrival – Departure
  • Artificial – Natural
  • Asleep – Awake
  • Beginning – Ending
  • Capable – Incapable
  • Cellar – Attic
  • Deny – Admit
  • Easy – Difficult
  • Fear – Courage
  • Final – First
  • Hilly – Flat
  • Humane – Cruel
  • Late – Early
  • Leave – Arrive
  • Marriage – Divorce
  • No – Yes
  • Outside – Inside
  • Push – Pull
  • Senior – Junior
  • Sick – Healthy
  • Sunny – Cloudy
  • True – False
  • Angel – Devil
  • Arrive – Depart
  • Body – Soul
  • Catch – Miss
  • Clever – Stupid
  • Descendant – Ancestor
  • Destruction – Construction
  • Elementary – Advanced
  • Fast – Slow
  • General – Particular
  • Hell – Heaven
  • Inferior – Superior
  • Lovely – Terrible
  • Many – Few
  • Master – Servant
  • Opponent – Supporter
  • Pull – Push
  • Reduce – Increase
  • Safe – Dangerous
  • Stupid – Clever
  • Ugly – Beautiful
  • Waste – Save
  • Answer – Question
  • Argue – Agree
  • BeInterestedIn  – Bore
  • Below – Above
  • Close – Open
  • Danger – Security
  • Devil – Angel

list of antonyms

  • Exclude – Include
  • Fix – Break
  • Girl – Boy
  • Humid – Dry
  • Interesting – Boring
  • Land – Take Off
  • Light – Heavy
  • Major – Minor
  • Male – Female
  • Poverty – Wealth
  • Regret – Satisfaction
  • Sister – Brother
  • Smooth – Rough
  • Some – Many
  • Wet – Dry
  • Ascent – Descent
  • Attack – Defense
  • Best – Worst
  • Borrow – Lend
  • Cowardly – Brave
  • Divorced – Married
  • Dry – Humid
  • Exactly – Approximately
  • Flat – Hilly
  • Giant – Tiny
  • Heaven – Hell
  • Immigration – Emigration
  • Learn – Teach
  • Noisy – Quiet
  • NoneOf – Al Lot Of
  • Other – Same
  • Present – Past
  • Rough – Smooth
  • Serious – Funny
  • Succeed – Fail
  • Sugar – Salt
  • Village – Town
  • Afraid – Brave
  • Amateur – Professional
  • Bottom – Top
  • Cloudy – Clear
  • Cool – Warm
  • Defend – Attack
  • Domestic – Foreign
  • Ending – Beginning
  • Forget – Remember
  • Grown-Up – Child
  • Hit – Miss
  • InFrontOf  – Back
  • Low – High
  • Minor – Major
  • Nice – Awful
  • Old – Modern
  • Protect – Attack
  • Quick – Slow
  • Sadness – Happiness
  • Scream – Whisper
  • Sun – Moon
  • Weak – Powerful
  • Advantage – Disadvantage
  • Attack – Defense
  • Awful – Nice
  • Before – After
  • Careless – Careful
  • Certainly – Probably
  • Die – Live

list of antonyms for kids

  • Everybody – Nobody
  • Finish – Start
  • Fresh – Old/Stale
  • Happy – Sad
  • Healthy – Ill
  • Light – Dark
  • Love – Hate
  • More – Less
  • Nothing – Everything
  • Permit – Forbid
  • Rich – Poor
  • Sell – Buy
  • Solid – Liquid
  • Student – Teacher
  • Urban – Rural
  • Always – Never
  • Answer – Ask
  • Brother – Sister
  • Courageous – Cowardly
  • Cry – Whisper
  • Defence – Attack
  • Entrance – Exit
  • Floor – Ceiling
  • Freeze – Melt
  • Happiness – Sadness
  • Horizontal – Vertical
  • Imprison – Free
  • Little – Big
  • Minimum – Maximum
  • Noon – Midnight
  • Pass – Fail
  • Private – Public
  • Question – Answer
  • Seldom – Often
  • Short – Long
  • Warm – Cool
  • Whisper – Scream

antonyms list for kids

list of antonym words

list of opposite words

kids opposite words

Opposite Words for Kids pdf

Opposite Words for KidsOpposite Words for Kids kids opposite words

Download List of Antonyms/Opposite Words for Kids in PDF