765 Nouns That Start with S
A noun is a word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea. Nouns can be classified into different types, including proper nouns, common nouns, Countable nouns, and Uncountable nouns.
List of Nouns That Start with S
Below is the list of nouns starting with s:
Nouns Beginning With SA
- saccharate
- sabrebill
- sabretasche
- sabaism
- sabicu
- sabbat
- saberbill
- sabella
- sacalait
- saadh
- sabean
- sabbatarian
- sabotiere
- saccharimeter
- saccade
- sabbatarianism
- saccharilla
- sabaean
- sabellianism
- sabellian
- sabaeanism
- sabot
- sabbatical
- saccharimetry
- sabadilla
- sabine
- sabre
- sabianism
- sable
- sacar
- saber
- sabbaton
- sac
- sabeism
- sabbath
- sabbatism
- sabaeism
- sabulosity
- sabal
- sabian
Nouns Beginning With SC
- scaldfish
- scabbard
- scalade
- scalebeam
- scallion
- scalloped
- scala
- scabrousness
- scabies
- scalawag
- scalloping
- scalaria
- scabwort
- scallop
- scalado
- scalder
- scabbedness
- scabbiness
- scalenohedron
- scads
- scaleboard
- scaliness
- scale
- scaglia
- scalene
- scab
- scaffold
- scald
- scalp
- scaliola
- scalloper
- scaffoldage
- scabling
- scaleback
- scaffolding
- scaler
- scalar
- scabredity
- scagliola
- scad
Nouns Beginning With SE
- seaboard
- seal
- sean
- sealgh
- searcer
- searchableness
- seamanship
- seam
- seamstress
- seabord
- seaport
- seaman
- searcher
- seah
- searcloth
- seapiece
- seaquake
- seamed
- sear
- seafarer
- seamster
- seascape
- seapoy
- seamark
- seamstressy
- seabeard
- seacoast
- seashore
- seance
- seaming
- sealer
- searedness
- seannachie
- seashell
- seak
- seafaring
- searce
- search
- sea
- seabeach
Nouns Beginning With SH
- shag
- shaffler
- shadiness
- shading
- shacklock
- shah
- shagginess
- shack
- shabbiness
- shadowiness
- shahin
- shade
- shaft
- shadrach
- shagbark
- shagebush
- shafiite
- shabby
- shabble
- shaddock
- shake
- shafting
- shadbird
- shader
- shaftment
- shakedown
- shackle
- shadd
- shadowing
- shabrack
- shadow
- shab
- shakefork
- shaftman
- shaggy
- shaken
- shadoof
- shagreen
- shackatory
- shaik
Nouns Beginning With SI
- sickliness
- sibilation
- siamang
- sidebone
- sidepiece
- sicamore
- sicilian
- sicilienne
- sialogogue
- sider
- sibilance
- sickerness
- sickness
- siberian
- side
- siciliano
- sicklebill
- sib
- sibilant
- siccative
- sicle
- sicca
- sice
- sibyl
- siccation
- sibilancy
- sickle
- sicklewort
- sick-out
- sicer
- sick
- sidehill
- sideboard
- sibylist
- sida
- siccity
- sickleman
- sibbens
- siaga
- sickler
Nouns Beginning With SK
- skart
- skeel
- skep
- skeelgoose
- skaddle
- skelly
- skaith
- skeletology
- skatol
- skeldrake
- skeet
- sketch
- skeg
- skating
- skean
- skeletonizer
- skag
- skeleton
- skee
- skerry
- skainsmate
- skein
- skayles
- skeptic
- sketchbook
- skaddon
- skene
- skald
- skepticism
- skellum
- skelder
- skelet
- skate
- skain
- skegger
- skater
- skeine
- skeed
- skeelduck
- skelp
Nouns Beginning With SL
- slaughter
- slammerkin
- slackness
- slater
- slaughterman
- slab
- slate
- slant
- slang
- slatternliness
- slabbiness
- slattern
- slap
- slaie
- slacken
- slating
- slatting
- slander
- slanderer
- slade
- slapjack
- slav
- slakin
- slaughterer
- slat
- slamkin
- slapper
- slatterpouch
- slack
- slabberer
- slash
- slam
- slanginess
- slaughterhouse
- slasher
- slabber
- slatt
- slangous
- slatch
- slapeface
Nouns Beginning With SM
- smasher
- smectite
- smerlin
- smegma
- smallness
- smallsword
- smeller
- smeir
- smeltie
- smaltite
- smatch
- smiddy
- smell
- smear
- smallpox
- smaragdite
- smicket
- smilacin
- smelt
- smack
- smatterer
- smeltery
- small
- smift
- smaragd
- smelling
- smerk
- smash
- smatter
- smallage
- smaltine
- smew
- smelter
- smee
- smickering
- smeath
- smattering
- smacking
- smartness
- smartweed
Nouns Beginning With SN
- sneap
- snead
- snarl
- snarler
- snacket
- snaphead
- snaffle
- snap
- snakeroot
- snatcher
- snakehead
- snag
- snare
- sneaker
- snaw
- snail
- sneath
- sneak
- snakeweed
- snakestone
- snapweed
- snake
- sneakiness
- snapper
- snarer
- sneaky
- snaphance
- snapsack
- snattock
- snakewood
- snakefish
- snatch
- snakeneck
- snailfish
- sneaksby
- snakebird
- snack
- snarl-up
- snacot
- snapdragon
Nouns Beginning With SO
- soc
- soar
- sociability
- socialization
- sociate
- soapwort
- soaking
- soak
- soboles
- socinian
- soberness
- soal
- socialness
- sociologist
- sob
- sobriquet
- social
- so-and-so
- sociable
- socialist
- socage
- soaproot
- sociableness
- soap
- sobriety
- socinianism
- sockdolager
- sociality
- society
- soapfish
- soakage
- socager
- soapiness
- socialism
- sociology
- sobbing
- soaker
- soapstone
- soam
- sock
Nouns Beginning With SP
- spaddle
- spaewife
- spadebone
- spall
- spalt
- spadeful
- spadefish
- spadroon
- spaniel
- spa
- spahee
- spadefoot
- spangler
- span
- spacious
- spanaemia
- spagyrist
- spaid
- spadille
- spanish
- spakenet
- space
- spado
- spandrel
- spahi
- spader
- spaeman
- spaad
- spangle
- spaniard
- spaghetti
- spadix
- spade
- spancel
- spagyric
- spang
- spadassin
- spacing
- spale
- spalpeen
Nouns Beginning With SQ
- square
- squamosal
- squeal
- squaller
- squalodon
- squeaker
- squacco
- squat
- squash
- squabble
- squame
- squaterole
- squalidness
- squamula
- squamipen
- squareness
- squarer
- squamozygomatic
- squalidity
- squaw
- squamule
- squawweed
- squad
- squall
- squanderer
- squawberry
- squabby
- squadron
- squamella
- squab
- squama
- squawk
- squander
- squasher
- squawroot
- squalor
- squashiness
- squabbler
- squeak
- squatter
Nouns Beginning With ST
- stafette
- stable
- stagecoachman
- stageplay
- stableness
- stacket
- stackyard
- stagery
- stageplayer
- stabbing
- stade
- staff
- stabber
- stager
- stage
- stackstand
- stadium
- stabilizer
- stagger
- stablishment
- staffman
- stabler
- stack
- stableboy
- stabling
- stability
- stadimeter
- staggard
- stadtholdership
- staffier
- stackage
- stacte
- stagehouse
- stagecoach
- stableman
- stag
- stabulation
- stadtholder
- stab
- stadtholderate
Nouns Beginning With SU
- suavity
- subdeacon
- subdeaconry
- subaltern
- subcommittee
- subalternate
- subcarboniferous
- suasion
- subbasal
- subadvocate
- subatom
- subalternation
- subcontrary
- subarration
- subaction
- subagent
- subbrachian
- subbeadle
- subagitation
- subcontractor
- suability
- subashdar
- subagency
- subconstellation
- subcostal
- subclass
- suaviloquy
- subcontract
- subbreed
- subashship
- subdean
- subaudition
- sub
- subash
- subacid
- subashdary
- subalmoner
- subdeaconship
- subalternant
- subchanter
Nouns Beginning With SW
- swanpan
- swage
- swad
- swang
- swape
- swan
- swainship
- swain
- swanky
- swankie
- swale
- swaddlebill
- swabber
- swanherd
- swannery
- swagger
- swaggerer
- swaddle
- swarm
- swallow
- sward
- swart
- swaddler
- swanskin
- swallowwort
- swarf
- swagbelly
- swallower
- swanmark
- swab
- swallowfish
- swag
- swainling
- swap
- swallowtail
- swarmspore
- swanimote
- swainmote
- swamp
- swallet
Nouns Beginning With SY
- syconus
- syderolite
- syllabub
- syke
- sybarite
- sycamine
- sylva
- syllabary
- syle
- syllabist
- syce
- sycophancy
- syllogism
- syllabarium
- sycophantry
- sybaritism
- sycite
- syllidian
- syllogizer
- syllabication
- sylph
- sycophantcy
- syllabism
- syllogization
- sycee
- syllabe
- syllable
- syconium
- sycophant
- sycamore
- syllabus
- syllabification
- syenite
- syllepsis
- sycosis
- sycophantism
- sylphid
- sylvan
- sycoceryl
- sycock
Different Types of Nouns Starting With S
Common Nouns That Start With S
- Safety Goggles
- Salad
- Salad Bowl
- Salad Fork
- Salad Plates
- Salt
- Salt And Pepper Shakers
- Salt Cellar
- Sandals
- Sander
- Sandpaper
- Sandwich
- Sauce
- Saucepan
- Saucer
- Saucers
- Saw
- Saw Blade
- Scale
- Scanner
- Scarf
- Scissors
- Screen Protector
- Screw
- Screwdriver
- Screws
- Scrub Brush
- Sculpture
- SD Card
- Serum
- Serving Platter
- Serving Spoon
- Serving Trays
- Sewing Machine
- Shampoo
- Shaving Cream
- Sheet
- Ship
- Shipping Box
- Shipping Label
- Shirt
- Shoes
- Shopping Bag
- Shorts
- Shot Glass
- Shower Cleaner
- Shower Curtain
- Sink
- Skateboard
- Skirt
- Skydiving Suit
- Slippers
- Slotted Spoon
- Slow Cooker
- Smartphone
- Smartwatch
- Smoke Detector
- Snorkel
- Soap
- Soap Dispenser
- Soccer Ball
- Soccer Cleats
- Socks
- Soda
- Sofa
- Soldering Iron
- Soup
- Soup Bowls
- Soup Ladle
- Spackle
- Spatula
- Spatulas
- Speaker
- Sponge
- Spoon
- Spoonful
- Spoons
- Stain Remover
- Stamp
- Staple
- Stapler
- Stemware
- Step Ladder
- Stethoscope
- Sticky Note
- Stockings
- Stockpot
- Stove
- Straightener
- Strainer
- Styling Products
- Submarine
- Sugar
- Sugar Bowl
- Suitcases
- Sun Hat
- Sunglasses
- Sunscreen
- Surfboard
- Surge Protector
- Sweater
- Swimming Goggles
- Switch
- Syringe
Proper Nouns That Start With S
- Saguaro National Park
- Sahara Desert
- San Francisco
- Santa Fe National Forest
- Savannah River
- Science Museum
- Seattle
- Seine River
- Sequoia National Park
- Shanghai
- Shasta-Trinity National Forest
- Shawnee National Forest
- Shishapangma
- Siberia
- Singapore
- Smithsonian Institution
- Snake River
- South African Standard Time
- South Atlantic Ocean
- South China Sea
- South Pole
- Southeast Asia Time
- Southern Ocean
- Space Needle
- Lawrence River
- Statue of Liberty
- Stockholm
- Strait of Gibraltar
- Strait of Hormuz
- Strait of Magellan
- Strait of Malacca
- Strait of Messina
- Superior National Forest
- Susquehanna River
- Sutlej River
- Sydney
- Sydney Opera House
- Syr Darya River
Countable Nouns That Start With S
- Sandals
- Shampoo
- Shirt
- Shoe
- Sleeping Bag
- Soccer Ball
- Soccer Shoes
- Spoon
- Suitcase
- Sunglasses
- Swim Cap
- Swing Set
Uncountable Nouns That Start With S
- Sacrifice
- Sadness
- Safety
- Salvation
- Sanitation
- Satisfaction
- Scandal
- Scarcity
- Scholarship
- Science
- Scorn
- Sculpture
- Seafood
- Secrecy
- Security
- Seduction
- Segregation
- Seizure
- Selfishness
- Semantics
- Seminars
- Sensation
- Sensitivity
- Sentimentality
- Serenity
- Service
- Settlement
- Sexism
- Sexuality
- Shadow
- Shame
- Sharing
- Shaving
- Sheer
- Shock
- Shopping
- Shyness
- Sickness
- Silence
- Simplicity
- Sincerity
- Sinfulness
- Singing
- Situation
- Skill
- Slavery
- Sleep
- Sluggishness
- Smoking
- Smuggling
- Socialism
- Society
- Solidarity
- Solitude
- Solution
- Sophistication
- Sorcery
- Sorrow
- Sound
- Sovereignty
- Space
- Sparkle
- Speaking
- Specialization
- Speculation
- Speed
- Spirituality
- Spite
- Sport
- Stability
- Stagnation
- Stance
- Standing
- Stardom
- Statehood
- Status
- Steadfastness
- Stealing
- Steel
- Stereotyping
- Stigma
- Stillness
- Stimulus
- Storytelling
- Strategy
- Strength
- Stress
- Strife
- Struggle
- Studying
- Submission
- Substance
- Subtlety
- Success
- Suffering
- Sugar
- Suicide
- Summation
- Superstition
- Support
- Suppression
- Surface
- Surgery
- Surrender
- Survival
- Suspicion
- Sustainability
- Swearing
- Sweat
- Sympathy
- Symphony
- Synthesis
- System
Nouns Starting With S – Definition and Example Sentences
Sailboat: a boat or vessel with sails, often used for recreational or competitive sailing.
The sailboat glided smoothly across the water, propelled by the wind.
Salad: a dish consisting of mixed greens, vegetables, and often meat, cheese, or nuts, served with a dressing.
She ordered a Caesar salad for lunch at the restaurant.
Salt: a crystalline substance often used for seasoning or preserving food, or for melting ice.
She sprinkled some salt on her fries for extra flavor.
Sand: small particles of rock or minerals, often found on beaches or deserts.
They walked along the sand, enjoying the warmth of the sun.
Sandwich: a food item consisting of two or more slices of bread with fillings such as meat, cheese, or vegetables.
She made a turkey and cheese sandwich for lunch.
Santa: a fictional character associated with Christmas, often depicted as a jolly, bearded man in a red suit.
The children eagerly awaited Santa’s arrival on Christmas Eve.
Sauce: a thick liquid often used as a condiment or flavoring for food, often made from a combination of ingredients.
She poured some sauce over her pasta to enhance the taste.
School: an institution for education and learning, often attended by children and young adults.
She went to school to learn new things and make friends.
Science: the study of the natural world and its phenomena, often involving experimentation and observation.
He enjoyed learning about science and conducting experiments in the lab.
Scissors: a cutting tool with two blades joined by a pivot, often used for cutting paper, fabric, or hair.
She used the scissors to trim her hair and give herself a new look.
Nouns That Start With S – Pictures
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