50 Examples of Distributive Adjectives in Sentences

50 Examples of Distributive Adjectives in Sentences! Distributive adjectives are a useful tool for expressing how something is distributed or divided. This article will introduce 50 examples of distributive adjectives in sentences. Each example will clearly demonstrate how a distributive adjective can be used to express the division of something among people, places, or things.

Related: 100 Examples of Distributive Adjectives

50 Examples of Distributive Adjectives in Sentences

  1. Neither of us knew the answer to the question.
  2. We are having difficulties with both of these methods.
  3. We will split the children into two groups, each of which has equal numbers.
  4. Neither of these two options is suitable for us right now.
  5. Either you love it or you hate it.
  6. Both sisters are talented musicians.
  7. Every mistake needs to be addressed and corrected.
  8. Each person in the room was asked to introduce themselves.
  9. Any movie you choose will be entertaining.
  10. Are there any pens in the drawer?
  11. Either you can go to the party or stay home.
  12. Each student should have a copy of the textbook.
  13. Any game you choose will be fun to play.
  14. Neither of the options is acceptable.
  15. Both of my parents were born in the same city.
  16. Every student received a participation certificate.
  17. Anyone can come and join in the festivities.
  18. Either the blue or the green shirt would match your pants.
  19. Every girl in the class is wearing a dress.
  20. Either option is acceptable in this situation.
  21. Each team member must contribute to the project.
  22. Every ticket holder is entitled to a free drink.
  23. Every member of the family is invited to the reunion.
  24. Any food you cook will be delicious.
  25. Both actors were nominated for the award.
  26. Each piece of jewelry is handcrafted and one-of-a-kind.
  27. Any color would look good with that outfit.
  28. Either the cat or the dog will be your new pet.
  29. Neither of the options seemed practical.
  30. Neither of these answers is correct.
  31. Any hobby you choose will be rewarding.
  32. Both cars are in good condition.
  33. Any book on the shelf would be a good choice for your research.
  34. Neither of us had ever been to Paris before.
  35. Can we bring any food items from home?
  36. Every child in the class received a Valentine’s Day card.
  37. Neither of these solutions is going to work for us.
  38. Neither of us knew how to fix the car.
  39. I read either book during my summer holidays.
  40. I run a few miles every day.
  41. Each student must complete the assignment on their own.
  42. Each of you should have a chance to show your skills.
  43. Neither of us had ever tried sushi before.
  44. All of these ideas need to be discussed and any can then be chosen for implementation.
  45. Either you can take the train or the bus.
  46. Every page of the book was filled with colorful illustrations.
  47. We are going to discuss any issues that arise during the meeting.
  48. Every person was given a number at the start of the race.
  49. Both dogs were barking at the mailman.
  50. We will divide the tasks amongst each team member.

50 Examples of Distributive Adjectives in Sentences