20 Examples of Adverbs of Manner in Sentences

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on adverbs of manner! Adverbs of manner are used to describe how an action is done or how someone acts. In this article, you will find 20 examples of adverbs of manner used in sentences. We have taken the time to select examples that are easy to understand and illustrate the use of adverbs in everyday language. With these examples, you will learn more about the different ways adverbs can be used and how they impact a sentence’s meaning.

Related: 100 Examples of Adverbs of Manner

20 Examples of Adverbs of Manner in Sentences 1

20 Examples of Adverbs of Manner in Sentences

  1. She yawned sleepily after staying up late to finish her work.
  2. The bride walked down the aisle elegantly in her white dress.
  3. The math problem was solved correctly by the student.
  4. He worked hard to achieve his goals.
  5. She spoke rudely to the customer service representative.
  6. The people ran frantically to evacuate the building during the fire.
  7. He acted selfishly and only thought about his own needs.
  8. She completed the project successfully and received praise from her boss.
  9. The car drove rapidly on the highway to get to the destination on time.
  10. He turned the corner sharply and almost hit the pedestrian.
  11. The lion roared fiercely to defend its territory.
  12. The villain acted cruelly towards the innocent people.
  13. She was wearily tired after a long day at work.
  14. He smiled happily when he received the good news.
  15. She asked questions inquisitively to learn more about the topic.
  16. The sun shone brightly in the sky on a summer day.
  17. The building was enormously tall and impressive.
  18. He spoke honestly about his feelings and thoughts.
  19. The adventurer acted daringly and climbed the mountain without any gear.
  20. She spoke openly and shared her personal experiences with the audience.

20 Examples of Adverbs of Manner in Sentences