16 Flowers names with Pictures, Flower names list

16 Flowers names with Pictures, Flower names list

Flowers are some of the most beautiful and amazing things on this earth. Their colors, their smells, and their shapes are all so different and unique. And the names of flowers can be just as lovely as the flowers themselves. Here are 16 of the most beautiful flower names:

  1. Pink Rose
  2. Lily
  3. Jasmine
  4. Snapdragon
  5. Orchid
  6. Cherry
  7. Blossom
  8. Magnolia
  9. Poppy
  10. Sunflower
  11. Hibiscus
  12. Tulip
  13. Red Rose
  14. White Rose
  15. Daisy
  16. Daffodils

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16 flowers names


Lilies are a flower that has five petals and grows in the form of a bush. The name lily comes from the Greek word “lysion” which means “reclining”. The Lily is a symbol of beauty, purity and innocence.


Jasmine is a flower that has the general appearance of a rose and grows in a bush. The name Jasmine comes from the Arabic word “jasmin” which means “fragrant”.


The snapdragon flower is a type of flower that has the general appearance of a snapdragon. The name comes from the snapping sound that you make when you break off a piece of the flower.


Orchids are a flower that has 5-8 petals and grows in a corsage. The name comes from the Greek word “orchis” which means “testicle”. The orchid is a symbol of chastity, modesty and beauty.


Cherry flowers are usually red in color and many have a fragrance. Cherry flowers can either bloom on their own or be used as an ornamental plant in the garden.


Blossoms are what you see on a flower that is just beginning to blossom. They can be white or pink in color, and they grow in clusters.


Magnolias are trees that grow in the United States. They have very large flowers on top of the branches, and they are usually white in color.


Poppy plants are usually white, yellow, or pink in color. Poppy flowers are popular for weddings because they can be given as gifts to friends and family.


Sunflowers are known for the beautiful orange and yellow flowers that they produce. They are usually grown as an ornamental plant in the garden, and they can also be used to make wreaths.


Hibiscus is a flower that has been around for much longer than you might think. It was first mentioned in an ancient Indian Hindu text that dates back to around 1500 B.C.


Tulip is a flower that was first mentioned in an ancient Greek text called the “Periplus of the Erythraean Sea”. The word Tulip in Greek means “to laugh” and it was said to be one of the flowers that were used to make perfume.