1000+ Popular Short Forms of Words Used in WhatsApp

In this digital age, there are many ways to communicate with people. One of the most popular ways to do so is with WhatsApp. This messaging app has become very popular because it is easy to use and allows for group chats. In addition, WhatsApp also allows users to send short forms of words, which can save time when typing a message.

WhatsApp has become so popular that a majority of people now use it instead of text messaging.

12 Most Popular Short Forms of Words Used in Whatsapp

So here is the list of most popular short forms of words used in Whatsapp:

  1. ROFL:– Rolling on the floor laughing
  2. NVM:– Never mind
  3. BRB:– Be right back
  4. IKR:– I know, right
  5. STFU:– Shut the f**K up
  6. SMH:– Shaking my head
  7. LMFAO:– Laughing my freaking ass off
  8. YOLO:– You only live once
  9. LOL:– Laughing out loud
  10. OFC:– Of course
  11. ILY:– I love you
  12. LMK: – Let me know

whatsapp abbreviations

1000+ List of short form Used for Chatting on Whatsapp

  • IYDMMA :- If you don’t mind me asking
  • KK :- Okay cool
  • TG :- That’s great
  • THX :- Thanks
  • FBO :- Facebook official
  • YSIC :- Why should I care?
  • AAR :- At any rate
  • LMAO :- Laughing my a*s off
  • LDR :- Long distance relationship
  • SWW :- Sorry wrong window
  • GONNA/GUNNA :- Going to
  • NWS :- Not work safe
  • OT :- Off topic
  • 404 :- No clue
  • BF :- Boyfriend, or best friend
  • CUL :- See you later
  • HF :- Have fun
  • YW :- You’re welcome
  • HMU :- Hit me up
  • SMH :- Shaking my head
  • SFW :- Safe work
  • TTYS :- Talk to you soon
  • ADL :- All day long
  • F2F :- Face to face
  • BAU :- Business as usual
  • CTS :- Changing the subject
  • GIYF :- Google is your friend
  • RT :- Real time
  • BA3 :- Battery
  • LAM :- Leave a message
  • MMB :- Message me back
  • TCO :- Taken care of
  • TYT :- Take your time
  • ANY1:- Anyone
  • LMS :- Like my status
  • KU :- Kiss you
  • LMA :- Leave me alone
  • B/C :- Because
  • CYO :- See you online
  • ICQ :- I seek you
  • R8 :- Right
  • W8 :- Wait
  • W8AM :- Wait a minute
  • IS :- I’m sorry
  • ORLY :- Oh really
  • YNT :- Why not
  • CUZ/COZ/CAUSE :- Because
  • JOOC :- Just out of curiosity
  • GNASD :- Goodnight and sweet dreams
  • PM :- Private message
  • TIA :- Thanks in advance
  • TTYS :- Talk to you soon
  • BMS :- Blew my sh*t
  • RBTL :- Read between the lines
  • TIA :- Thanks in advance
  • ASIC :- As soon as I can
  • YCM :- You copied me
  • 2N8 :- Tonight
  • BD :- Big deal
  • GTH :- Go to h*ll
  • ZZZ :- Sleeping
  • ICQ :- I seek you
  • NTN :- No thanks needed
  • W8 :- Wait
  • CTN :- Can’t talk now
  • YT :- YouTube
  • ORLY :- Oh really
  • TTYN :- Talk to you never
  • BRB :- Be right back
  • GM :- Good morning
  • 1NAM :- One in a million
  • LU :- Love you
  • DI :- Download
  • FWIW :- For what it’s worth
  • OMW :- On my way
  • WD :- Well done
  • FAB :- Fabulous
  • SUP :- What’s up
  • EOM :- End of message
  • IDGI :- I don’t get it
  • 5N :- Fine
  • THO :- Though
  • DND :- Do not disturb
  • IMHO :- In my humble opinion
  • MU :- Miss you
  • PIC :- Picture
  • WRU :- Who are you
  • RSVP :- Response requested
  • Y :- Thank you
  • G2B :- Going to bed
  • LTNS :- Long time no see
  • AFK :- Away from keyboard
  • DIKU :- Do I know you
  • 2MORO :- Tomorrow
  • ETA :- Estimated time of arrival
  • WRU :- Who are you
  • CYL :- Call you later
  • TYT :- Take your time
  • 2MORO :- Tomorrow
  • ROFL :- Rolling on the floor laughing
  • BTW :- By the way
  • MSG :- Message
  • AKA :- Also known as
  • GTH :- Go to h*ll
  • M/F :- Male/Female
  • YT :- YouTube
  • AAMOF :- As a matter of fact
  • TTFN :- Talk to you later
  • IAC :- In any case
  • PC :- Personal computer
  • TCO :- Taken care of

list of whatsapp abbreviations

  • BBL :- Be back later
  • GBTW :- Get back to work
  • AAR :- At any rate
  • For 12 Tenses: 12 Tenses Detail Notes
  • HTH :- Here to help
  • NVM :- Never mind
  • YSIC :- Why should I care?
  • JJ :- Just joking
  • Tho :- Though
  • CYA :- Cover You’re A**
  • FTW :- For the win
  • SEC :- Second
  • WB :- Welcome back
  • DIKU :- Do I know you
  • NOOB :- Newbie
  • FTL :- For the loss
  • RL :- Real life
  • IDK :- I don’t know
  • NOYB :- None of your business
  • LOL :- Laughing out loud
  • PTFO :- Passed the f** out
  • HBU :- How about you
  • HTH :- Hope this helps
  • FTW :- For the win
  • OMG :- Oh my God
  • ROFL :- Rolling on the floor laughing
  • Dunno :- Do not know
  • FYI :- For your information
  • HW :- Homework
  • LAM :- Leave a message
  • Sec :- Second
  • FWD :- Forward
  • TXT :- Text
  • BFN :- Bye for now
  • CTN :- Can’t talk now
  • OOT :- Off topic
  • ANY1:- Anyone
  • ASL :- Age/Sex/Location
  • AEAP :- As early as possible
  • BFF :- Best Friends Forever
  • GFY :- Good for you
  • QT :- Cutie
  • AAK :- Alive and kicking
  • ASIC :- As soon as I can
  • HBU :- How about you
  • Tho :- Though
  • BFF :- Best friend forever
  • GR8 :- Great
  • GR8 :- Great
  • KYP :- Keep you posted
  • EMFBI :- Excuse me for butting in
  • IRL :- In real life
  • GTG :- Got to go
  • ICYDK :- In case you didn’t know
  • IIRC :- If I remember correctly
  • WB :- Welcome back
  • XOXO :- Hugs and kisses
  • LMAO :- Laughing my a*s off
  • TY :- Thank you
  • AAB :- Average at best
  • GN :- Goodnight
  • HMB :- Hit me back
  • ROFL :- Rolling on the floor laughing
  • CYE :- Check your email
  • SRY :- Sorry
  • BTW :- By the way
  • PPL :- People
  • AS :- Age/Sex/Location
  • L8 :- Late
  • LMAO :- Laughing my a*s off
  • LOL :- laugh out loud
  • STR8 :- Straight
  • CFY :- Calling for you
  • CUL :- See you later
  • MW :- On my way
  • Pic :- Picture
  • 1NAM :- One in a million
  • ATM :- At the moment
  • BG :- Big grin
  • YCM :- You copied me
  • BRB :- Be Right Back
  • NE1 :- Anyone
  • GG :- Good game
  • PLZ :- Please
  • EMFBI :- Excuse me for butting in
  • FWIW :- For what it’s worth
  • POS :- Parent over shoulder
  • AFK :- Away from keyboard
  • LNG :- Long
  • Q4U :- Question for you
  • BMT :- Before my time
  • L8R :- Later
  • AEAE :- And ever and ever
  • BAU :- Business as usual
  • DND :- Do not disturb
  • IDC :- I don’t care
  • FWD :- Forward
  • TCO :- Taken care of
  • GBTW :- Get back to work
  • TMI :- Too much information
  • NC :- No comment
  • WD :- Well done
  • CU :- See you
  • TTYL :- Talk to you later
  • IKR :- I know, right?
  • RIP :- Rest in peace
  • IDK :- I do not know
  • WTF :- What the fuck
  • ADL :- All day long
  • LI :- LinkedIn
  • BBL :- Be back later
  • LMHO :- Laughing my head off
  • CYA :- See you again
  • RE :- Regarding
  • LMS :- Like my status
  • OP :- Original poster
  • BBIAB :- Be back in a bit
  • CUL :- See you later
  • ILY :- I love you
  • LMK :- Let me know
  • BEG :- Big evil grin
  • ISO :- In search of
  • MYOB :- Mind your own business
  • PPL :- People
  • POV :- Point of view
  • Sec :- Second
  • NSFW :- Not safe for work
  • OH :- Overheard
  • ILY :- I love you
  • NOYB :- None of your business
  • S2R :- Send to receive
  • EOM :- End of message
  • RT :- Retweet
  • TC :- Take care
  • BMS :- Blew my sh*t
  • SU :- Shut up
  • BB :- Bye Bye
  • TTYL :- Talk to you later
  • FYI :- For your information
  • Y :- Why
  • GL :- Good luck
  • LLAH :- Laughing like a hyena
  • DQMOT :- Don’t quote me on this
  • NWS :- Not work safe
  • BBIAB :- Be back in a bit
  • SRY :- Sorry
  • DI :- Download
  • GFY :- Good for you
  • JAM :- Just a minute
  • YOLO :- You only live once
  • IIRC = If I recall correctly
  • PLZ :- Please
  • AFC :- Away from computer
  • FYEO :- For your eyes only
  • 5N :- Fine
  • IC :- I see
  • Fab :- Fabulous
  • MT :- Modified tweet
  • ASAP :- As soon as possible
  • B4 :- Before
  • PLZ :- Please
  • MSG :- Message
  • PMSL :- P*ssing myself laughing
  • MSG :- Message
  • PC :- Personnel computer
  • SS :- So sorry
  • BRB :- Be right back
  • LAM :- Leave a message
  • CYS :- Check your settings
  • LMAO :- laughing my a** off
  • RIP :- Rest in peace
  • TXT :- Text
  • BFF :- Best friend forever
  • PLS :- Please
  • AAMOF :- As a matter of fact
  • BFN :- Bye for now
  • HAND :- Have a nice day
  • NP :- No problem
  • IDAFAIK :- As far as I Know
  • YW :- You’re welcome
  • OOF :- Out of office
  • PMSL :- P*ssing myself laughing
  • DIY :- Do it yourself
  • YSVW :- You are so very welcome
  • IDGI :- I don’t get it
  • IM :- Instant message
  • AFK :- Away from keyboard
  • B/W :- Between
  • GMV :- Got my vote
  • B4N –Bye for Now
  • LMA :- Leave me alone
  • AFAIK –As far as I know
  • NE1 :- Anyone
  • FAQ :- Frequently asked questions
  • J/K :- Just kidding
  • GJ :- Good job
  • NWS :- Not work safe
  • IMO :- In my opinion
  • Q4U :- Question for you
  • GAL :- Get a life
  • SRY :- Sorry
  • ITT :- In this thread
  • M8 :- Mate
  • W8 :- Wait
  • AEAE :- And ever and ever
  • IACL :- I am currently laughing
  • OMG :- Oh my god
  • SD :- Sweet dreams
  • Dunno :- Do not know
  • HU :- Hug you
  • THX :- Thanks
  • W/E :- Whatever
  • BOT :- Back on topic
  • EOS :- End of story
  • BCNU –Be seeing you
  • BMT :- Before my time
  • WD :- Well done
  • FAQ :- Frequently asked questions
  • STR8 :- Straight
  • BBS :- Be back soon
  • JK :- Just kidding

whatsapp abbreviations list whatsapp abbreviations examples whatsapp abbreviations 2 short forms of words used in whatsapp