1000 Homophones Words List (with Meanings & Sentences)

There are many homophones in the English language, which can be confusing for ESL students. This list of 1000 homophones will help you learn and understand these words better.

Our list of 1000 homophones will help you spot these playful word twins and understand them better. This way, learning English becomes more fun and less confusing. Whether you’re just starting or looking to polish your skills, this list is your friendly guide to mastering these sound-alike words.

Homophones Words List

Here is a huge list of homophone in english:

  • Few – Phew
  • Hair – Hare
  • Heal – Heel
  • Muscle – Mussel
  • Stake – Steak
  • Woe – Whoa
  • Ail – Ale
  • Braise – Brays
  • Buy – By
  • Canvas – Canvass
  • Foaled – Fold
  • Stationary – Stationery
  • Tail – Tale
  • Wait – Weight
  • Band – Banned
  • Boarder – Border
  • Feat – Feet
  • Him – Hymn
  • Miner – Minor
  • Pearl – Purl
  • Stare – Stair
  • We – Wee
  • Berth – Birth
  • Boy – Buoy
  • Holey – Holy
  • Knows – Nose
  • Plain – Plane
  • Rheum – Room
  • Tern – Turn
  • Aisle – Isle
  • Allowed – Aloud
  • Cheap – Cheep
  • Coign – Coin
  • Die – Dye
  • Eery – Eyrie
  • Moat – Mote
  • Dew – Due
  • Faze – Phase
  • Flour – Flower
  • Locks – Lox
  • Peer – Pier
  • Sign – Sine
  • Sort – Sought
  • Waist – Waste
  • Baize – Bays
  • Bold – Bowled
  • Bridal – Bridle
  • Complement – Compliment
  • Find – Fined
  • Genes – Jeans
  • Hail – Hale
  • Tic – Tick
  • Ad – Add
  • Links – Lynx
  • Real – Reel
  • Sale – Sail
  • Tacks – Tax
  • Told – Tolled
  • Weal – We’ll
  • Coal – Kohl
  • Furs – Furze
  • He’d – Heed
  • Leach – Leech
  • Lead – Led
  • Road – Rode
  • Scene – Seen
  • Yaw – Yore
  • Braid – Brayed
  • Chord – Cord
  • Coarse – Course
  • In – Inn
  • Key – Quay
  • Right – Write
  • Roe – Row
  • Cent – Scent
  • Check – Cheque
  • Cue – Kayo
  • Flea – Flee
  • Might – Mite
  • Some – Sum
  • Be – Bee
  • Ewe – Yew
  • Fair – Fare
  • Franc – Frank
  • Made – Maid
  • Swat – Swot
  • Bough – Bow
  • Crews – Cruise
  • Greave – Grieve
  • Jewel – Joule
  • Knew – New
  • Palate – Palette
  • Cede – Seed
  • Heroin – Heroine
  • Hour – Our
  • Mall – Maul
  • Rood – Rude
  • Tear – Tier
  • Born – Borne
  • Pascal – Paschal
  • Sea – See
  • Straight – Strait
  • Sun – Son
  • Tare – Tear
  • Wean – Ween
  • White – Wight
  • Bread – Bred
  • Gneiss – Nice
  • Haw – Hoar
  • Knot – Not
  • Lac – Lack
  • Pea – Pee
  • Flair – Flare
  • Hoarse – Horse
  • Raw – Roar
  • Reek – Wreak
  • Rest – Wrest
  • Root – Route
  • Toad – Toed
  • Bard – Barred
  • Bark – Barque
  • Boar – Bore
  • Brae – Bray
  • Higher – Hire
  • Law – Lore
  • Sloe – Slow
  • Greys – Graze
  • Lade – Laid
  • Load – Lode
  • Meat – Meet
  • Medal – Meddle
  • Nigh – Nye
  • Pair – Pear
  • Whirled – World
  • Call – Caul
  • Creak – Creek
  • Curb – Herb
  • Knock – Nock
  • Lo – Low
  • Mean – Mien
  • Profit – Prophet
  • Whine – Wine
  • Discreet – Discrete
  • Gnaw – Nor
  • Hoard – Horde
  • Loop – Loupe
  • Rung – Wrung
  • Wart – Wort
  • Wood – Would
  • Boos – Booze
  • Morning – Mourning
  • Pause – Paws
  • Spa – Spar
  • Stair – Stare
  • Wheald – Wheeled
  • Who’s – Whose
  • Auk – Orc
  • Gild – Guild
  • Hew – Hue
  • Review – Revue
  • Saw – Soar
  • Storey – Story
  • Throes – Throws
  • All – Awl
  • Ceiling – Sealing
  • Cite – Sight
  • Cousin – Cozen
  • Gorilla – Guerilla
  • Saver – Savour
  • Tide – Tied
  • Wax – Whacks
  • Accessary – Accessory
  • Complacent – Complaisant
  • Giro – Gyro
  • Idle – Idol
  • Pail – Pale
  • Read – Reed
  • For – Fore
  • Grate – Great
  • Know – No
  • Oar – Or
  • Their – There
  • Wear – Where
  • Alms – Arms
  • Done – Dun
  • Galipot – Gallipot
  • Lessen – Lesson
  • Shake – Sheikh
  • Vial – Vile
  • Bitten – Bittern
  • Earn – Urn
  • Fate – Fête
  • Hangar – Hanger
  • Mind – Mined
  • Weather – Whether
  • Away – Aweigh
  • Ferrule – Ferule
  • Flew – Flu
  • Knave – Nave
  • Seam – Seem
  • Sew – So
  • War – Wore
  • Buyer – Byre
  • Dear – Deer
  • Foul – Fowl
  • Leak – Leek
  • Packs – Pax
  • Practice – Practise
  • Suite – Sweet
  • Warn – Worn
  • Baron – Barren
  • Cell – Sell
  • Lase – Laze
  • Lie – Lye
  • Rose – Rows
  • Side – Sighed
  • Vain – Vane
  • Aren’t – Aunt
  • Auger – Augur
  • Bazaar – Bizarre
  • Cast – Caste
  • Douse – Dowse
  • Hear – Here
  • Spade – Spayed
  • Eye – I
  • Groan – Grown
  • Principal – Principle
  • Quarts – Quartz
  • Scull – Skull
  • Thyme – Time
  • Way – Weigh
  • Clack – Claque
  • Clew – Clue
  • Fay – Fey
  • Guessed – Guest
  • Place – Plaice
  • Plum – Plumb
  • Poof – Pouffe
  • Taught – Taut
  • Cent – Scent
  • Cereal – Serial
  • Deviser – Divisor
  • Faint – Feint
  • Lam – Lamb
  • Satire – Satyr
  • Shoe – Shoo
  • Shore – Sure
  • Desert – Dessert
  • It’s – Its
  • Peace – Piece
  • Rough – Ruff
  • Sauce – Source
  • Son – Sun
  • Watt – What
  • Weaver – Weever
  • Bloc – Block
  • Meat – Meet
  • One – Won
  • Peak – Peek
  • Sane – Seine
  • Sear – Seer
  • Soar – Sore
  • Caw – Core
  • Close – Cloze
  • Knob – Nob
  • Liar – Lyre
  • Pi – Pie
  • Rye – Wry
  • Way – Weigh
  • Levee – Levy
  • Loan – Lone
  • Maize – Maze
  • Naval – Navel
  • Ring – Wring
  • Team – Teem
  • Threw – Through
  • Bail – Bale
  • Coo – Coup
  • Flaw – Floor
  • Hay – Hey
  • Indict – Indite
  • Mode – Mowed
  • Steal – Steel
  • Air – Heir
  • File – Phial
  • Laager – Lager
  • Nay – Neigh
  • Packed – Pact
  • Sink – Synch
  • Staid – Stayed
  • Ware – Wear
  • Billed – Build
  • Pleas – Please
  • Right – Rite
  • Tough – Tuff
  • Which – Witch
  • Bean – Been
  • Beer – Bier
  • Rote – Wrote
  • Sole – Soul
  • Tor – Tore
  • Wet – Whet
  • Cops – Copse
  • Heard – Herd
  • Lay – Ley
  • Manna – Manner
  • Rouse – Rows
  • Sew – So
  • Vale – Veil
  • Cymbal – Symbol
  • Doe – Doh
  • Draft – Draught
  • Moor – More
  • Rain – Reign
  • Were – Whirr
  • Ante –
  • Ho – Hoe
  • Lain – Lane
  • Pain – Pane
  • Poor – Pour
  • Sight – Site
  • Base – Bass
  • Floe – Flow
  • Licker – Liquor
  • Pedal – Peddle
  • Pica – Pika
  • Fort – Fought
  • Main – Mane
  • Mantel – Mantle
  • Oh – Owe
  • Pair – Pare
  • Roo – Roux
  • Awe – Oar
  • Bight – Bite
  • Brake – Break
  • Buy – By
  • Knead – Need
  • Mark – Marque
  • Maw – More
  • Meter – Metre
  • Beau – Bow
  • Fie – Phi
  • Metal – Mettle
  • None – Nun
  • Od – Odd
  • Te – Tea
  • Terce – Terse
  • Bur – Burr
  • Hart – Heart
  • Licence – License
  • Lieu – Loo
  • Mare – Mayor
  • Quean – Queen
  • Broach – Brooch
  • Faun – Fawn
  • Fizz – Phiz
  • Foreword – Forward
  • Sweet – Suite
  • Ball – Bawl
  • Bare – Bear
  • Dual – Duel
  • Fah – Far
  • Farther – Father
  • Knight – Night
  • To – Too
  • Weir – We’re
  • Caught – Court
  • Dam – Damn
  • Mail – Male
  • Stile – Style
  • Wain – Wane
  • Wall – Waul
  • Ate – Eight
  • Board – Bored
  • For – Four
  • Friar – Fryer
  • Larva – Lava
  • Rode – Road
  • Whirl – Whorl
  • Choir – Quire
  • Gait – Gate
  • Gilt – Guilt
  • Pray – Prey
  • Retch – Wretch
  • Role – Roll
  • Yoke – Yolk
  • Calendar – Calender
  • Hi – High
  • See – Sea
  • Tuba – Tuber
  • Weak – Week
  • Me – Mi
  • Praise – Prays
  • Sic – Sick
  • Throne – Thrown
  • To – Too
  • Tole – Toll
  • Wail – Wale
  • Bel – Bell
  • Missed – Mist
  • Paten – Patten
  • Shear – Sheer
  • Flex – Flecks
  • Lea – Lee
  • Loot – Lute
  • Marten – Martin
  • Ton – Tun
  • We’d – Weed
  • Bait – Bate
  • Caster – Castor
  • Forth – Fourth
  • Laps – Lapse
  • Waive – Wave
  • While – Wile
  • You’ll – Yule
  • Grisly – Grizzly
  • Peal – Peel
  • Pole – Poll
  • Stalk – Stork
  • Toe – Tow
  • Whig – Wig
  • Arc – Ark
  • But – Butt
  • Raise – Rays
  • Tire – Tyre
  • Whit – Wit
  • Fir – Fur
  • Gamble – Gambol
  • Ode – Owed
  • Rota – Rotor
  • Heal – Heel
  • Hole – Whole
  • Pawn – Porn
  • Rap – Wrap
  • There – Their
  • Altar – Alter
  • Aye – Eye
  • Beat – Beet
  • Brews – Bruise
  • Council – Counsel
  • Gays – Gaze
  • Hall – Haul
  • Axel – Axle
  • Bald – Bawled
  • Currant – Current
  • Marshal – Martial
  • Sail – Sale
  • Tale – Tail
  • Troop – Troupe
  • Blew – Blue
  • Censer – Censor
  • Climb – Clime
  • Freeze – Frieze
  • Gallop – Galop
  • Mask – Masque
  • Read – Red
  • Bay – Bey
  • Berry – Bury
  • Colonel – Kernel
  • Days – Daze
  • Knit – Nit
  • Lean – Lien
  • Moose – Mousse
  • Aural – Oral
  • Beach – Beech
  • Seas – Sees
  • Slay – Sleigh
  • Talk – Torque
  • Teas – Tease

Homophones with Meanings & Sentences

Here is the A to Z list of homophones with meanings and example sentences:

Homophones with Meanings & Sentences

  1. Accessary: (An accomplice) The thief’s accessary was waiting in the car.
  2. Accessory: (An additional item) She wore a beautiful accessory with her dress.
  3. Ad: (Advertisement) I saw an interesting ad in the newspaper today.
  4. Add: (To combine or join) Let’s add these numbers to get the total.
  5. Ail: (To suffer or be ill) Something seems to ail him today.
  6. Ale: (A type of beer) He ordered a pint of ale at the pub.
  7. Air: (The invisible gaseous substance) Fresh air is vital for good health.
  8. Heir: (A person legally entitled to property) The prince was the heir to the throne.
  9. Aisle: (A passage between rows) Please walk down the aisle to your seat.
  10. Isle: (An island) The isle looked stunning in the sunlight.
  11. All: (Everything) All the guests have arrived.
  12. Awl: (A pointed tool) The cobbler used an awl for the leather.
  13. Allowed: (Permitted) Visitors are not allowed in this area.
  14. Aloud: (Out loud) She read the poem aloud to the class.
  15. Alms: (Money or food given to poor people) She gave alms to the needy.
  16. Arms: (Weapons or limbs) Soldiers took up arms to defend the city.
  17. Altar: (A sacred table in a church) They stood by the altar to take their vows.
  18. Alter: (To change) She decided to alter her plans.
  19. Ante: (A stake put up in poker) He upped the ante in the poker game.
  20. Arc: (A part of the circumference of a circle) The rainbow formed a perfect arc.
  21. Ark: (A chest or vessel) Noah built an ark as per the biblical tale.
  22. Aren’t: (Are not) They aren’t going to the party.
  23. Aunt: (The sister of one’s parent) My aunt is visiting us next week.
  24. Ate: (Past tense of eat) We ate dinner at 7 PM.
  25. Eight: (The number after seven) There are eight planets in the solar system.
  26. Auger: (A tool for boring holes) He used an auger to drill the wood.
  27. Augur: (To predict) The signs augur well for the future.
  28. Auk: (A type of bird) The auk is known for its diving ability.
  29. Orc: (A mythical creature often depicted in fantasy literature) The story featured a fearsome orc.
  30. Aural: (Relating to the ear or hearing) She has a keen aural sense for music.
  31. Oral: (Spoken rather than written) The exam includes an oral
  32. Away: (Not here or to a distance) He is away on a business trip.
  33. Aweigh: (Referring to an anchor when it is lifted from the seabed) Anchors aweigh, we’re setting sail!
  34. Awe: (A feeling of reverential respect) The grandeur of the mountains filled him with awe.
  35. Oar: (A tool used to row a boat) He lost an oar while rowing.
  36. Axel: (A jump in figure skating) The skater executed a perfect axel.
  37. Axle: (A rod or spindle passing through the center of a wheel) The car’s axle broke during the race.
  38. Aye: (Yes, used in voting) The captain said “aye” to the proposal.
  39. Eye: (The organ of vision) He has a sharp eye for detail.
  40. Bail: (A temporary release of an accused person) He was released on bail.
  41. Bale: (A large bundle) A bale of cotton weighed heavily on the scale.
  42. Bait: (Something used to entice fish or animals) He put bait on the hook.
  43. Bate: (To lessen or reduce) He waited with bated
  44. Baize: (A green cloth) The baize on the pool table was worn out.
  45. Bays: (Inlets of the sea or voices of hounds) The moonlight shimmered over the bays.
  46. Bald: (Lacking hair) His bald head shone in the sunlight.
  47. Bawled: (Cried loudly) The child bawled for hours.
  1. Ball: (a round object used in games) The children kicked the ball around the park.
  2. Bawl: (to cry loudly) She began to bawl after hearing the sad news.
  3. Band: (a group of musicians) The band played a captivating melody.
  4. Banned: (forbidden) Smoking is banned in all indoor public places.
  5. Bard: (a poet, traditionally one reciting epics) The ancient bard recited tales of heroism.
  6. Barred: (prevented from entering) The door was barred, keeping everyone out.
  7. Bare: (uncovered) The walls of the room were bare and devoid of decoration.
  8. Bear: (to carry; also, a large mammal) It’s hard to bear the weight of so many responsibilities.
  9. Bark: (the sound a dog makes; also, the outer covering of a tree) The dog’s bark echoed through the silent night.
  10. Barque: (a type of sailing ship) The old barque rested at the harbor, telling stories of the sea.
  11. Baron: (a rank of nobility) The baron owned vast lands across the valley.
  12. Barren: (not productive) The barren landscape stretched for miles, with no sign of life.
  13. Base: (the bottom support; also, not morally good) The base of the statue was made of marble.
  14. Bass: (a type of fish; also, the lowest male singing voice) He caught a large bass during the fishing trip.
  15. Bay: (a broad inlet of the sea) The ship sailed into the calm waters of the bay.
  16. Bey: (a Turkish title of respect) The bey was known for his wisdom and fairness.
  17. Bazaar: (a marketplace) The bazaar was bustling with people looking for exotic goods.
  18. Bizarre: (strange) The circus showcased the most bizarre acts from around the world.
  19. Be: (to exist) To be or not to be, that is the question.
  20. Bee: (an insect known for making honey) The bee buzzed from flower to flower.
  21. Beach: (a sandy shore) The beach was warm and inviting under the summer sun.
  22. Beech: (a type of tree) The beech tree’s leaves turned golden in autumn.
  23. Bean: (a type of seed or vegetable) She added some beans to the stew for extra protein.
  24. Been: (past participle of “be”) I have been to Paris twice.
  25. Beat: (to defeat; also, a rhythmic pulse) The drummer set the beat for the band.
  26. Beet: (a root vegetable) She chopped up a beet for the salad.
  27. Beau: (a boyfriend or male admirer) Her beau brought flowers to their date.
  28. Bow: (to bend forward; also, the front of a ship) He gave a bow after his performance.
  29. Beer: (an alcoholic beverage made from grains) He ordered a pint of beer at the pub.
  30. Bier: (a stand on which a corpse or a coffin is placed) The bier was carried through the streets in the funeral procession.
  31. Bel: (a unit of sound intensity) The engine’s roar was measured in bels.
  32. Bell: (a hollow instrument that makes a ringing sound) The bell rang to signal the end of the class.
  33. Berry: (a small, round fruit) She picked berries in the forest.
  34. Bury: (to place in the ground and cover) They decided to bury the time capsule in the backyard.
  35. Berth: (a bed on a ship or train; also, a space where a vessel can be moored) He booked a berth on the overnight train.
  36. Birth: (the act or process of bearing or bringing forth offspring) The birth of their first child was a joyous event.
  37. Bight: (a bend or curve in a coastline) The map showed a large bight along the coast.
  38. Bite: (to cut, wound, or tear with the teeth) Be careful, the dog might bite.
  39. Billed: (charged) – The customer was billed for the services rendered.
  40. Build: (to construct) – They plan to build a new house next year.
  41. Bitten: (attacked with teeth) – She was bitten by a stray dog.
  42. Bittern: (a type of bird) – A bittern was spotted in the marshlands.
  43. Blew: (past tense of blow) – The wind blew strongly last night.
  44. Blue: (a color) – The sky is exceptionally blue today.
  45. Bloc: (a group with a common purpose) – The trade bloc agreed on new policies.
  46. Block: (to obstruct) – The fallen tree block the road.
  47. Boar: (a wild pig) – A wild boar was seen roaming the forest.
  48. Bore: (to make someone weary) – The long lecture bore the students.
  49. Board: (a flat piece of material) – She cut the vegetables on a wooden board.
  50. Bored: (feeling weary) – He was bored during the long flight.
  51. Boarder: (someone who receives meals and lodging) – The new boarder moved in yesterday.
  52. Border: (the edge or boundary) – The river forms the natural border between the two countries.
  53. Bold: (courageous or prominent) – Her bold ideas impressed the committee.
  54. Bowled: (played in a bowling game or threw a ball in cricket) – He bowled a perfect strike in the last frame.
  55. Boos: (sounds of disapproval) The audience issued boos at the end of the performance.
  56. Booze: (alcoholic beverages) He indulged in too much booze at the party last night.
  57. Born: (past participle of bear) She was born in the month of June.
  58. Borne: (carried or transported) The weight of responsibility was borne by him alone.
  59. Bough: (a branch of a tree) The bird perched on the sturdy bough.
  60. Bow: (to bend forward at the waist) He gave a respectful bow to the king.
  61. Boy: (young male) The boy ran excitedly towards the playground.
  62. Buoy: (a floating marker) The red buoy marked the entrance to the harbor.
  63. Brae: (a hillside) They had a picnic on the grassy brae overlooking the valley.
  64. Bray: (the cry of a donkey) The donkey let out a loud bray early in the morning.
  65. Braid: (a woven strip of material) She wore a beautiful braid in her hair.
  66. Brayed: (the past tense of bray) The donkey brayed loudly in the field.
  67. Braise: (to cook slowly in liquid) She decided to braise the meat for dinner.
  68. Brays: (the plural form of bray) The farm echoed with the brays of the donkeys.
  69. Brake: (a device for slowing or stopping motion) He pressed the brake pedal to stop the car.
  70. Break: (to separate into pieces) He needed a break after working all day.
  71. Bread: (a staple food made from flour) She made delicious bread from scratch.
  72. Bred: (past tense of breed) The dogs were bred for their loyalty and intelligence.
  73. Brews: (plural form of brew) They sampled different brews at the beer festival.
  74. Bruise: (a discoloration of the skin) She had a purple bruise on her arm from the fall.
  75. Bridal: (related to a wedding) The bridal party walked down the aisle.
  76. Bridle: (headgear for controlling a horse) She gently adjusted the bridle on the horse.
  77. Broach: (to bring up for discussion) He decided to broach the topic during the meeting.
  78. Brooch: (a decorative pin) She wore a stunning brooch on her coat.
  79. Bur: (a rough, prickly seed covering) The bur stuck to his sweater after walking through the field.
  80. Burr: (a rough edge or point) He smoothed out the burr on the wood with sandpaper.
  81. But: (used to introduce a contrast) She wanted to go, but he preferred to stay home.
  82. Butt: (the end part of something) He stubbed his toe on the wooden butt of the bed.
  83. Buy: (to purchase something) She decided to buy a new dress for the party.
  84. By: (next to or beside) The park is located by the river.
  85. Buy: (to purchase something) They plan to buy a new car next month.
  86. By: (next to or beside) He stood quietly by the door.
  87. Buyer: (one who purchases) The buyer inspected the house carefully before making an offer.
  88. Byre: (a cowshed) The cows were kept in the byre overnight.
  89. Calendar: (a system of organizing days) She marked the date on her calendar.
  90. Calender: (to press and smooth fabric) She decided to calender the cloth before sewing.
  91. Call: (to summon or name) He decided to call his friend to invite him over.
  92. Caul: (a membrane enclosing a fetus) The baby was born with a caul covering its head.
  93. Canvas: (a sturdy fabric) He painted a beautiful landscape on the canvas.
  94. Canvass: (to solicit votes or opinions) He decided to canvass the neighborhood for support.
  95. Cast: (to throw or toss) She cast her fishing line into the lake.
  96. Caste: (a social class) The society was divided into different castes.
  97. Caster: (a small wheel) The chair had caster wheels for easy mobility.
  98. Castor: (a brownish, oily substance) Castor oil is used for various medicinal purposes.
  99. Caught: (past tense of catch) He caught the ball with one hand.
  100. Court: (a place where legal proceedings occur) They went to court to settle the dispute.
  101. Caw: (the cry of a crow) The caw of the crow echoed through the forest.
  102. Core: (the central part of something) She sliced the apple, removing the core.
  103. Cede: (to surrender or give up) The country agreed to cede control of the territory.
  104. Seed: (a small reproductive unit) She planted the seeds in the garden.
  105. Ceiling: (the upper interior surface of a room) The ceiling of the cathedral was decorated with intricate designs.
  106. Sealing: (closing or making something airtight) She applied a layer of sealing wax to the envelope.
  107. Cell: (a small room) He spent the night in a cold, damp cell.
  108. Sell: (to exchange for money) He decided to sell his old car and buy a new one.
  109. Censer: (a container for burning incense) The priest swung the censer during the religious ceremony.
  110. Censor: (to suppress or remove objectionable content) The government decided to censor the film for its controversial scenes.
  111. Creak: (squeaky sound) The old door creaked loudly.
  112. Creek: (small stream) We went fishing in the creek.
  113. Crews: (groups of people) The film crew arrived early.
  114. Cruise: (travel by ship) They planned to cruise the Caribbean.
  115. Cue: (signal) He took it as a cue to leave.
  116. Kayo: (knockout in boxing) The boxer delivered a swift kayo.
  117. Curb: (restrain) She tried to curb her enthusiasm.
  118. Herb: (plant used for flavor) Add some fresh herb to the sauce.
  119. Currant: (small dried fruit) The currant muffins smelled delicious.
  120. Current: (flow of water) Be careful of the strong current.
  121. Cymbal: (percussion instrument) He played the cymbal in the band.
  122. Symbol: (representation) The dove is a symbol of peace.
  123. Dam: (barrier to water) They built a dam to control flooding.
  124. Damn: (curse) He muttered a curse under his breath.
  125. Days: (period of time) Those were the best days of my life.
  126. Daze: (confusion) She wandered around in a daze.
  127. Dear: (beloved) My dear friend, I miss you.
  128. Deer: (animal) We spotted a deer in the woods.
  129. Desert: (arid land) The Sahara is a vast desert.
  130. Dessert: (sweet course) Save room for dessert after dinner.
  131. Deviser: (planner) She was the chief deviser of the project.
  132. Divisor: (number) Six is a divisor of twelve.
  133. Dew: (moisture) The morning dew glistened on the grass.
  134. Due: (owed) Payment is due by the end of the month.
  135. Die: (cube with numbers) Roll the die to see who goes first.
  136. Dye: (coloring substance) She decided to dye her hair red.
  137. Discreet: (prudent) She was discreet about her plans.
  138. Discrete: (separate) The tasks were broken into discrete steps.
  139. Doe: (female deer) We saw a doe and her fawn in the forest.
  140. Doh: (exclamation) Doh! I forgot my keys again.
  141. Done: (finished) The dishes are done, finally.
  142. Dun: (dull brown color) The walls were painted in a dull dun.
  143. Douse: (extinguish) He doused the fire with water.
  144. Dowse: (search for water) They used a stick to dowse for water.
  145. Draft: (preliminary version) Please review the draft before submitting.
  146. Draught: (current of air) Close the window, there’s a draught.
  147. Dual: (double) He held dual citizenship.
  148. Duel: (combat between two) They decided to settle it with a duel.
  149. Earn: (gain) She worked hard to earn a promotion.
  150. Urn: (vessel for ashes) The ashes were placed in an urn.
  151. Eery: (unsettling) The abandoned house had an eery feel.
  152. Eyrie: (eagle’s nest) The eagles nested high in the eyrie.
  153. Ewe: (female sheep) The ewe grazed peacefully in the field.
  154. Yew: (type of tree) The fence was made of yew wood.
  155. Eye: (organ of sight) She winked her eye mischievously.
  156. I: (self) I am going to the store.
  157. Fah: (musical note) She sang the fah with perfect pitch.
  158. Far: (distant) The house is far from the city.
  159. Faint: (weak) She felt faint from the heat.
  160. Feint: (pretend) He made a feint to the left before striking.
  161. Fair: (just) It’s not fair that she gets special treatment.
  162. Fare: (cost of transportation) What’s the fare for the bus ride?
  163. Farther: (more distant) The store is farther than I thought.
  164. Father: (parent) My father taught me to ride a bike.
  165. Fate: (destiny) It seems like fate brought us together.
  166. Fête: (celebration) We’re having a fête for his birthday.
  167. Faun: (mythological creature) The faun frolicked in the forest.
  168. Fawn: (young deer) The fawn stumbled after its mother.
  169. Fay: (fairy) The fay granted her a wish.
  170. Fey: (visionary) She had a fey look in her eyes.
  171. Faze: (disturb) The noise didn’t faze her concentration.
  172. Phase: (stage) We’re in the planning phase of the project.
  173. Feat: (achievement) Climbing Mount Everest is a remarkable feat.
  174. Feet: (plural of foot) He stood firmly on his feet.
  175. Ferrule: (metal band) The ferrule held the pencil’s eraser.
  176. Ferule: (rod used for punishment) The teacher tapped the desk with the ferule.
  177. Few: (not many) There were few people at the party.
  178. Phew: (expression of relief) Phew, that was a close call!
  179. Fie: (expression of disgust) Fie upon your lies!
  180. Phi: (Greek letter) The equation involved the use of phi.
  181. File: (document) He organized the papers in the file.
  182. Phial: (small bottle) The medicine was stored in a phial.
  183. Find: (discover) Did you find your keys yet?
  184. Fined: (charged a penalty) He was fined for speeding.
  185. Fir: (type of tree) The cabin was built from fir wood.
  186. Fur: (animal coat) She wore a coat trimmed with fur.
  187. Fizz: (bubbling sound) The soda began to fizz when opened.
  188. Phiz: (face) He had a distinctive phiz.
  189. Flair: (style) She had a flair for fashion.
  190. Flare: (burst of light) The flare lit up the night sky.
  191. Flaw: (defect) There was a flaw in the plan.
  192. Floor: (ground level) She swept the floor clean.
  193. Flea: (tiny insect) The dog scratched at a flea.
  194. Flee: (run away) They had to flee from danger.
  195. Flew: (past tense of fly) The bird flew gracefully.
  196. Flu: (illness) He caught the flu and had to stay home.
  197. Flex: (bend) He could flex his muscles easily.
  198. Flecks: (small specks) There were golden flecks in the paint.
  199. Floe: (floating ice) The polar bear rested on a large floe.
  200. Flow: (movement) The river had a gentle flow.
  201. Flour: (powdered grain) She sifted flour for the cake.
  202. Flower: (blossom) The flower bloomed in the spring.
  203. Foaled: (gave birth) The mare foaled a beautiful colt.
  204. Fold: (crease) He carefully folded the letter.
  205. For: (in favor of) I’m rooting for you!
  206. Fore: (front) The ship’s bow is located fore.
  207. For: (conjunction) She likes ice cream, for it’s cold.
  208. Four: (number) There are four seasons in a year.
  209. Foreword: (introductory note) The author wrote a foreword for the book.
  210. Forward: (in the front direction) He stepped forward to speak.
  211. Fort: (stronghold) They built a fort to defend the town.
  212. Fought: (past tense of fight) They fought bravely in battle.
  213. Forth: (forward) He marched forth with determination.
  214. Fourth: (ordinal number) He finished fourth in the race.
  215. Foul: (unfair) It’s foul play to cheat like that.
  216. Fowl: (bird) Chickens are a type of fowl.
  217. Franc: (currency) She exchanged dollars for francs.
  218. Frank: (honest) He was always frank about his feelings.
  219. Freeze: (solidify) The water will freeze if it gets cold enough.
  220. Frieze: (decorative band) The frieze depicted scenes from history.
  221. Friar: (monk) The friar tended to the monastery garden.
  222. Fryer: (cooking appliance) They cooked the chicken in the fryer.
  223. Furs: (animal skins) She wore furs to keep warm in winter.
  224. Furze: (shrub) The path was lined with furze bushes.
  225. Gait: (manner of walking) His gait was steady and determined.
  226. Gate: (entrance) Open the gate and let the car in.
  227. Galipot: (resin) The galipot was used in making varnish.
  228. Gallipot: (small pot) The ointment was stored in a gallipot.
  229. Gallop: (fast horse gait) The horse began to gallop across the field.
  230. Galop: (dance) They danced the galop with grace.
  231. Gamble: (bet) He liked to gamble at the casino.
  232. Gambol: (leap playfully) The lambs would gambol in the meadow.
  233. Gays: (homosexuals) The parade celebrated pride among gays.
  234. Gaze: (look steadily) She gazed out at the horizon.
  235. Genes: (genetic material) Her genes determined her eye color.
  236. Jeans: (clothing) He wore his favorite jeans to the party.
  237. Gild: (cover with gold) They would gild the frame of the painting.
  238. Guild: (association) He joined the blacksmiths’ guild.
  239. Gilt: (young female pig) The gilt squealed loudly.
  240. Guilt: (remorse) He felt guilt for his actions.
  241. Giro: (bank transfer) She arranged a giro payment.
  242. Gyro: (spinning device) The gyro stabilized the helicopter.
  243. Hail: (frozen precipitation) Hail fell during the storm.
  244. Hale: (healthy) Despite his age, he was hale and hearty.
  245. Hair: (strand on the head) She brushed her hair before bed.
  246. Hare: (fast mammal) The hare raced across the field.
  247. Hall: (large room) The wedding reception was held in the hall.
  248. Haul: (pull or drag) They had to haul the heavy boxes upstairs.
  249. Hangar: (storage for aircraft) The airplane was stored in the hangar.
  250. Hanger: (clothing hook) She hung her coat on the hanger.
  251. Hart: (male deer) We spotted a magnificent hart in the forest.
  252. Heart: (organ) His heart beat faster with excitement.
  253. Hour: (unit of time) We’ll meet in an hour.
  254. Our: (belonging to us) This is our house.
  255. Idle: (inactive) He sat idle, waiting for the phone to ring.
  256. Idol: (object of worship) She adored her favorite pop idol.
  257. In: (inside) He left his keys in the house.
  258. Inn: (lodging establishment) They stayed at a cozy inn.
  259. Indict: (accuse formally) The grand jury chose to indict the suspect.
  260. Indite: (compose) She loved to indite poetry in her spare time.
  261. It’s: (contraction of “it is”) It’s raining outside.
  262. Its: (belonging to it) The dog wagged its tail happily.
  263. Jewel: (precious stone) She wore a diamond jewel around her neck.
  264. Joule: (unit of energy) The light bulb consumed 60 joules of energy.
  265. Key: (device for opening) He inserted the key into the lock.
  266. Quay: (wharf) The boats were moored at the quay.
  267. Knave: (rogue) The knave stole the queen’s jewels.
  268. Nave: (central part of a church) The nave of the cathedral was impressive.
  269. Knead: (work dough) She kneaded the dough to make bread.
  270. Need: (requirement) He fulfilled his need for adventure.
  271. Knew: (past tense of “know”) She knew the answer to the question.
  272. New: (recently made) They bought a new car.
  273. Knight: (medieval warrior) The knight rode into battle.
  274. Night: (period of darkness) The stars shone brightly in the night sky.
  275. Knit: (create fabric by interlocking loops) She knit a scarf for her friend.
  276. Nit: (egg of a louse) The teacher checked for nits in the student’s hair.
  277. Knob: (rounded handle) She turned the knob to open the door.
  278. Nob: (wealthy person) The nob enjoyed a life of luxury.
  279. Knock: (strike a surface) He heard a knock at the door.
  280. Nock: (groove in an arrow) He placed the arrow on the nock of the bow.
  281. Knot: (tangled) She untied the knot in the rope.
  282. Not: (negation) It’s not raining today.
  283. Know: (be aware) I know the answer to that question.
  284. No: (negative response) The answer is no.
  285. Knows: (is aware) She knows how to solve the puzzle.
  286. Nose: (facial feature) He touched his nose with his finger.
  287. Laager: (defensive circle of wagons) The settlers formed a laager for protection.
  288. Lager: (type of beer) He ordered a pint of lager at the pub.
  289. Lac: (resinous substance) The lac was used to polish the wood.
  290. Lack: (absence) There was a lack of evidence in the case.
  291. Lade: (load) They lade the cargo onto the ship.
  292. Laid: (past tense of “lay”) She laid the book on the table.
  293. Lain: (past participle of “lie”) The cat had lain in the sun all day.
  294. Lane: (narrow road) They walked down the country lane.
  295. Muscle: (tissue for movement) His muscles bulged as he lifted the weight.
  296. Mussel: (shellfish) They collected mussels from the rocks.
  297. Naval: (relating to the navy) He served in the naval academy.
  298. Navel: (belly button) He had a piercing in his navel.
  299. Nay: (negative response) His answer was a firm nay.
  300. Neigh: (sound a horse makes) The horse let out a loud neigh.
  301. Nigh: (near) The end of the journey was nigh.
  302. Nye: (evening) We’ll meet at the party on New Year’s Nye.
  303. None: (not any) None of the apples were ripe.
  304. Nun: (female religious) The nun prayed quietly in the chapel.
  305. Oar: (rowing tool) He paddled the boat with an oar.
  306. Or: (alternative) You can have tea or coffee.
  307. Od: (unpleasant scent) The room had an unpleasant od.
  308. Odd: (unusual) It’s odd to see him out of uniform.
  309. Ode: (poetic tribute) She wrote an ode to nature.
  310. Owed: (owed) The billowed had to be paid by Friday.
  311. Oh: (exclamation) Oh, I see what you mean now.
  312. Owe: (be obligated) I owe you a debt of gratitude.
  313. One: (single) There is only one slice of cake left.
  314. Won: (victory) She won the race by a narrow margin.
  315. Packed: (filled) The suitcase was packed for the trip.
  316. Pact: (agreement) They made a pact to always be friends.
  317. Packs: (groups) The wolves travel in packs.
  318. Pax: (peace) They signed a treaty to ensure pax.
  319. Pail: (bucket) He carried water in a metal pail.
  320. Pale: (light color) Her face turned pale with fright.
  321. Pain: (discomfort) He winced in pain as he stood up.
  322. Pane: (window glass) The pane of glass shattered.
  323. Pair: (two of a kind) They bought a pair of shoes.
  324. Pare: (trim) She used a knife to pare the apple.
  325. Pair: (two of a kind) They make a lovely pair.
  326. Pear: (fruit) The pear tree was laden with fruit.
  327. Rose: (flower) She received a bouquet of roses.
  328. Rows: (lines) The corn grows in neat rows.
  329. Rota: (schedule) Check the rota for your shifts.
  330. Rotor: (rotating part) The helicopter’s rotor spun.
  331. Rote: (memorization) She learned the poem by rote.
  332. Wrote: (written) She wrote a letter to her friend.
  333. Rough: (uneven) His hands were rough from hard work.
  334. Ruff: (collar) The dog wore a fluffy ruff.
  335. Rouse: (awaken) He tried to rouse her from sleep.
  336. Rows: (lines) The children sat in neat rows.
  337. Rung: (step on ladder) He climbed up another rung.
  338. Wrung: (twisted) She wrung out the wet towel.
  339. Rye: (grain) Rye bread is dense and flavorful.
  340. Wry: (ironic) He gave a wry smile at the joke.
  341. Sail: (boat propulsion) They set sail for the open sea.
  342. Sale: (discount event) There’s a sale at the mall today.
  343. Sale: (discount event) The store announced a sale.
  344. Sail: (boat propulsion) The yacht unfurled its sail.
  345. Sane: (rational) He seemed perfectly sane to me.
  346. Seine: (fishing net) They used a seine to catch fish.
  347. Satire: (humorous criticism) The cartoon was a satire on politics.
  348. Satyr: (mythological creature) He dressed as a satyr for Halloween.
  349. Sauce: (condiment) Pass the sauce for the pasta, please.
  350. Source: (origin) They traced the pollution to its source.
  351. Saver: (one who saves) She’s a diligent saver of money.
  352. Savour: (enjoy) Take a moment to savour the flavor.
  353. Saw: (cutting tool) He used a saw to cut the wood.
  354. Soar: (fly high) The eagle soared above the mountains.
  355. Scene: (setting) The crime scene was carefully analyzed.
  356. Seen: (perceived) She was seen leaving the building.
  357. Told: (informed) He told us an interesting story.
  358. Tolled: (rang) The church bells tolled at midnight.
  359. Tole: (painted metalware) She collected antique tole trays.
  360. Toll: (fee) They paid the toll to cross the bridge.
  361. Ton: (weight measurement) He lifted a ton of bricks.
  362. Tun: (large cask) The wine was stored in a tun.
  363. Tor: (rocky hill) They climbed the tor for a better view.
  364. Tore: (past tense of tear) She tore the paper in frustration.
  365. Tough: (strong) It was a tough decision to make.
  366. Tuff: (type of rock) The cliffs were made of tuff.
  367. Troop: (group of soldiers) The troop marched in formation.
  368. Troupe: (group of performers) The troupe put on a fantastic show.
  369. Tuba: (musical instrument) He played the tuba in the band.
  370. Tuber: (potato, etc.) The potato is a tuber.
  371. Vain: (conceited) She was vain about her appearance.
  372. Vane: (weathercock) The vane pointed north.
  373. Vale: (valley) They hiked through the picturesque vale.
  374. Veil: (covering) She wore a veil over her face.
  375. Vial: (small bottle) The vial contained a clear liquid.
  376. Vile: (disgusting) His behavior was vile.
  377. Wail: (loud cry) The baby’s wail could be heard throughout the house.
  378. Wale: (raised mark) The fabric had a wale pattern.
  379. Wain: (wagon) The wain was loaded with hay.
  380. Wane: (decrease) The moon began to wane in the sky.
  381. Waist: (part of the body) She tied a belt around her waist.
  382. Waste: (unused or spoiled) Don’t waste food.
  383. Wait: (pause) Please wait for me.
  384. Weight: (heaviness) The weight of the package was too much to carry.
  385. Wight: (person) A wight approached them in the dark.
  386. Who’s: (contraction of “who is”) Who’s going to the party?
  387. Whose: (possessive form of “who”) Whose book is this?
  388. Woe: (sorrow) She expressed her woe over the loss.
  389. Whoa: (stop command) Whoa, slow down!
  390. Wood: (material from trees) The table was made of wood.
  391. Would: (conditional verb) He would like some tea, please.
  392. Yaw: (deviate from course) The boat began to yaw in the rough sea.
  393. Yore: (past time) Tales from days of yore.
  394. Yoke: (harness for oxen) The oxen wore a yoke.
  395. Yolk: (yellow part of an egg) She separated the egg white from the yolk.
  396. You’ll: (contraction of “you will”) You’ll enjoy the movie.
  397. Yule: (Christmas season) They decorated the house for Yule.

1000 homophones words

list of 1000 homophones words 1000 homophones words 2 1000 homophones words list 2 1000 homophones words list