100 Basic English Words For Beginners

100 Basic English Words For Beginners! If you’re just starting to learn English, you need to begin with the basics. Memorizing 100 basic English words will give you a great foundation on which to build. And once you know these words, you can start using them in simple conversations. Here’s a list of 100 essential English words for beginners. Start learning them today and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a fluent English speaker!

basic words for beginners

Basic English Words For Beginners

  1. Bell
  2. Santa Claus
  3. Star
  4. Time
  5. Bear
  6. Box
  7. Chocolate
  8. Tree
  9. Kitty
  10. Man
  11. Night
  12. Seed
  13. Dog
  14. Father
  15. Garden
  16. Door
  17. Hand
  18. Letter
  19. Bed
  20. Chicken
  21. Story
  22. Way
  23. Farm
  24. Friend
  25. Ground
  26. Name
  27. Baby
  28. Thing
  29. Top
  30. Nest
  31. Paper
  32. Song
  33. Apple
  34. Cake
  35. Water
  36. Back
  37. Birth
  38. Bread
  39. Brother
  40. Christmas
  41. Day
  42. Boat
  43. Snow
  44. Sun
  45. Toy
  46. Car
  47. Egg
  48. Head
  49. Book
  50. Boy
  51. Doll
  52. Rabbit
  53. Stick
  54. Window
  55. House
  56. Ring
  57. Street
  58. Child
  59. Duck
  60. Fish
  61. Money
  62. Bath
  63. Chair
  64. Eye
  65. Wood
  66. Morning
  67. Rain
  68. Shoe
  69. Table
  70. Picture
  71. School
  72. Smile
  73. Coat
  74. Cow
  75. Goodbye
  76. Grass
  77. Leg
  78. Robin
  79. Girl
  80. Hill
  81. Milk
  82. Sheep
  83. Sister
  84. Watch
  85. Ball
  86. Squirrel
  87. Wind
  88. Fire
  89. Floor
  90. Horse
  91. Home
  92. Mother
  93. Party
  94. Flower
  95. Game
  96. Pig
  97. Bird
  98. Cat
  99. Corn
  100. Foot

Basic English Words for Beginners and Example Sentences

  • Answer: She answered the question correctly.
  • Ask: He asked if I wanted to join him.
  • Call: I called my friend to ask for help.
  • Change: I need to change my mind about something.
  • Close: He closed his eyes in order to relax.
  • Find: He found his way back home in the dark.
  • Follow: Follow your dreams and never give up!
  • Give: Can you give me a hand with this?
  • Help: Can you help me with this project?
  • Include: The package includes free shipping!
  • Listen: Listen carefully to what I have to say.
  • Live: I want to live an adventurous life!
  • Look: Let’s look at all our options before deciding.
  • Make: She made a delicious dinner for us.
  • Move: The dog moved quickly across the field.
  • Need: You need to plan ahead for success.
  • Open: She opened the door and stepped inside.
  • Play: The children were playing in the park.
  • Point: I pointed to the correct answer on the board.
  • Read: He reads a lot of books every month.
  • Say: What did he say when you asked him?
  • Share: Let’s share our ideas with each other.
  • Show: He showed us his collection of coins.
  • Speak: She spoke softly to her little brother.
  • Start: It’s time to start a new chapter in life!
  • Stop: Stop and think before you make a decision.
  • Take: I took a deep breath before speaking.
  • Talk: Can we talk about this another time?
  • Think: I need to think before making my decision.
  • Try: She tried her best to finish the race.
  • Understand: Do you understand what I’m saying?
  • Use: We can use this tool to fix the problem.
  • Wait: We need to wait for the right moment.
  • Walk: We should walk instead of taking the car.
  • Work: He always works hard for what he wants.
  • Write: She wrote her thoughts down in her journal.
  • Believe: I believe in the power of positive thinking.
  • Bring: Please bring me a glass of water.
  • Choose: Choose your words carefully before speaking.
  • Come: Come over here and have a seat.
  • Carry: She carried her backpack on her back.
  • Drive: He drives to work every morning.
  • Eat: I like to eat a healthy breakfast every day.
  • Feel: How do you feel about this situation?
  • Go: Let’s go for a walk in the park!
  • Hold: He holds the world record for running a mile.

Basic English Words for Beginners with Pictures

School Words for Beginners

1. Teacher Teacher
2. Student Student
3. Eraser Eraser
4. Pen Pen
5. Book Book
6. Desk Desk
7. Pencil Pencil
8. Chair Chair
9. Bag Bag
10. Whiteboard Whiteboard

Animals Words for Beginners

1. Cat Cat
2. Dog Dog
3. Horse Horse
4. Pig Pig
5. Sheep Sheep
6. Cow Cow
7. Duck Duck
8. Lion Lion
9. Elephant Elephant
10. Tiger Tiger

Fruits Words for Beginners

1. Apple Apple
2. Banana Banana
3. Orange Orange
4. Watermelon Watermelon
5. Grape Grape
6. Strawberry Strawberry
7. Pineapple Pineapple
8. Mango Mango
9. Cherry Cherry
10. Lemon Lemon 1

Colors Words for Beginners

1. Red Red
2. Blue blue
3. Green green
4. Yellow yellow
5. Cyan Cyan
6. Purple Purple
7. Orange Orange 2
8. Brown Brown
9. Pink pink
10. Black Black

Transportation Words for Beginners

1. Plane Plane
2. Car Scarf
3. Train Train
4. Bus Bus
5. Boat Boat
6. Bicycle Bicycle
7. Helicopter Helicopter
8. Motorcycle Motorcycle
9. Subway Subway
10. Taxi Taxi

Kitchen Words for Beginners

1. Plate Plate
2. Bowl bowl
3. Spatula Spatula 1
4. Knife Knife 1
5. Fork Fork 1
6. Spoon Spoon 1
7. Chopping board Chopping board
8. Refrigerator Refrigerator 1
9. Oven Oven 1
10. Stove Stove 1

Vegetable Words for Beginners

1. Potato Potato 1
2. Carrot Carrot 1
3. Onion Onion 1
4. Broccoli Broccoli 1
5. Cauliflower Cauliflower 1
6. Spinach Spinach 1
7. Cucumber Cucumber 1
8. Tomato Tomato 1
9. Garlic Garlic 1
10. Peas Peas 1

Shopping Words for Beginners

1. Cashier Cashier
2. Customer Customer
3. Cart Cart
4. Bill Bill
5. Shop Shop
6. Store Store
7. Mall Mall
8. Discount Discount
9. Bargain Bargain
10. Receipt Receipt

Clothing Words for Beginners

1. Shirt shirt
2. Dress Dress
3. Jeans Jeans
4. Shorts Shorts
5. Hat Hat
6. Jacket Jacket
7. Shoes Shoes
8. Scarf Scarf
9. Socks Socks
10. Gloves Gloves

Sports Words for Beginners

1. Soccer Soccer
2. Baseball Baseball
3. Basketball Basketball
4. Volleyball Mountain
5. Tennis Tennis
6. Swimming Swimming
7. Running Running
8. Skiing Skiing
9. Golf Golf
10. Cycling cycling

Nature Words for Beginners

1. Forest Forest
2. Tree Tree
3. Animal Animal
4. Sky Sky
5. Cloud Cloud
6. Sun Sun
7. Moon Moon
8. Star Star
9. Flower Flower
10. Mountain Mountain

Worksheets for Beginners

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