20 Best Similes for Check (With Meanings & Examples)

The word ‘check’ can be used in various contexts, often implying confirmation, verification, or a stopping mechanism. Let’s explore 20 similes that creatively capture different nuances of ‘check.’

Similes for Check

1. As Checked as a Chessboard

Meaning: Clearly patterned or delineated

Example: His strategy was as checked as a chessboard, with every move calculated.

2. As Checked as a List on New Year’s Eve

Meaning: Thoroughly reviewed

Example: Her resolutions were as checked as a list on New Year’s Eve, meticulously planned.

3. As Checked as a Teacher’s Grade Book

Meaning: Carefully evaluated

Example: The project was as checked as a teacher’s grade book, with attention to every detail.

4. As Checked as a Quality Inspector

Meaning: Rigorously examined

Example: The machinery was as checked as a quality inspector would ensure, leaving no room for errors.

5. As Checked as a Detective’s Notes

Meaning: Intensely scrutinized

Example: His alibi was as checked as a detective’s notes, leaving no stone unturned.

6. As Checked as a Pilot’s Pre-Flight Checklist

Meaning: Systematically verified

Example: The safety procedures were as checked as a pilot’s pre-flight checklist, ensuring a safe journey.

7. As Checked as a Banker’s Ledger

Meaning: Precisely accounted for

Example: His finances were as checked as a banker’s ledger, with every penny accounted for.

8. As Checked as a Proofreader’s Manuscript

Meaning: Thoroughly corrected

Example: Her article was as checked as a proofreader’s manuscript, free from any mistakes.

9. As Checked as a Guard at the Gate

Meaning: Vigilantly monitored

Example: The security system was as checked as a guard at the gate, constantly vigilant.

10. As Checked as a Doctor’s Diagnosis

Meaning: Carefully analyzed

Example: His health was as checked as a doctor’s diagnosis, with every symptom considered.

11. As Checked as a Librarian’s Records

Meaning: Organized and tracked

Example: The book inventory was as checked as a librarian’s records, perfectly organized.

12. As Checked as a Timekeeper’s Watch

Meaning: Accurately timed

Example: The event schedule was as checked as a timekeeper’s watch, running on precise timing.

13. As Checked as a Gourmet’s Recipe

Meaning: Meticulously prepared

Example: The dinner menu was as checked as a gourmet’s recipe, prepared with attention to every ingredient.

14. As Checked as an Editor’s Draft

Meaning: Critically reviewed

Example: Her speech was as checked as an editor’s draft, polished to perfection.

15. As Checked as a Traveler’s Itinerary

Meaning: Well-planned

Example: Their vacation plans were as checked as a traveler’s itinerary, with each day’s activities planned out.

16. As Checked as a Traffic Cop’s Beat

Meaning: Regularly patrolled

Example: The neighborhood was as checked as a traffic cop’s beat, ensuring safety for all residents.

17. As Checked as a Scientist’s Data

Meaning: Rigorously tested

Example: The experiment’s results were as checked as a scientist’s data, ensuring accurate findings.

18. As Checked as a Coder’s Algorithm

Meaning: Precisely debugged

Example: The software was as checked as a coder’s algorithm, functioning flawlessly.

19. As Checked as an Accountant’s Spreadsheet

Meaning: Accurately calculated

Example: The budget was as checked as an accountant’s spreadsheet, with every cost considered.

20. As Checked as a Historian’s Archive

Meaning: Well-documented

Example: The family history was as checked as a historian’s archive, with every detail recorded.


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