Daisy Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Daisies are more than just pretty flowers; they appear in many English phrases too. This blog post explores 20 common daisy-related idioms, explaining their meanings and demonstrating how to use them in sentences. It’s simple enough for anyone to understand, even kids!

Daisy Idioms

Here are 20 daisy idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Pushing up daisies

Meaning: Dead and buried.
Example: He’s been pushing up daisies for years.

2. Fresh as a daisy

Meaning: Very fresh or energetic.
Example: I woke up feeling as fresh as a daisy.

3. In the daisy chain

Meaning: Involved in a sequence or circle.
Example: They were all in the daisy chain of gossip.

4. Coming up daisies

Meaning: To turn out well.
Example: Everything’s coming up daisies for her.

5. Daisies won’t tell

Meaning: Secrets are safe.
Example: Don’t worry, the daisies won’t tell.

6. Like daisies in the wind

Meaning: Very fragile or delicate.
Example: Her feelings are like daisies in the wind.

7. Not enough daisies

Meaning: Lacking, insufficient.
Example: His apology had not enough daisies.

8. Daisies for innocence

Meaning: Symbol for purity or innocence.
Example: She wore daisies for innocence at court.

9. Daisies speak louder

Meaning: Actions are more significant than words.
Example: In love, daisies speak louder than words.

10. Picking daisies

Meaning: Not paying attention.
Example: He was just picking daisies during the meeting.

11. No daisies given

Meaning: No cares or worries.
Example: She walks through life with no daisies given.

12. Too many daisies

Meaning: Overwhelmed or overloaded.
Example: I’ve got too many daisies on my mind today.

13. Earn your daisies

Meaning: Work hard for what you get.
Example: He really earned his daisies with that project.

14. Daisy’s luck

Meaning: Extremely good fortune.
Example: She found her keys by Daisy’s luck.

15. Daisy cutter

Meaning: Something that moves low and fast.
Example: The pitch was a real daisy cutter.

16. Night of daisies

Meaning: A night of peace and serenity.
Example: We enjoyed a night of daisies under the stars.

17. A field without daisies

Meaning: A sad or desolate place.
Example: His heart was a field without daisies.

18. Daisy’s worth

Meaning: The true value of something.
Example: Her kindness is above Daisy’s worth.

19. Daisies at dawn

Meaning: A new beginning or start.
Example: He took it as daisies at dawn for his career.

20. Chain of daisies

Meaning: A series of connected events or people.
Example: Their friendship was a chain of daisies.

Daisy Idioms